First-class daughter

Chapter 903 Interrogation

Chapter 903 Interrogation
Chapter 903 Interrogation
Concubine Xu Xian was worthy of being Concubine Xu Xian. Faced with this situation, she didn't panic at all, she still spoke righteously, and even pointed out that it was Menghua Palace who was causing the trouble.

When she said it with this attitude, it was indeed easy to think whether it was Menghua Palace who was causing trouble.

It's a pity that today she met Lian Siyue who is not afraid of softness, toughness, death and ghosts.

"My lady doesn't seem to consider the actual situation when she said that. The distance between Menghua Palace and Dongxi Palace is not too far but not too close. Unless there are guards in the palace to take action, otherwise it is still a problem to move a tank with a living person along the way. Who could move into the privacy of your cella?"

Lian Siyue said.

The Queen Mother nodded and said, "Princess Heng is right. It is really unreasonable to say that this person was injured like this in Menghua Palace, and then moved to your Winter Palace without being discovered."

"Empress Dowager, ordinary people may not be able to do it, but this Nanny Tai is extremely powerful, she can hold this vat with one hand alone." Concubine Xu Xian said, her gaze fell on Nanny Tai.

"Oh, Concubine Xian has been wronged." Mother Tai knelt down hastily when she heard this, and said, "It's true that this servant is strong, but this servant can't fly or hide. This is the inner hall where you live, Concubine Xian." , servant girl, servant girl really doesn’t have the ability to pass under your nose and carry such a big tank.”

"Everything... everything is possible! What's more, you have planned it for a long time, and you will find a solution to this kind of problem."

Concubine Xu Xian insisted.

"Your Majesty, it's useless to argue like this, let's listen to what this court lady Lian Wu has to say." Lian Siyue said.

"That's right, Concubine Xian, Concubine Hengqin, stop arguing and see what the maid said, Commander Jiang, please bring her lotus vat over here."

The fifth princess, Feng Ling, said to Jiang Keji.

"Yes, princess."

Jiang Keji signaled the two guards to move Lianwu to the Queen Mother. In order to avoid the Queen Mother's discomfort, Lian Siyue signaled Jiang Keji to move a screen over, put Lianwu behind the screen, and interrogated.

In order for Lianwu to maintain her strength, the imperial physician rushed to give her some medicine.

"Lianwu, tell me, you are doing well in Menghua Palace, my concubine mother treats you well, I still remember that I rewarded you with silver, why did you suddenly disappear?" Lian Siyue asked seriously.

"Slave, slave girl..." Lian Wu opened her mouth, but looked at Concubine Xu Xian, and said, "The slave girl is ordered by the concubine Xian, to go to Menghua Palace to burn incense for the imperial concubine."

Concubine Xu Xian immediately stepped forward after hearing this, and angrily scolded, "Bold maidservant, dare to talk nonsense in front of the empress dowager and this palace. It is up to the House of Internal Affairs to decide where the maids of each palace will be allocated. You go to Menghua Palace and be with me. What does the palace have to do with it?"

She clenched her fists tightly and glared at Lian Wu, but there was a fire burning in her heart.A secret guard she trusted would be turned into this. As a secret guard, what is the minimum ability to escape?

"Lianwu, you said that you were sent by Concubine Xian to the Imperial Concubine's Palace, why did she send you there, and what is the purpose of sending you there?" asked the Queen Mother.

Lian Wu raised her head slowly. Through the translucent screen, her gaze fell on Princess Heng. She was sitting there calmly and indifferently, exuding a steadfast aura of inaction.

In her mind, she recalled what happened in front of her bedroom, as well as the elusive Wu Qiao, and a deep chill passed through her heart.

And, the princess has fulfilled another wish for her.

"Lianwu, when the empress dowager asks you, you should tell the truth. There is no need to be afraid, and there is no need to cover up. When the truth is revealed, the empress dowager will absolve you of the death penalty and let the imperial physician heal you."

Nanny Wen conveyed the Queen Mother's meaning.

"Yes, empress, she asked her servants to put some medicinal powder into the incense of the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine would feel unwell after smelling the medicinal powder. However, the imperial physician could not find out the cause for a while."

Lian Wu said exactly what Wu Qiao taught her.

Concubine Xu Xian's heart trembled when she heard this, "Baby maid, what are you talking about? Such a big crime, you dare to put it on Ben Gong's head, who ordered you, and what benefits did you have, tell me!"

She slapped the chair with her palm and stood up suddenly, her head was so angry that her steps were tilted.

"Concubine Xu Xian, don't worry, it's better to listen to the maid before she finishes speaking. If the lady is innocent, the empress dowager is here too. Even if she speaks a thousand words, she can't slander you, don't you think so?" Lian Siyue stood aside As if comforting Concubine Xu Xian in a soft voice, she said.

Feng Ling also said, "That's right, Concubine Xian, no matter what it is, the search palace found a deaf man in your palace, you have to listen to the situation."

Concubine Xu Xian sneered fiercely, and said, "It's strange today. Why did the fifth princess sing with Princess Heng? It seems that they have some kind of purpose, are they planning to jointly plant this palace?"

"Concubine Xian, where are you talking about? What are the five princesses and I doing together? If you insist on saying that, then it is better to invite Commander Jiang to interrogate Lianwu directly. The rest of the people should not speak first, so as not to affect The interrogation was fair."

Lian Siyue said.

The Queen Mother nodded and said, "Princess Heng is right. Concubine Xian, Aijia understands your feelings, but you also need to understand Aijia and everyone else's feelings. After all, this person was discovered by you. Jiang Keji , you are from the emperor's side, and everyone knows your sincerity to the emperor, and it cannot be more objective and fair for you to interrogate."


"Empress Dowager." At this time, Feng Degui, the chief eunuch, came in, knelt on the ground with an object in his hands, and said, "The emperor heard about the earless man, so he specially sent a wishful one for Commander Jiang to hold. With this wishful interrogation, the words of Commander Jiang represent the words of the emperor."

"It's just in time, and the Ai family also has this intention, Jiang Keji, take Yu Ruyi." The queen mother ordered.


Jiang Keji solemnly took Yu Ruyi.

With the blessing of the emperor's Yu Ruyi, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became dignified.

A strange feeling appeared in Lian Siyue's heart, and her eyes fell on Feng Degui - why did the emperor take this matter so seriously?
Feng Degui realized Lian Siyue's gaze, and quickly bent down.

Jiang Keji held Yu Ruyi in his hand, stood there sternly and selflessly, and began to interrogate.

"Mistress Lianwu, if the Commander asks you, you should answer them truthfully, otherwise, you will be deceiving the emperor, and the crime will be aggravated."

"...Yes, servant girl, servant girl dare not lie." Lian Wu nodded and said.

"Who and what were you hurt by?" Jiang Keji's interrogation was different from the purposeful interrogation of the women in the harem just now.

(End of this chapter)

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