First-class daughter

Chapter 899 That's it

Chapter 899 That's it

Chapter 899 That's it

But when it was midday, news suddenly came from Xiyan Palace that when Concubine Feng De got up, she accidentally fell down and passed out.

After the fifth princess Feng Ling and the seventh princess Feng Xi got the news, they hurried back to Xiyan Palace from the princess mansion.

Concubine Xu Xian frowned deeply when she heard the news—"What kind of medicine is this old bitch selling in her bones, and suddenly these moths, half-buried people, still want to be favored by the emperor?"

In fact, Concubine De is not a few years older than her, but in her eyes, she is still a beauty, while Concubine De is already an old bitch half buried in the ground.

"Your Majesty, according to my maidservant's humble opinion, this Concubine Feng De suddenly got close to Concubine Liang, and now that these things happen again, Your Majesty must be more cautious." Nanny Gui said.

Concubine Xu Xian nodded, and after thinking for a moment, she said, "From now on, this palace will thank guests behind closed doors and never go out again. Unless it is the emperor and the queen mother, no one will come to see me."

"Yes, this servant is going to close the gate of the palace."

Nanny Gui said.

Xiyan Palace.

Concubine Feng De was lying on the bed, her face was not very good-looking, her feet were still hurting, the fifth princess Feng Ling and the seventh princess Feng Xi were by her side.

Doctor Rong carefully diagnosed Concubine Feng De's pulse.

"Doctor, how is my mother and concubine?" Fifth Princess Feng Ling asked.

There was a hint of doubt in the eyes of Imperial Physician Rong, and he said, "Your Majesty felt top-heavy and fell on the bed just now, not because of any problems with her feet, but because of other symptoms in her body.

Concubine De, your symptoms... are actually similar to those of the concubine of Menghua Palace. "

Concubine Feng De was taken aback, and said, "Concubine Liang has been ill for quite some time, I went to see her a few days ago, could it be that she got the infection from her?"

"Mother and concubine, it's not an infectious disease. Concubine Hengqin spends much more time with the imperial concubine than you, and I don't see anything wrong with her, so it must not be the infection you said." The Seventh Princess Fengxi analyzed.

Concubine Feng De patted her forehead and said, "Look at this head of Ben Gong, I was so anxious that I forgot about it."

"Prince doctor, hurry up and prescribe the medicine." Feng Ling said.

I hope I don't become like Concubine Liang, who has been ill for less than half a month, and it's getting worse.


Immediately afterwards, after Concubine Feng De fell ill, bad news spread from Yixiu Palace.

Even Siyue's aunt, Concubine Lian Shu, suddenly fainted when she woke up in the morning. She originally thought it was because she was too tired to bring the fourteenth prince Feng Ning.

However, after the imperial physician went to make a diagnosis and treatment, the illness he got was the same as that of Concubine Liang Gui and Concubine Feng De.

Concubine Lian Shu was lying on the bed, very worried, because after Fengning was born, she took care of her personally, and now she can only watch the child cry in the nurse's arms.

She felt very anxious.

After Lian Siyue heard about this, she also went to visit.

Since what happened to Feng Lingyue earlier, Feng Tangyao has not returned to favor and is often teased by others, while Concubine Lian Shu kept a low profile and devoted herself to taking care of the fourteenth prince, rarely walking around.

Even when Siyue came, she seemed a little uncomfortable.

Lian Siyue didn't feel anything, and chatted as if nothing had happened before, and even talked about the family.

Concubine Lian Shu said, "Thinking about it, I never thought that the eleventh prince changed his status with the second daughter of our Lian family. Speaking of which, I haven't been back to the Lian family for a long time. After Ning'er's one-year-old , after the emperor's health is better, I will go to the queen mother for instructions and go back to Lian's house."

"Grandmother, mother, and all the aunts are also very fond of aunt. My aunt gave birth to a little prince, and the whole family is happy for aunt." Lian Siyue said.

Concubine Lian Shu couldn't help laughing, and said, "The old lady and your mother have entrusted your father with a lot of valuable gifts for Ning'er."

After talking for a while, Concubine Lian Shu became tired, saying that she had no energy to speak and needed to rest.

Lian Siyue supported Concubine Lian Shu to lie down, and said, "My aunt's illness is exactly the same as that of my mother and concubine. This matter is really strange, what do you think?"

Concubine Lian Shu frowned slightly, looked at Lian Siyue one more time, a look of mutual understanding flashed in her eyes, and said, "Yue'er, I also find it strange that you say that. My three concubines don't live together. Together, eating habits are not the same, how can they have the same disease."

Lian Siyue said thoughtfully, "Yue'er feels that it is prudent to report this matter to the Queen Mother."

Concubine Lian Shu nodded, "You are right."

Then he ordered the nanny in the palace to go to Shouning Hall to explain the matter, and even Siyue went there together.

On the way, Lian Siyue ran into Feng Ling, the fifth princess who was also preparing to go to the Shouning Palace.

The two went together together.

The fifth princess Feng Ling frowned slightly, and as she walked, she said in a voice that only Lian Siyue could hear, "My concubine mother said that before she was selected as a beautiful girl to enter the palace, my grandfather specially invited the master Let's count her luck.

The master's statement made our grandfather's family worry and despair for a long time, because he actually said that my mother and concubine are destined to have no prince, if you want to be safe and sound, then don't fight for anything, just keep yourself safe.

My grandfather refused to believe it, so he asked two more masters to do the calculation, and the results of these two masters were no different from the first one.

It took a lot of effort for my grandfather's family to accept this fact.

The mother and concubine always kept in mind the master's teachings and never fought or robbed, but there really was no prince in Xiyan Palace.

Inheriting the great love of the father and emperor, the mother concubine also took the position of the concubine de concubine.

However, because there is no prince, my mother and concubine have always kept a low profile and don't like to argue with others. No matter how we live or raise, we always take a little more care.

Therefore, we also hope that the mother and concubine can continue to live in peace in the palace, and there is no need to fight for anything, just as it is now.

Princess Hengqin, my concubine mother is not a suitable ally for you. "

Lian Siyue listened to the fifth princess's words, and she was not in a hurry, with a slight smile on her lips, and said:

"The fifth princess seems to have misunderstood something."

Feng Ling frowned and said, "Misunderstanding? What could I have misunderstood? Do you still remember the third sister Feng Jiao? She was bewitched by the fourth brother and stood on the side of the fourth brother, but the result... Hehe, so, I will never I will stand on anyone's side, and neither will my mother and concubine. Don't try your best to her, my seventh sister is also trying to persuade my mother and concubine.

So, wait a while at the empress dowager's place, don't mention my concubine mother, I can just say that her feet hurt. "

"What the fifth princess wants to do is the fifth princess's business, and it has nothing to do with me, but I have to correct one statement - I never asked Concubine Lade to be my ally, it was Concubine De who came here on her own initiative Yes." Lian Siyue said.

"..." Fifth Princess Feng Ling was startled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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