First-class daughter

Chapter 892 She's a Ximai

Chapter 892 She's a Ximai
Chapter 892 She's a Ximai
But, could the visitor be unkind?There are still tradeoffs.

"Pity the hearts of the parents in the world. I am in the palace, and I am also worried about Yun Zheng who is outside every day. I ask the Bodhisattva for blessing three times a day."

"The emperor's birthday banquet yesterday, but unfortunately my sister did not come because she was not feeling well. The Wei family is like a dog in mourning, and Concubine Xu Xian is not well. According to my observation, the emperor has doubts about her and believes that she is in collusion with the Wei family." Concubine Feng De gradually talked about the topic. It's over to Wei's house.

"After Yue'er came back, I also heard about it. I was really sweating for my Yue'er."

"The concubine Yun Zheng asked for is really good. She is resourceful, calm and calm. She was unhurried from the beginning to the end. Originally, the Wei family wanted to use the pearl to frame her, but she won beautifully." Concubine Feng De showed a hint of admiration on her face. gaze.

"It's hard for her. Yun Zheng is not here. She has to do everything alone. I am not in good health and can't help. I can only worry here. Fortunately, because Wei Guogong has done many injustices, she can turn the crisis into safety. Save the day." Speaking of Lian Siyue, Concubine Liang seemed a little scared.

Concubine Feng De saw that Concubine Liang had reservations about her words, so she knew that she hadn't planned to accept her to join, so she approached her suddenly, and said:

"Sister, my sister still remembers the incident more than ten years ago. It was Concubine Xian who was so hateful. At that time, I really wronged you.

When I looked at Princess Hengqin yesterday, I thought, if you had the courage back then, the child would be about the same age as Princess Hengqin now. "

Speaking of this point, Concubine Liang clenched the hand holding the veil tightly, a flash of hatred flashed in her eyes.

"Mother Concubine, De Concubine Empress."

At this time, Lian Siyue came over and bowed to Concubine Liang and Concubine Feng De.

Concubine Liang looked at her lovingly, and asked, "Sleep well."

Lian Siyue nodded, "Concubine Mu, I slept very well, and now my spirits have recovered, Concubine Mu, don't worry."

Concubine Feng De said from the side, "You are like your own mother and daughter. This kind of relationship is really too difficult. My mother-in-law Feng Ling'er and Feng Xi'er are not as good as you."

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Empress Defei, the Fifth Princess and the Seventh Princess are well-behaved, you don't have to worry too much."

"Hehehe..." Concubine De laughed.

After the three of them talked about their parents, Concubine Feng De lowered her voice and asked, "Princess Hengqin, tell me, how deep is the relationship between Concubine Xu Xian and Feng Ye and the Wei family? Well, Wei Ruhao has already voluntarily sacrificed himself." gone."

"This... Hasn't the emperor stopped pursuing it?" Lian Siyue smiled faintly.

"During your investigation of the Wei family, didn't you discover the correspondence between Menghua Palace and Wei Guofu?" Feng Defei asked.

"It's true." Lian Siyue said.

"Concubine Xu Xian is very thoughtful, maybe she didn't use letters." Concubine Feng De thought thoughtfully, "Let's see if there is any movement in the dungeon in the past two days."

After talking for a while, Concubine Feng De was about to leave, "Will Princess Heng take me to the door?"

"Yue'er is happy."

The two arrived at the gate of the hall together.

Concubine Feng De said, "A very sad thing happened to your concubine more than ten years ago, do you know?"

"I don't know what the Concubine De is talking about?" Lian Siyue knew that Concubine De had asked her to come, so she must have something to tell.

"At that time, your concubine mother was pregnant with a second child, and it was the time when Concubine Xu Xian was the most powerful and favored..." Concubine Feng De's eyes gradually became distant, and she talked about the loss of Concubine Liang's second child.

Hearing this, Lian Siyue was startled, such a thing happened to the concubine mother?

