First-class daughter

Chapter 896 Falling into a Trap

Chapter 896 Falling into a Trap
Chapter 896 Falling into a Trap
Concubine Xu Xian paused her hands, showing displeasure, and said, "I have already told her not to come to Dongxi Palace to contact me in the near future. Why is she still here? Isn't it messy enough? Recently, people are getting more and more Don't worry!"

Nanny Gui said, "Your maidservant sees that she has a different expression, maybe there is something urgent and she has to come, the empress might as well listen to her."

Concubine Xu Xian's face turned cold, she dropped the folder in her hand, and said, "Let her in!"

What's going on recently, even people like Lianwu can't let go of things.

"Niang Niang..." After a while, Lian Wu appeared behind the screen and said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter, didn't I tell you not to show up in Dongxi Palace without my edict?" Concubine Xu Xian reprimanded in a low voice.

"My lady, it's urgent.

Originally Princess Hengqin was going back to the palace today, but after she went to the Rongyuan Hall, she said that she was not in a hurry to go back, because the emperor asked her to find a candidate for the princess for His Royal Highness, and she wanted to stay and wait. The Ministry of Households presented the noble girl waiting for her to have a look. "Lian Wu said.

"What, aren't you going back again?" Concubine Xu Xian said upon hearing this, "Didn't the empress dowager tell her to go back? If she went back to Prince Heng's mansion and had a miscarriage, it would be difficult to find out the truth. If it was in the palace If the tire slips, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome."

"Then what should the servant do now?"

Lian Wu asked.

Concubine Xu Xian thought for a while and asked, "As far as you know, have Concubine Liang and Lian Siyue noticed anything about this matter?"

Lian Wu said, "My maidservant saw the imperial doctor come to check the pulse of Princess Heng, but found nothing, only said that she needs to rest more. Others, there is nothing abnormal."

Concubine Xu Xian nodded, and said, "Under the action of this kind of medicine ball, people's tire slippage will happen all at once, and the cause of the tire slippage will not be found out, because she didn't eat anything that shouldn't be eaten, just find out If you don't reach the medicine ball, you will not be found abnormal.

"The servant is going to sneak out the medicine ball and solve it?"

Concubine Xu Xian nodded, and said, "Seeing Lian Siyue in Rongyuan Hall that day, the tire-slipping effect of the medicine ball should have invaded the spinal cord, and tire-slipping is only a matter of time, and those medicine balls will not be needed anymore. .

You reach out quickly and dispose of the medicine ball.

Now, even Siyue doesn't have the girl who is always expressionless by her side, and the rest of the people, except Nanny Tai, are poor, which is not enough evidence. With your ability, there must be no problem in solving a few medicine balls. "

"Yes, this servant understands, this matter will be completed in the middle of the night today."

Lian Wu hurriedly left the Dongxi Palace in the dark, found Wu Qiao, gave her a piece of silver, and said, "I need you to do something."

In the past two days, Wu Qiao has been transferred from the laundry room to the inner hall, and is in charge of the night watch.

Wu Qiao looked at the money, her eyes sparkled, she took a bite with her teeth, and said happily, "Sister Lianwu, where did you get so much money?"

"Naturally, if things are done well, the master will reward you."

"Master, can I do something for you?" Wu Qiao asked expectantly, stroking the silver fondly.

"Of course, you did well last time. This is a reward for you. Today's affairs are well done." Lianwu said.

"Say, what's the matter?" Wu Qiao asked with a smile, his eyes were only money, but no brains.

"During the night watch today, you lit this thing and put it in the crack of the door of Princess Heng's inner hall." Lian Wu took out a white thing from her sleeve and said.

When Wu Qiao heard this, she was so scared that she lost all her money, and her face turned pale, "No, no, the princess is really powerful, I don't dare to do anything to harm her."

Lian Wu hurriedly picked up the silver, and said persuasively, "I don't dare to do anything to harm the princess, so of course I didn't harm her. If you don't believe me, look, I dare to eat it."

Lian Wu said, took a bite of this white cigarette-like thing, chewed it a few times before spitting it out.

"But why did you ask me to light this?" Wu Qiao looked at Lianwu vigilantly and asked.

Lian Wu thought to herself, this is not completely stupid, and she knows how to ask why.

"To be honest, I haven't done some things well recently. The imperial concubine will also transfer me out of the inner hall. If I leave the inner hall, I will be as poor as you."

"Ah, what should we do then?" Wu Qiao looked anxious.

"So, as long as you do this for me tonight, I will have a way to solve the problem." Lian Wu put the money back into Wu Qiao's hand again, "Otherwise, I won't have any money to give you in the future."

"Okay! I'll do it!" Wu Qiao said as he grabbed the white cigarette.

Lian Wu patted her on the shoulder, "It's up to you."

Seeing Lian Wu walking away, Wu Qiao's expression changed, "You take me for a fool?"

At night.

Lian Wu was waiting outside, she saw Wu Qiao quietly put the lighted cigarette in the crack of the door of Lian Siyue's bedroom.

About half an hour later, there was a sudden bang, and the maid who was watching the night with Wu Qiao closed her eyes at the same time and fell on the door frame.

There was a smile on Lian Wu's face——

This is the ecstasy incense. After lighting it, everyone in the dormitory, including Prince Heng, will fall into a deep sleep.

And Wu Qiao heard her hold her breath beforehand, so she didn't fall asleep.

The reason she didn't let Wu Qiao fall asleep was because if she was found out later, she could just put the blame on this fool.

"Wu Qiao..." She called out in a low voice, and Wu Qiao ran over pale with fright, trembling all over, and was about to cry——

"Sister Lianwu, didn't you say that this thing won't harm people? I think they all fell asleep, are they all dead?"

"No, wake up tomorrow morning. Now, let's start." Lian Wu handed the shovel in her hand to Wu Qiao, and led Lian Siyue under the tree where she often rests.

"What is this for?" Wu Qiao asked curiously.

"Don't ask, you dig it up quickly." Lian Wu directed.

"Okay." A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Qiao's lips, and she followed her instructions and started digging around the tree.

Digging for a while, but nothing.

Lian Wu was taken aback, what's going on?The big medicine ball was buried by her own hands, how could it not be there.

"Fool, it's long gone."

Suddenly, Wu Qiao threw the shovel away, clapped his hands, and looked at Lianwu with disdain.

Lian Wu was startled, and suddenly looked at Wu Qiao, Wu Qiao's eyes flashed with mockery.

She turned sharply, preparing to leave quickly.

"Want to leave?" Wu Qiao's face turned cold, and he made a move instantly, grabbed Lian Wu's shoulder with one hand, and tore it hard.

Lianwu is not a fuel-efficient lamp either, so she bent down and prepared to run away.

Wu Qiao curled her lips and smiled evilly, she grabbed a rope in the flower bed next to her with her hand, and with a pull, a huge net fell from the sky, trapping Lianwu in it.

At the same time, the door of Lian Siyue's bedroom opened, and a cold figure appeared at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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