First-class daughter

Chapter 895 Asking for a Marriage

Chapter 895 Asking for a Marriage
Chapter 895 Asking for a Marriage
Let her find a princess for Jue'er?
The first person that pops up in Lian Siyue's mind is her little sister Ling Yue'er, that girl has always been deeply in love with Jue'er, but Jue'er doesn't seem to express her attitude yet.

Moreover, Ling Yue'er's temperament needs to be maintained in every possible way in order to survive well.

Besides, the emperor also said that someone who can be a princess is required.

She hoped that Ling Yue'er could be with Lian Jue, but she was not willing to let her be with Feng Jue.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Siyue has it in mind." Lian Siyue said.

She wanted to ask Ling Yue'er for her opinion later, and she also hoped that both of them could find someone they love, the right one.

It's a wonderful thing to be in love with each other.

After coming out of Rongyuan Hall.

Even when Siyue met Feng Ye head-on, the two of them didn't look at each other, and Feng Ye changed his usual nostalgic attitude and went their separate ways.

Looking at Feng Ye's cold back, Yin Huai sighed slightly.

Thinking back to that day, His Highness the Eighth Prince walked all the way back to Prince Yu's Mansion after crying in Menghua Palace.

He walked very slowly, and did not return home until almost dawn.

Before entering the door, His Royal Highness had a word with him——

"Yinhuai, this king killed his own child with his own hands, and now he has to bury his love with his own hands. For this child, this king is not qualified to protect others. Everything will end with the death of this child." .”

"Your Highness, you have no choice but to..." Yin Huai really felt heartbroken for his master.

Feng Ye didn't say anything else, and walked into the mansion.

When he walked out of the palace again, he had already returned to his original state, as if nothing had happened.

When he saw Princess Heng coming out of Rongyuan Hall for the first time just now, he clearly stood under the banyan tree and watched silently for a while.

When he walked out and the two seemed to be walking by, he had already become very indifferent.

After entering the Rongyuan Hall, Feng Ye knelt on the ground and told Emperor Zhou Cheng some things about the court.

"How is Yunzheng and Jue'er doing in Shanhaiguan?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

Feng Ye cupped his hands and said, "The news came from Shanhaiguan this morning that the soldiers of the three armies have entered normal drills, because the Xiao family is very familiar with the military formation map, and it needs to be redrawn. This is also a huge project."

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded and said, "I hope they don't disappoint me. I've made up my mind. Even if we win the battle, I want them to stay there for another year."

"Father, my son doesn't understand you, why do you do this? Ninth Prince's newlywed Yan Er left, and will be a father in seven or eight months." Feng Ye said.

"He is a prince. The prince has no personal affairs. He lives for the court and for me." Zhou Chengdi said with a serious face.

"Yes, my son understands."

"Just now I asked Princess Heng a question, whether she found any inappropriate contact between you and the Wei family during the investigation."

Feng Ye heard this, knelt down, and said, "Father, the son has no second thoughts about the father and the court, and the mother concubine also wants to betroth Wei Ruhao to the son because she doesn't know the details of the Wei family, but the son I don't have any thoughts about Wei Ruhao, so please enlighten my father."

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded and said, "She answered me in the same way, and she also spoke for you, so that I can absolutely trust you in this regard, and don't doubt you."

Feng Ye's heart trembled slightly, did she speak for him?

"Okay, I'm going to rest for a while, you can go down." Emperor Zhou Cheng waved his hand.

"Father, my son has one more request." Feng Ye said after recovering.

"Tell me." Emperor Zhou Cheng agreed.

"My son wants to get married. Seeing that the ninth brother is about to become a father, my son also wants to have a family. I ask my father to find a marriage partner for my son." As if she had made up her mind for a long time, Feng Ye finally spoke.

"Hahaha..." Emperor Zhou Cheng laughed, "You finally want to start a family. I met the queen mother two days ago, and when it came to your marriage, I also said that this Yeer would not follow Yunzheng's example and give me Make a contribution, and then ask for the freedom of the marriage contract."

Feng Ye lowered his head, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and said, "Not everyone has the courage and --- luck of Brother Ninth Prince."

They hit it off, so they moved closer to each other.

But he didn't have this chance.

"Okay, you want to get married, which means that you are more mature. I have taken your request into my heart, and I will find a good marriage for you. Do you have any requirements for the object of marriage?"


"Knowledgeable and reasonable, demure and gentle is enough." Feng Ye said.

"Don't you want a beautiful woman who can overwhelm the country and the city?" Zhou Chengdi was in a good mood when he saw Feng Ye voluntarily mentioned that he wanted to get married, and even joked with him.

Feng Ye also laughed and said, "Beauties are naturally wanted. The Royal Father knows the thoughts of the sons and ministers well. Long live the Royal Father, long live the Royal Father."

He laughed and looked very happy, but when he looked closely, he saw that there was always a gloomy look at the ends of his eyes.

"Okay, I will ask the Ministry of Accounts to hand over some paperwork immediately, and I will let you choose the one you like."

"I thank you, Father." Feng Ye knelt down and thanked him.

After walking out of Rongyuan Hall, a heavy boulder in his heart seemed to be released——

That's it, goodbye.

Menghua Palace.

Concubine Xu Xian was both happy and worried when she heard Yin Huai say that today Feng Ye took the initiative to ask the emperor for a marriage.

The joy is that Feng Ye finally let go of her obsession, but the worry is that she doesn't know what kind of princess the emperor will choose for Ye'er.

She complained a little, and said, "Ye'er, why don't you discuss this matter with your mother and let your father and king decide.

The mother and concubine will not make decisions for you indiscriminately, but you can choose it yourself first, and after the selection is made, hand it over to your father.

That way, you can always choose the one you like.

Give it directly to your royal father, if the one selected is not satisfactory, wouldn't it be..."

Feng Ye said, "It's almost the same. When you get married, you can respect each other like a guest, raise your eyebrows, and don't quarrel with me, that's good." His voice was cold and indifferent, and he didn't seem to mind who he was marrying.

Concubine Xu Xian felt a little disappointed, Feng Ye had changed suddenly since Weirui's good news, he came back to Menghua Palace every day to pay his respects.

However, every word she uttered felt like a needle in her heart.

She knew she owed him, so she couldn't say much.

After Feng Ye did it for a while, he left.

Concubine Xu Xian was always worried, so she immediately called Nanny Gui to sort out the list of all the marriageable ladies in Beijing, and she wanted to read them one by one.

Since Feng Ye didn't care, she still had to check, and the Princess Yu who was chosen had to be of one mind and one mind with her, and couldn't have two hearts with her.

"Mother, Lian Wu is here." Nanny Gui walked in and said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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