She didn't know about it in the previous life, and neither Concubine Mu nor Yun Zheng had ever told her about it in this life.

"So, your mother and concubine didn't stay so indifferent to Mingzhi's temperament at the beginning, it started to be like this after losing this little princess.

Speaking of which, if the little princess is successfully delivered, she will be as old as you now.

In fact, your mother and concubine like her daughter very much. "

Feng Defei said.

Lian Siyue suddenly understood why the concubine mother loved her so much. It turned out that she had lost her daughter before, so she probably loved her daughter-in-law especially unintentionally.

When Lian Siyue walked back, she stood under the tree and saw Concubine Liang was there, discussing with the nuns how to make small clothes for the child in her womb.

She had a dignified and gentle smile on her face. If Concubine Feng De didn't say anything, she would not know that she had suffered such trauma in her heart.

Even Siyue has lost a child, so she is especially able to understand Concubine Liang's state of mind over the years.

She lifted her foot and walked over, took Concubine Liang's hand, put her face on her body, and shouted, "Concubine Mother."

Concubine Liang felt Lian Siyue's closeness, her heart trembled slightly, she raised her hand to gently brush her face, tears glistened in her eyes.

in the dungeon.

"Let me out! Let me out! I am the princess, and I am the woman of His Highness Eighth Highness, you can't lock me up, get out!"

Wei Ru seemed to be crazy, shaking the cell door vigorously.

The food brought in by the jailer was also smashed out of the prison door by her forcefully.

Her fine clothes had been taken off and replaced with a white prison uniform, the ornaments on her head were removed one by one, and her messy hair was scattered behind her.

"Lian Siyue, you bitch, it's you, you stole my favorite man, and now you even take away my status!

I hate you, I hate you, I will never let you go even if I die!

Bitch!Bitch! "

She grabbed the stones on the ground, wrote Lian Siyue's name fiercely on the wall, and then made crosses one by one.

"Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

At this moment, the cell door opened, and a jailer came in—

"Are you going to let me out!"

She turned around abruptly and asked with wide-eyed eyes.

However, the person she saw was - "Brother Ye"?
He dressed up as a jailer to visit her?She blinked hard, a little in disbelief at what she saw.

Feng Ye put his finger near his lips, signaling her to keep quiet.

Wei Ruhao nodded repeatedly, put his fingers to his lips, lowered his voice, and asked happily, "Did you come to see me on purpose?"

Feng Ye didn't speak, walked in front of her, and took off the jailer's hat on his head, revealing his black hair.

He saw Lian Siyue's name on the wall.

An uncomfortable look flashed across Wei Ruhao's face, and he said:

"Actually, I really envy her."

"What are you envious of?" Feng Ye asked.

It was rare for him to have a good talk with her like this, Wei Ruhao felt a little sadly happy.

"I envy her for her effortlessness, but she gets your unwavering affection, so much so that I hate her to the bone. Brother Ye, can you tell me what's wrong with her?"

"Do you want to use this little time to talk about someone you don't like?" Feng Ye didn't answer her question, but said this.

Wei Ruhao's heart jumped slightly, and he asked, "Yes, don't talk about her, don't talk about her, then you came to see me specially, or, or will you save the Wei family? Brother Ye, please, save Wei Come home, please."

Suddenly, Feng Ye reached out and grabbed her wrist.

She was stunned, her heart skipped a beat, she looked at Feng Ye, and said in a trembling voice, "Ye, Brother Ye..." He actually held her hand.

However, after holding her hand for a while, Feng Ye trembled all over, let go of her hand suddenly, and took two steps back——

"What's the matter, brother Ye? Are you feeling my pulse? Can you?" Wei Ru asked curiously.

Feng Ye's hands trembled slightly, his eyes fell on her abdomen, he shook his head, and said, "No."

He would, because before he came, he consulted Doctor Rong about the symptoms of Ximai, and Wei Ruhao's current pulse clearly shows that it is——

happy pulse.

She already has his child.

(End of this chapter)

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