First-class daughter

Chapter 900 Search the Palace

Chapter 900 Search the Palace
Chapter 900 Search the Palace
Lian Siyue's tone became cold and hard, and said, "If the fifth princess thinks that the matter has reached this point, in order not to be implicated, you should get on the boat halfway, and don't wait for me who is standing in the water. , the boat capsized, don’t blame me for not reminding you, there is no such thing as wanting to go down the river without getting your shoes wet.”

"You..." Feng Ling didn't expect Lian Siyue to see through her mind so easily——

That's right, that's what she thought—sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

Therefore, she secretly didn't want her mother and concubine to take another dip in this muddy water.

However, Lian Siyue would not agree.

"Also, the fifth princess just emphasized several times that the concubine de concubine has been cautious since she entered the palace, and has never contended with the world. It is too naive for the fifth princess to say this.

If the concubine De is so indifferent to the world, without the prince, how did she sit as one of the four concubines in the harem? Could it be because of the emperor's temporary favor?

The emperor has loved many concubines, and some have given birth to princes, why can't they sit in the position of the fourth concubine?
Moreover, among the four concubines, my mother concubine, concubine Xian, and my aunt have all been thrown into the cold palace. Sometimes they are prosperous and rich, and sometimes they are miserable.

Over the years, the only person who is the most stable and has no ups and downs is your mother and concubine.

Why is that?
Because among the four concubines, your concubine mother is the one who knows how to seize the opportunity the most, and because she has no prince, the rest of the concubines are less wary of her.

If the fifth princess thinks that the concubine de concubine didn't do anything, she can keep the favor and wealth of you and the seventh princess for many years, and at the same time, make the two sons-in-law become good generals who are reused in the court, then the fifth princess may I'm dreaming. "

Lian Siyue said, these words hit the heart of the fifth princess.

" see it so thoroughly, the rest of the empresses didn't see my concubine's intentions." The fifth princess said.

"It's not because she didn't see it, but because she doesn't have a son, and it takes a lot of energy to deal with other people, so she naturally puts the concubine Defei at the end, and the concubine de concubine is just using this to help the fifth princess and the seventh princess." Was it plotting to get to where it is today?
If the fifth princess makes her own decisions and messes up the plan of the Concubine De, she will regret it later and don't blame this princess for not reminding her.

This step has been reached, the fifth princess can figure it out by herself. "

Lian Siyue said, not giving Feng Ling any chance to hesitate, she quickly walked into the hall and left Feng Ling behind.

After entering the Shouning Hall, Lian Siyue first told the Queen Mother that Concubine Lian Shu's illness was similar to Concubine Lianggui's.She originally wanted to mention Concubine Feng De, but she didn't mention it anymore.

"Grandmother, not only Concubine Lian Shu, but also my concubine's illness today, I really feel strange."

At this time, the fifth princess, Feng Ling, walked in and reported to the Queen Mother worriedly.

As she spoke, she couldn't help but glance at Lian Siyue.

This is the choice she made in the end.

And Lian Siyue didn't have any affection, she said that the fifth princess made her own choice, so what choice she made had nothing to do with Lian Siyue.

"Grandmother, take a look, what should I do? Why did the three empresses get sick all of a sudden." Feng Ling frowned and said.

When the Queen Mother heard about this, she was shocked and said, "How could this happen? Could it be that there is some kind of plague in this palace that will cause people to fall ill one by one? It's really worrying.

These days, one by one, all are sick.The front and back palaces are really a mess, and the Ai family is really exhausted. "

"Grandmother, don't worry, you sit down first." Feng Ling helped the queen mother to sit down, and gently patted her back.

At this time, Lian Siyue seemed to think for a long time before stepping forward and saying:

"Empress Dowager, Siyue has a bold idea. I don't know if I should say it or not." "Tell me, at this moment, what else should I say?" The force also went to a sideline.

But Lian Siyue is a calm bystander, seeing all these changes in his eyes.

As a result, she knows when to unpack that ugly pocket yields the most effective results.

"Siyue feels that it is definitely not a coincidence that the three empresses had the same disease one after the other, but that someone is doing dirty things behind the scenes for the sake of an ulterior secret." Lian Siyue made a decisive conclusion.

"..." The Empress Dowager frowned, "It is unreasonable to say that the three concubines suffered from the same disease one after another without any strange reason.

However, you also said that the food, supplements, and medicines were all inspected by the imperial physician, and there was no problem.

Then at this moment, all of a sudden, where can I find this person who does dirty things. "

At this time, Lian Siyue suddenly knelt down in front of the Queen Mother, kowtowed his head cautiously, and said, "Empress Dowager, Siyue has a plan."

"What do you mean?"

Lian Siyue raised her head and said solemnly, "Sou Gong."

The so-called search of the palace means that without any notice, the imperial guards, eunuchs, and maids in the palace will raid the palaces of various empresses and search them thoroughly.

In the process of searching the palace, any suspicious objects found were handed over one by one.

Then check one by one.

But because the search for the palace will be very large, and the sudden search of the palace may cause riots in the harem.

Besides, the emperor's dragon body is sick now, and the people in the palace search are panicked, which will also affect the emperor's self-cultivation.

"Bold!" So, the queen mother was furious when she heard this, and said, "There are many people who are older than you in this harem, how dare you propose such a method!"

"The empress dowager calm down, Siyue definitely did not intend to offend the empresses of the harem.

However, this palace search is not the first case. Like Yue heard that there was also a palace search operation a few years ago, and this palace search operation can eliminate and find suspicious people as quickly and effectively as possible. "

The fifth princess Feng Ling paused for a while, then stood up and said, "Grandmother, granddaughter thinks the proposal of Princess Hengqin is advisable. Although the palace search is cumbersome, it is the most effective way. Maybe, what else can I do?" What an unexpected harvest."

This harem is peaceful on the surface, but who knows how deep the water is inside?

The queen mother frowned slightly, thinking and weighing something.

"Empress Dowager, you can invite the most trustworthy person to do this." Lian Siyue said.

The fifth princess also continued to persuade, "Grandmother, search the palace, Feng Ling'er also wants to find out the truth of the matter quickly, so that the bodies of the empresses will recover soon."

Finally, the empress dowager slowly stretched her eyebrows, sat on a chair, and said:
"Okay, today's time, search the palace! Don't say anything about this matter, you two should stay here first, don't go out."

(End of this chapter)

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