First-class daughter

Chapter 904 is His Royal Highness 8

Chapter 904 is the Eighth Highness
Chapter 904 is the Eighth Highness
"The servant was injured in the inner hall of Menghua Palace. The mother Gui Gui, who was next to the concubine, chopped off her ears and teeth with a dagger. The teeth were cut off because she was afraid that the servant would say what she shouldn't say. The one with the tongue had his teeth broken because the servant refused to obey and used too much force.

Then, because of the sudden search of the palace, Nanny Gui was afraid that the slave would be discovered, no, there was no time to separate the slave's teeth, so she put the slave into the jar. " Lian Wu said word by word, and someone beside him was in charge of recording Lian Wu's statement.

Concubine Xu Xian stood up abruptly after hearing this.

However, when she saw Yu Ruyi in Jiang Keji's hand, she swallowed her words abruptly.

Before Jiang Keji finished interrogating, no one else was allowed to speak, otherwise it would be regarded as despising the emperor's prestige, besides, the empress dowager was also here.

"Where were you hidden before? Why were you discovered by the maid?" Jiang Keji continued to ask.

"My servant, my servant was placed under the tree in the back. When my servant heard someone searching the palace, I shook my body vigorously, and the vat rolled from under the tree into the yard. Then, I was, was seen by the passing maid. Because this servant, I want to live." Lian Wu said.

"You said you were hurt by the concubine Xian's mother-in-law, but you are originally a maid of Menghua Palace, why are you here?" Jiang Keji asked.

"Because the servant obeyed the order of the concubine Xian and used the powder in the concubine's incense box, the powder would impregnate the concubine's body.

However, the imperial concubine is not mean to the slaves, and the slaves are honest, they really don't have the heart to watch the imperial concubine be put to death.

Therefore, the slaves did not continue to add medicine to the incense of the imperial concubine or empress.

Yesterday, the concubine Xian put the concubine on purpose, saying that she was visiting the body, but in fact she was going to monitor the actions of the servants. The concubine found out that the servants did not follow orders and continued to administer medicine, she was very angry.

Early this morning, I called my servant to Menghua Palace and questioned my servant, but my servant said that I don't want to do this anymore.

As a result, as a result..."

Lian Wu raised her eyelids, looked at Concubine Xu Xian with a trembling voice, and continued, "As a result, the concubine Xian was annoyed that the servant did not obey her orders, and was also afraid that the servant would betray and reveal to the concubine the matter of drugging the incense box, so she wanted to send the slave to the concubine. Apart from."

Lian Wu said one by one, and after she finished speaking, she leaned against the tank weakly, with her head drooping and her eyes dimmed.

"Fortunately, fortunately Commander Jiang came in time for you, and this servant spared his life to tell the truth."

"You said you belonged to Concubine Xian, do you have evidence?" Jiang Keji asked again.

"Slaves, servants entered the palace in March this year. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will send a group of servants who are angry with you to various palaces. One day, the servants were suddenly called by Nanny Gui to the Concubine Xian. The concubine rewarded the servants with money. Silver and jewellery, let the servants do what she tells them to do when they arrive at Menghua Palace."

Lian Wu said again with difficulty.

Seeing her, Lian Siyue seemed speechless, and hurriedly said, "Doctor, show her quickly, don't die."

"Yes, Empress Wangfei." The imperial physician who was waiting on the side hurriedly stepped forward, looked at it, and said, "Empress Dowager, I am afraid that it is appropriate to remove the lotus from the vat, otherwise the blood will not flow."

"Sure." The Queen Mother nodded.

So, several maids and nuns carefully took the lotus out of the vat, brought her a mat, and let her lie on it.

"Ding Dong." There was only a sound of Ding Dong, and something fell from Lian Wu's body.

Jiang Keji bent down and picked it up to have a look——

"What is it?" asked the Queen Mother.

Jiang Keji put his hands up, and said, "It's the waist card of Xianfei's palace."

After listening to Concubine Xian, she was surprised, she asked Lianwu to take a waist card that day, so that it would be convenient for her to do business or go out of the palace, but what she gave was Menghua Palace's waist card, how could it be replaced by hers? ?
"Where... did you get this badge?" Concubine Xu Xian asked.

The queen mother held the waist card in her hand and secretly exerted force, a trace of displeasure gradually burst out in her eyes.

"Here, this is given to the servants by Nanny Gui, so that the servants can come and go easily." Lian Wu said.

"Nonsense!" Concubine Xu Xian scolded angrily!

Jiang Keji cupped his hands to the Queen Mother, and said, "Your Majesty, I have finished asking the questions that I have to ask for my humble position. Please make a decision, Your Majesty!"

Jiang Keji said, took Yu Ruyi and retreated, and handed over everything to the Queen Mother.

"Queen Mother!" Concubine Xu Xian suddenly knelt on the ground and said, "I really don't know where this lotus plant came from, everything she said today is false, she must have been instigated by someone , so that every word and every word is biased towards the concubine.

Ha ha! "

Concubine Xian laughed, looked at the crowd, her eyes finally fell on Lian Siyue, and said——

"Ye'er supervised the country for the emperor. I don't know how many people are jealous. They all want to find out Ye'er's fault, but seeing Ye'er handle the political affairs assigned by the emperor very well.

They couldn't find his fault, so some people wanted to burn this fire to the harem, to the concubines, and wanted to hurt Ye'er!
Princess Heng, tell me, is that your intention!
Yunzheng is stationed at Shanhaiguan, you are not satisfied, so you come up with this idea, to wrong me!
Empress Dowager, please be enlightened by Empress Dowager, and make decisions for my concubine and Ye'er! "

As Concubine Xu Xian spoke, her face flushed red with anger, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

After listening to Concubine Xu Xian's words, Lian Siyue smiled slightly and did not speak.

At this time, Feng Degui came out, knelt on the ground, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid you have misunderstood Princess Heng."

Concubine Xu Xian frowned when she heard this, and said, "Eunuch Feng, why do you say that I wrongly misunderstood her? What evidence do you have!"

Feng Degui said, "Of the rest, I'm a eunuch, so I don't know anything, and I don't dare to judge anything. However, Princess Heng spoke to you in front of the emperor for His Highness the Eighth Prince?"

Feng Degui's words stunned Concubine Xu Xian and everyone, including the Queen Mother.

"What did you say?"

"Feng Degui, what do you mean by that? Come to Aijia to hear it." The Queen Mother also asked.

"When this happened, it wasn't just the servants who heard that Commander Jiang was there.

On that day, the emperor uploaded an interview with Princess Hengqin Ru Rongyuan Hall. When talking about Duke Wei, the emperor asked Princess Heng on the spot if he found out that His Royal Highness Eighth Prince and Concubine Xu Xian had betrayed the emperor during the investigation of Duke Wei.

At that time, Princess Heng made it clear that neither His Highness the Ninth Highness nor she found any evidence that His Highness Eighth had betrayed the Emperor, and also used her character and His Highness Eighth Highness's character to guarantee the Emperor that His Highness Eighth Highness was loyal to the Emperor. If you are loyal to the court, you will never betray the emperor. "

Feng Degui spoke every word very clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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