First-class daughter

Chapter 893 She's Dead

Chapter 893 She's Dead

Chapter 893 She's Dead

His heart instantly sank to the deepest part of the valley.

"Brother Ye, what are you thinking..." Wei Ruhao called softly.

Feng Ye came back to his senses and asked, "Do you have any wishes?"

"To be with you, to be your princess." Wei Ruhao replied without hesitation.

"What else?" he asked again.

"I will have a baby with you." A rare trace of innocence appeared in Wei Ruhao's eyes.

"Is there any more? It can be realized now." Feng Ye clenched the fist in his sleeve tightly.

"It can be realized now..." Wei Ruhao blinked, smiled brightly, and blushed a little, "Can you hug me? Although we have already, but..."

Feng Ye took out the key to the prison door from his sleeve, opened it with a bang, and walked in front of her.

"Brother Ye..." Wei Ruhao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Feng Ye reached out and took her into his arms.

Wei Ruhao's eyes widened suddenly, a little in disbelief that Feng Ye would take the initiative to hug her without any rejection, she could feel that this hug was his willingness.

She suddenly felt elated, and hugged him even more tightly, her face pressed against his broad chest, her eyes closed, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Brother Ye, the original hug feels so good. If only you could hug like this for the rest of your life, it would be fine."

Feng Ye slowly closed his eyes, hiding the emotion in his eyes.

His hand slowly came to Wei Ruhao's abdomen, held it down, and pressed against it lightly.

Wei Ru was taken aback for a moment, she misunderstood Feng Ye's meaning, thinking he was teasing her, she shrank back immediately——

"This is the prison."

However, Feng Ye didn't say a word, and he didn't let go of his hand, and kept it in this position.

Hugged for a while——

Feng Ye knew that time was running out, so he let go of his embrace.

Wei Ruhao suddenly left the place he was nostalgic for, feeling a little lost in his heart.

Feng Ye glanced at the ground, it was full of broken bowls and chopsticks——

"Didn't eat anything?"

"I can't eat, Brother Ye, I don't want to be imprisoned here, I don't want to be exiled outside the Great Wall, I don't want to be a slave, please save me, save the Wei family.

The emperor sent you to supervise the country, which means that he attaches great importance to you, and he will listen to what you say, so go and beg him. "

Wei Ruhao grabbed Feng Ye's sleeve and begged bitterly.

Feng Ye withdrew his hand from hers, and then took out a meatloaf wrapped in thick paper from his bosom, it was still warm——

"You haven't eaten anything, eat it."

"You bought it for me?" Wei Ruhao asked in surprise.

Feng Ye nodded, "Eat while it's hot."

"Okay." Wei Ruhao took the pancake and put it in his mouth.

"Wait!" Feng Ye suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong?" Wei Ru looked at her puzzled.

"..." Feng Ye's hand trembled, and he slowly released it, saying, "I made a mistake, I thought there was something on the pancake, I didn't eat it, let's eat it."

"Yeah." Wei Ru opened his mouth so he took a big bite of the pancake and put it in his mouth, "It's warm and comfortable to eat."

Feng Ye stood in front of him, the fists in his sleeves trembling faintly, watching her eat the whole pancake, she looked delicious.

Feng Ye patted her on the shoulder, "It's all right after eating, take a good rest, I should go."

Wei Ru listened nicely, reluctantly, grabbed his sleeves again, and urged, "You must save me, save the Wei family."

Feng Ye nodded slightly, but he didn't seem to nod, he left the cell and walked out.

"Brother Ye, you must save me!" Wei Ruhao rushed to the prison door, held on tightly to the prison door, watched Feng Ye's leaving back, and shouted loudly.

Feng Ye left the dungeon as quickly as possible and arrived at Menghua Palace.

Seeing her, Concubine Xu Xian suddenly stood up from her chair, "Ye'er!"

Feng Ye didn't say a word, walked over, sat on the chair, expressionless, livid face, staring straight ahead somewhere in front of him, didn't say a word, just sat like that.

Concubine Xu Xian didn't know what was wrong with him, and didn't understand what he meant, but at this moment, she was obviously a little afraid of this son.

"Ye', are you hungry?"

Concubine Xu Xian asked carefully.

However, Feng Ye did not speak from the beginning to the end, Su Lai's arrogant and arrogant eyes were like stagnant water, without a trace of anger.

The atmosphere of the entire Dongxi Palace seemed to freeze, and no one dared to make a sound.

I don't know how long it took, Concubine Xu Xian couldn't hold on any longer, but Feng Ye didn't intend to leave, so she could only hold on and accompany her.

However, Feng Ye sat on the chair all night without moving, without saying a word.

Concubine Xu Xian fell asleep on the low couch beside her.

Early the next morning—

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Nanny Gui hurried in from outside the hall.

Concubine Xu Xian woke up suddenly, and saw that Feng Ye was still sitting here.

"What's the matter?" She asked with a splitting headache.

Nanny Gui glanced at Feng Ye cautiously, and whispered, "Wei Ru is so dead, the jailer found out this morning."

Concubine Xu Xian stood up suddenly, and then looked at Feng Ye who was beside her, and finally understood his abnormal behavior that night.

Wei Ru is dead!
It was Ye'er who moved the hand!

Feng Ye glanced at Concubine Xu Xian, and said slowly, "I killed my own child with my own hands."

"Ye'er... Mother concubine is wrong, it's all mother's fault, you are right, you are right, I killed this child, not you, Ye'er..." Seeing Feng Ye like this, Concubine Xu Xian felt really sad Worried, she said hastily.

And Feng Ye slowly opened his hands, "I killed my child without hesitation, my hands are stained with the blood of my own child, the crime is serious, I will not get anything good in this life Reported."

"No, it won't, Ye'er, it's all Empress Mother's sin, it's Empress Mother's, not yours." Concubine Xu Xian said hastily.

She didn't feel much about losing such a child, and even, she was very glad that Wei Ruhao was dead, so that he could avoid future troubles forever!
However, Feng Ye is like this, as a concubine, she is unwilling to see this situation.

He stood up, his heart was completely hollowed out, bloody, and the pain was so painful that it was difficult to breathe.

Step by step, with heavy steps, he walked outside.

Tears finally fell from his face, he closed his eyes deeply, covered his chest with his hands, and showed an expression of extreme pain on his face——

"Ah, ah..."

He cried out loudly, crying like a child who lost everything. He stood there, holding his heart in his hands all the time, his tall figure crumbling.

When the news of Wei Ruhao's death in the dungeon reached Menghua Palace.

Lian Siyue paused slightly with the hand holding the book——

"When did you die?"

"This morning, the jailer found it when he was delivering meals to the prison."

"How did he die?" she asked.

Mother Tai said, "He committed suicide by swallowing money."

(End of this chapter)

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