Chapter 897

Chapter 897

Lian Wu was shocked to see Princess Heng walking over as usual, and then she looked at Wu Qiao suddenly, Wu Qiao smiled slyly——

"Fool, this little trick of yours is left over from my sister and I. With your little ability, you want to be a hidden guard, shame on you."

The silly expression on Wu Qiao's face was gone, and he was a cold killer.

"You!" Lian Wu never expected that this money-greedy and stupid Wu Qiao would actually be using her all the time.

"Hmph, inferior killer!" Wu Qiao snorted coldly, ran in front of Lian Siyue, cupped his hands and said respectfully, "Princess."

Lian Siyue nodded in satisfaction, with an approving look on her face, if Leng Mei is a wolf, Wu Qiao is like a fox, both have their own advantages.

"Let me out!" Lian Wu struggled in the net.

Wu Qiao's expression froze for a moment, and she shot out the hidden weapon in her hand, and Lian Wu let out a scream, "How dare you yell in front of the princess, I'm so impatient!"

"Mother Tai, take them all out."

Lian Siyue ordered in a cold voice.

After a while, under Lian Wu's unbelievable gaze, Madam Tai and the other servants threw a few medicine balls in front of Lian Wu.

Lian Siyue glanced at her indifferently, and asked, "Who asked you to do it?"

"Slave, I don't know what this is." Lian Wu said with twinkling eyes.

"Tch!" Wu Qiao teased, "They're all working as secret guards, and they've already been caught. Why don't you admit it obediently, how many ways we have to torture people, you have to try them all before you're willing to tell the truth?"

Lian Wu looked at Wu Qiao fiercely, and then suddenly opened her mouth!

"No, she's going to commit suicide!" Mother Tai exclaimed.

Wu Qiao's eyes froze, and he struck out with lightning speed, pinching Lianwu's chin, and the next moment, he tore off Lianwu's area, quickly circled her head a few times, and then neatly tied a knot. .

Her mouth was forced open and tied, so she couldn't bite her tongue and kill herself.

"Bad guy, you don't have the ability to commit suicide in front of this hidden guard." Wu Qiao snorted coldly and kicked the acupuncture point on her back, only to hear her scream.

"The one who admits who you are?" Lian Siyue asked, losing her patience.

"The maidservant is a slave of the Wei family." Lian Wu started to speak, but couldn't speak clearly because her mouth was tied up with a cloth.

So, Wu Qiao untied some for her, and she finally said clearly——

"The maidservant is a slave of the Wei family, specially here for Princess Jian'an." Lian Wu said.

"Sure enough, you're not too stupid. Knowing that the Wei family is over, you simply use the Wei family as a shield." Lian Siyue's eyes seemed to have been frozen for thousands of years, looking at Lianwu if there was nothing.

This look was like a cold blade, which gave Lian Wu a feeling of being ripped apart. Normally, she always lowered her head, and rarely had the opportunity to look at Princess Heng.

Looking at it now, we know that this person is born with an oppressive aura, which will slowly disintegrate people's hearts.

She couldn't help shaking the clothes on her body.

"Wu Qiao, since she wants to die, let her be fulfilled. Now that the medicine ball has been dug out, this princess can always find evidence by following the trail. Can this princess be restrained by a slave?" Lian Siyue Said, "I heard that you have a hundred ways to torture people to death, otherwise use one at a time and let her die slowly."

"Yes, this servant hasn't killed people for a long time, so I just use this to practice my hand." Wu Qiao took out a dagger from his sleeve, shook it, walked up to Lian Wu, knelt down, and said with a smile, "Otherwise, we should first remove the five sense organs." Cut it off one by one and feed it to the dogs."

As she spoke, her face froze for a moment, she raised the knife and dropped it, only to see the ear fell to the ground like a leaf.

"Ah!" Lian Wu let out a horrific scream.

"Shua!" Immediately afterwards, Wu Qiao cut another sharp knife, and the other ear fell to the ground like a leaf being swept by the autumn wind.

One head suddenly became naked and deformed without ears. Two streams of blood flowed from both sides and fell to the ground, bloody.


Lian Wu screamed in pain.

Lian Siyue just watched with cold eyes, without any fluctuations in her heart. This kind of misery is just the beginning.

She knew very well that this Lianwu was not afraid of death, because she was fearless, but she was very afraid of this feeling of dying bit by bit.

At this time, death is a relief.

Just like when Lian Shiya removed her limbs, facial features, and teeth bit by bit to make her a human pig, how she wished that Lian Shiya could kill her with one knife.

However, Lian Shiya didn't like it, she enjoyed watching her fearful, but she just couldn't die.


This time, Wu Qiao picked up her hand, slashed the dagger that was cut like iron, and half of her fingers fell to the ground, one by one mixed in the dust.

"Ah ah!" Lian Wu curled up on the ground, her face was as pale as paper, her whole body was shivering, and big drops of sweat dripped from her body.

"Kill me! Kill me!" she yelled at the top of her voice.

"Hmph, I will kill you, but we like to watch you die little by little until you are completely dead." Wu Qiao smiled brightly.

"Mother Tai, I invite you." At this time, Wu Qiao's eyes were radiating coldness, and he said coldly.

"Okay, Miss Wu Qiao." Said Nanny Tai, she ran to the tree and untied the rope tied to the tree.

The extremely hungry dog ​​asked about the smell of blood on the ground, and became even more frantic!
It first swallowed the ears and mobile phones that fell on the ground into its stomach.

Then, the huge body suddenly threw itself on Lianwu who was bleeding——

With the last bit of strength, Lian Wu tried to drive the dog away with her tricks, but——

"Ah! Ah!"

The dog lay tightly on her body, gnawing its teeth on the place where the ear had been cut off, and blood flowed out of the dog's mouth in large streams.

"Ah, please, forgive me, I said, I said..." Finally, Lian Wu couldn't stand the torture anymore.

She never imagined that Princess Heng's method would be so cruel. She thought that death would end everything with a knife, but now—

"Say!" Lian Siyue clapped his palm on the table.

"Yes, yes..." She was almost dying, "It was Concubine Xu Xian, Concubine Xu Xian asked the servants to do this."

"In addition to wanting my concubine's miscarriage, I also want Concubine Liang's life." It's really cruel, wanting to take three of their lives at once.

"Remember what you said now. When I ask you in the future, don't fail to remember these words. If you want to live or die quickly, you must follow the rules of this princess.

Even Siyue is not a soft-hearted person, nor is I a stupid person.Are you listening?

(End of this chapter)

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