Chapter 894

Chapter 894


Lian Siyue's eyes darkened—does Wei Ruhao have the courage to commit suicide?
"It is said that she hid a silver hairpin in front of her chest, and when the jailer wasn't paying attention, she broke it and swallowed it." Mother Tai said.

"When Wei Ruhao entered the cell, he had such a strong will to survive. It's really strange that he committed suicide a day later." Concubine Liang came over and said.

"Maybe she knew something secret that she shouldn't know, and she was murdered to silence her." Lian Siyue deduced.

But what secret did she know?
Who was killed again?

"" Is it Concubine Xian?After all, what the emperor said yesterday clearly suspected that Concubine Xian had something to do with the Wei family. "Liang Guifei thought about it.

"However, at the moment when the emperor is suspicious, to kill Wei Ruhao, this is no doubt that there is no silver 300 taels here, and the concubine Xian should not do this.

There must be a more important reason than this, which made her do this at the risk of being suspected by the emperor again. "Lian Siyue said.

"Hey... No matter what the reason is, this Wei Ruhao was always cheated by the concubine Xian. I used to see him as a well-educated and reasonable person. How did it become like this?" Concubine Liang had a good impression of Wei Ru at first. .

"Ma'am, Eunuch Feng is here." At this moment, Nanny Li came in and said.

Having said that, Feng Degui walked in, kowtowed to Concubine Liang and Lian Siyue, and said, "The emperor has an order, and Princess Heng should go to the Hall of Rongyuan for questioning."


Concubine Liang and Lian Siyue looked at each other——

At this time, what is the purpose of the emperor wanting to see her?

Concubine Liang approached and asked, "Eunuch Feng, can the emperor reveal anything?"

Feng Degui said, "Your Majesty, forgive me, the Emperor only said the imperial concubine, and didn't say anything else."

"Eunuch Feng, please wait a moment, I will go right away." Lian Siyue said to Feng Degui, and then said to Concubine Liang, "Mother Concubine, I will come as soon as I go."

"Okay, let's go." Concubine Liang felt a little uneasy for some reason.

Lian Siyue went all the way to the Rongyuan Hall and waited outside the hall. Because she was pregnant, Eunuch Feng said that the princess would not have to kneel.

After a while, she was summoned to go in.

Far away, Lian Siyue smelled a strong smell of medicine. In a side hall, there were several imperial physicians sitting there, and these imperial physicians were always waiting here.

The maids and eunuchs looked solemn, walking and doing things without making a sound.

Led by Feng Degui, she entered the emperor's bedroom, separated by a screen, she could only vaguely see the figure of Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"Are you here?" Zhou Chengdi's slightly aged voice came through the screen.

"Long live the emperor." Lian Siyue knelt down and said.

"You are pregnant, get up, Feng Degui, give me a seat." Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lian Siyue sat down on the chair.

"How long has Yunzheng been investigating the Wei family?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

It turned out that he wanted to ask about the Wei family. It seems that the fact that Wei Guogong asked for information from the officials of the Imperial City Department had a great influence on Zhou Chengdi, who was always suspicious.

Moreover, Wei Ruhao's sudden sudden death today will definitely deepen his suspicion of Concubine Xu Xian and Feng Ye.

"According to what His Royal Highness said, it has been about half a year. I wanted to wait a while longer because I wanted to find the most reliable evidence before reporting to the emperor, but I had to say it yesterday." Lian Siyue replied.

"Oh, Yun Zheng did the right thing. I also sent Jiang Keji to investigate the matter carefully in the past two days, and the evidence we got is similar to his." Zhou Chengdi coughed a few times as he said, and his voice seemed uncomfortable.

Feng Degui and the servants waiting on both sides hurried into the screen, and after a while, Emperor Zhou Cheng asked again, "Among all the clues that Yun Zheng is checking, is there anything related to Concubine Xian and Feng Ye?"

After hearing this question, Lian Siyue tightened her hands slightly——

The emperor was in a fit of anger. At this time, if she said yes, His Highness Feng Ye would suffer a lot, let alone Concubine Xu Xian.

It's just the future of His Highness the Eighth Prince...

"Tell the truth, I promise I won't blame you." Seeing that she didn't answer right away, the emperor thought she was worried, so he said.

"Yes, Siyue tells the truth and dare not lie.

Your Majesty, in the investigation of His Highness the Ninth Prince, and according to Siyue's inference, although Concubine Xu Xian is close to Wei Ruhao, she has not provided the Wei family with information about the Emperor and the harem.

As for the Eighth Prince, it is even more impossible to do such a thing, you should know the Eighth Prince.

I can believe that His Highness the Eighth Prince's character and heart, he will never forget his identity as a prince, let alone betray the emperor.

Moreover, Wei Ruhao once mentioned to me that His Highness has no affection for her and does not want to marry her, so His Highness is not close to the Wei family. "

Lian Siyue said so.

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded, and said, "If you say so, I really should trust Ye'er, so there's no need to doubt him."

"The emperor is wise." Lian Siyue said. ,

Her words had a great impact on Feng Ye.

Because Emperor Zhou Cheng also knew that there was a rift between Concubine Xu Xian and Lian Siyue because of the matter of the Eleventh Prince Fengjue. This was an opportunity to join Menghua Palace, but she spoke for Concubine Xu Xian and Feng Ye. The emperor will certainly believe her words.

"What do you think of Wei Ruhao's death?" Zhou Chengdi asked again.

"I heard that she swallowed money and died. Siyue had a relationship with Wei Ruhao before. She was very noble and arrogant. She must have thought about her future life. She was used to being pampered. She couldn't bear this drastic change, so she committed suicide."

Lian Siyue said.

Send the Buddha to the west, Feng Ye, let me help you again!
Feng Ye, your mother and concubine are not kind to me, and I must be unrighteous to him, so this is the last thing I can do for you. From now on, I will not show any kindness to you or your mother and concubine again. .She said silently in her heart.

"Huh." Emperor Zhou Cheng snorted coldly, "If you do many injustices, you will die yourself. Duke Wei claims to be smart, but he has no basic loyalty to me. Everything today is his own fault!"

"Yes, your majesty is wise, relying on the reputation of three generations of loyalty, the Wei family can do whatever they want, get rid of them and then quickly!" Lian Siyue said.

"Forget it, I'm tired, you go down." Zhou Chengdi said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lian Siyue got up.

"Wait." She was about to leave when Emperor Zhou Cheng stopped her.

"Please instruct the emperor."

"I want to give you a task."

Task? "Please tell me, Your Majesty." Lian Siyue's heart tightened slightly.

"There is one more thing I am most worried about right now, and that is the marriage of the eleventh prince, Feng Jue." Zhou Chengdi said, "It is really important for a prince to have a reliable and virtuous wife. To you, Yu Yunzheng, It can be both internal and external.

I hope Jue'er also has such a princess.

You are Juer's respected elder sister, and you have saved his life several times. Presumably, you know all about his preferences,

Therefore, I want you to help find and check. "

(End of this chapter)

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