First-class daughter

Chapter 902 Not a Fuel-Efficient Lamp

Chapter 902 Not a Fuel-Efficient Lamp
Chapter 902 Not a Fuel-Efficient Lamp
The palace maid had long been frightened by this terrible person and lost half of her soul, she said tremblingly, "Servant, this servant brought stew and passed by here, this, this vat slowly rolled down from under the tree.

Slave, servant, didn't take it seriously at first, this tank has always been here, to catch water.

The servant girl thought she just slipped down accidentally, but in the end, it turned out that there was such a person inside. "

As the palace maid spoke, her face turned even paler, and she couldn't help but vomited non-stop while clutching her heart.

Unexpectedly, in Concubine Xu Xian's palace, he found an earless man who had obviously been severely abused. Jiang Keji immediately felt that this matter was no small matter, and immediately ordered the guards beside him, saying:
"Quickly go to the Shouning Palace and report to the Empress Dowager, and please come to the Empress Dowager."

"Yes." The guard also realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly ran out of Dongxi Palace and headed for Shouning Palace.

Jiang Keji felt that the mouth of the earless person was also a little strange. He walked over a few steps and pinched her chin with his hand like an iron palm, only to find that some teeth in her mouth were also missing, her tongue was injured, and blood flow all the time.

He immediately motioned to the people around him, and as a result, a bottle of medicinal powder was sprinkled into her mouth, slowly stopping the blood.

Here, Concubine Xu Xian hurriedly walked over with the support of the palace maid, and asked in a low voice with displeasure, "It's such a fuss, it's made people panic, what happened?"

"Mother!" Nanny Gui knew something was wrong, and hurried over, pointed in the direction of the vat, close to her ear, and said in a voice that only she could hear, "Lianwu!"

Concubine Xu Xian walked quickly to the front of the tank, and when she saw the people inside, she was hit hard in the heart——


Concubine Xu Xian immediately took two steps back, took a deep breath, her hands and feet went limp for a while.

This, what's going on?

She went to Menghua Palace yesterday and saw nothing unusual.

Just before the rest, his palace was also peaceful.

Why did she suddenly appear like this?

"Mother... Mother..." Lian Wu opened her eyes, stared at Concubine Xu Xian, and murmured in her mouth, only to realize that she didn't even have two teeth, and when she opened her mouth, blood flowed down the corners of her mouth .

It looked terrible!
who?Who made her look like this?
"The Empress Dowager is here!"

Concubine Xu Xian was feeling unbelievable and flustered when the Queen Mother had already arrived!

She looked back abruptly, and saw the Empress Dowager approaching surrounded by the crowd, with the Fifth Princess Feng Ling and Princess Heng and Princess Lian Siyue accompanying her.

Like the moon?
Concubine Xu Xian looked at her and saw that her face was calm without any waves, her heart trembled suddenly.

Then he quickly glanced at the "earless man" Lian Wu, thinking quickly about what happened, and how to explain and evade it, since it was too late.

She ordered herself to calm down as quickly as possible, and when the queen mother came over, she knelt, bowed, and said, "The concubine has seen the queen mother."

"Aijia heard that a man whose ears had been cut off was found in Dongxi Palace, so he came here to take a look!"

The queen mother said, looking into which tank, she was also frightened by the situation inside, quickly covered her mouth, and took two steps back.

Fifth Princess Feng Ling and Nanny Wen hurried forward to support her, and said, "Queen Mother, be careful."

"Hey, what's going on here? Who used such a method to cut off the ear of this court lady, who dares to use this kind of lynching in the harem? Concubine Xian, tell me, this happened in your palace, Aijia wants to listen you say!"

The Queen Mother had just seen the Zihe cart, and the bloody jar had already made her feel dizzy and nauseous.

The bloody earless man in front of her made her feel even more depressed, and she almost fainted.

Nanny Wen hurriedly brought a chair for the Queen Mother to sit down.

"Empress Dowager, the concubine is not very clear, originally the concubine was asleep, Commander Jiang led people to search the palace, and the concubine cooperated with the Queen Mother's order to let Nanny Gui accompany the search.

The servant girl in this vat is unknown to the concubine, and for some reason she appeared in the concubine's palace, and it seems that she has been treated inhumanly.

Queen Mother, you came just in time, please make the decision for your concubine, and find out who is causing the trouble. "Concubine Xu Xian has put aside the initial panic and regained her composure.

Lian Siyue's eyes showed a faint smile that was not a smile, Concubine Xu Xian saw this expression in her eyes, and a chill came down her spine.

Concubine Xu Xian understood, what was the palace search operation? It seemed that this sudden action tonight was clearly aimed at her Dongxi Palace.

Hehe, Lian Siyue, you are so impatient, aren't you afraid that the child in your belly will suffer retribution!

"Oh! Wangfei, look, isn't the person in this vat the Lianwu who disappeared this morning from the Menghua Palace of the imperial concubine?" He screamed, his face turned pale with fright, and he sat down on the ground.

After hearing this, Qing Dai also stepped forward to identify it carefully, "Isn't it? Empress Dowager, Princess, this is indeed the lotus from Menghua Palace.

She is the maid who is in charge of lighting incense in the imperial concubine's palace. I haven't seen her this morning. The empress even sent someone to look for her, and she has already reported to her. She said that a maid was missing. It turned out that she was in Dongxi Palace. It will become like this. "

When Concubine Xu Xian heard this, her face remained calm, and she said displeasedly, "Bold slave, who taught you that she became like this in Dongxi Palace?"

When Qing Dai heard this, she hurriedly knelt down, and said, "Concubine Xian, please forgive me, please, Concubine Xian, please forgive me, servant girl, servant girl doesn't mean that, it's just, it's just that I found out that she was gone early this morning, and I even reported to the Imperial Guard to look for it. If you don't believe me, you can ask Commander Jiang."

The Empress Dowager asked Jiang Keji, "Is there such a thing?"

Jiang Keji stepped forward, nodded, and said, "Yes, empress dowager, at noon today, Menghua Palace did say that a maid was missing, and said it was a lady named Lianwu."

"This is Lianwu." Lian Siyue identified it carefully and said.

"Concubine Xian, why is the maid who disappeared in my mother's palace here with you? She was tortured so badly, and the empress dowager is here, so you have to give a reasonable explanation. What exactly did this maid do? To be treated like this?"

"Bold!" Concubine Xu Xian said righteously, "I have seen too many of these framing tricks, just because I saw such a person in my palace, I believe it was my fault, and I concluded It's a bit too sloppy.

Bengong wants to ask you Lian Siyue, why did the people from your mother's concubine Menghua Palace appear here?Bengong has reason to suspect that you tortured her like this by lynching, and then planted the blame on Bengong! "

(End of this chapter)

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