Chapter 901
Chapter 901
The moon rose, and the harem was quiet, with the occasional sound of insects and birds singing, making it even more silent.

Today's harem seems to be the same as usual.

No one knows that a secret palace search operation is being prepared.

The Empress Dowager secretly delivered an order to Jiang Keji, and let Nanny Wen lead the team, and quietly lay in ambush not far from the palaces.

As soon as the child's hour arrived, the Empress Dowager gave an order to let the people guarding the palaces, with her imperial decree, enter the palaces with lightning speed, and conducted a thorough search of the palaces, not sparing any corners. .

Many of the ladies who were sleeping soundly felt panicked, not knowing what important event had happened, for fear that something unfavorable would be discovered in their palace.

Jiang Keji, the commander of the Imperial Army, was in charge of the Dongxi Palace. When Jiang Keji knocked open the door of the Dongxi Palace, Concubine Xu Xian suddenly woke up from the bed.

Nanny Gui hurried in and said, "Your Majesty, it turns out that the Empress Dowager has issued an edict to raid the palace, and now I want all of us to wait outside the palace as soon as possible."

Concubine Xu Xian frowned, and said, "It's fine, what are you doing searching the palace?"

"My concubine Xian, I have been offended by my lowly position. According to the order of the Empress Dowager, the Dongxi Palace will be thoroughly searched, and the rest of the palaces will also be searched in the same way." Jiang Keji reported outside.

At this time, you must quickly evacuate the dormitory, otherwise, you will be suspected.

Concubine Xu Xian put on her clothes, looked around her bedroom, and then walked out.

When Jiang Keji saw her, he nodded and said, "Your Majesty, I offended you."

"It doesn't matter, you are also following orders, search, Nanny Gui, you lead Commander Jiang to search." Concubine Xu Xian ordered.


One command.

Concubine Xu Xian sat on a chair in the outer hall and waited, while all the servants of Dongxi Palace stood outside, waiting.

Shouning Palace.

One after another, some shady things were found and sent to the Queen Mother.

Some people secretly ate bloody things like purple river carts for beauty. When the queen mother saw the bloody jar, she was furious when she saw this thing, saying that the harem would never allow such bloody things to keep.

In order to win the emperor's favor, one tried every means to find the so-called "aphrodisiac", but because it would harm the emperor's body, the queen mother was also furious, calling this concubine a slut!

There are also some unspeakable things.

In short, this sudden palace search operation is like a magic mirror, revealing many dirty things buried in the depths of the night.

All the palaces are in danger for a while.

In this battle between the harem, although there is no smoke, there is blood flowing like a river. Who doesn't have a few strategies, who can be clean?
The Empress Dowager sat on a chair with a solemn face.

The girls whose problems were found were anxious to kneel outside the hall to plead guilty, but the Queen Mother didn't let them in.

Lian Siyue stood beside the Queen Mother quietly, with a very calm expression on her face.

On the other hand, the fifth princess, Feng Ling, seemed unable to restrain herself, she winked at Lian Siyue a few times, but Lian Siyue kept her eyes fixed and slowly closed her eyes.

Inside the Winter Palace.

Concubine Xu Xian sat on the chair, drinking the review in one gulp.

The stern and selfless Jiang Keji led the people to search around, but found nothing.

Nanny Gui raised her chin slightly, looked at Jiang Keji who was still looking for something, and said, "Commander Jiang, our concubine Xian is clean, naturally there will be nothing that shouldn't be there, you can go there with confidence. The empress dowager reported it."

Jiang Keji led the crowd to Concubine Xu Xian, bowed and nodded, and said, "Your Majesty, I've offended you."

Concubine Xu Xian waved her hand and said, "No problem, you are also following orders, and I support you. But now, I am exhausted, can I go and rest?"

"Major, please rest." Jiang Keji said.

"Go back to the bedroom." Concubine Xu Xian got up, yawned slightly, and said.

"Respectfully send off the empress." Jiang Keji was about to leave.

"Ah!" At this moment, a terrible scream suddenly came from inside.

The cry suddenly broke the tranquility of the Dongxi Palace, and Jiang Keji suddenly stopped leaving.

Concubine Xu Xian, who was a little sleepy at first, raised her head abruptly after hearing the scream, and quickly said to Nanny Gui, "Quick, go and see, what happened!"

"Come on, go and have a look!"

Jiang Keji also ordered immediately, and walked inside following the scream just now.

"Wait!" However, Concubine Xu Xian blocked Jiang Keji's way, and said, "Commander Jiang's mission has been completed, and I will wait for a while after Nanny Gui goes to see it. After all, it is a woman's cry, and I am afraid it is Jiang If the leader goes to see it, he will see something that shouldn’t be seen.”

Concubine Xu Xian wasn't sure where the sudden scream came from, so she had to see Nanny Gui before letting Jiang Keji in.

"Concubine Xian, I've offended you!"

However, Jiang Keji held the queen mother's order in his hand, and did not put Xianfei's order first.

Therefore, he directly passed Concubine Xian and led everyone to the inner hall.

"Jiang Keji, you!" Concubine Xu Xian saw that Jiang Keji had already broken into the inner hall.

Her face was very ugly, but she didn't have time to think about anything else, and she also strode into the inner hall.

Nanny Gui walked to the apse, and saw a court lady collapsed under a big tree, her face pale and trembling, stewing pots and soup were scattered on the ground.

And next to the maid, there is a half-person-high black vat. This vat was originally under a tree, but it fell down somehow.

It was precisely when the maid suddenly saw the fallen vat that she was so frightened that she lost her soul.

"Bitch maid, yelling and disturbing the empress, be careful with your skin!" Nanny Gui snapped.

"No, it's not..." The maid shook her head vigorously, looking into the tank in horror.

"What did you see?" Nanny Gui questioned, and walked to the side of the vat, it didn't matter if she didn't look at it, but when she saw it, she was stunned, her legs almost went limp.

Here, Jiang Keji led the guards and walked over. He saw the vat lying on the ground at a glance, and walked over in a few steps.

Seeing the situation inside, he frowned——

There was a woman in this vat. The woman's hair was messy and her face was covered with blood. Looking at it again, the woman had lost both ears.

The whole person sat in the tank weakly.

The appearance is very scary, scary.

And Gui Momo took a closer look, and found that the person without ears was none other than Lian Wu, the hidden guard sent to Menghua Palace!
How is this going?

After all, this Lianwu is a secret guard, with strategies and skills, and she was fine that day, but why... how did she become an "earless man".

"What's going on here? How did this come out?" Nanny Gui came back to her senses, grabbed the maid and asked sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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