Chapter 905
Chapter 905
Concubine Xu Xian suddenly raised her eyes to look at Lian Siyue——

She would actually speak for her and Ye'er in front of the emperor?how can that be?What kind of medicine is sold in her gourd?

The Empress Dowager nodded appreciatively, and her opinion of Lian Siyue suddenly changed. This Princess Heng's demeanor and demeanor surpassed that of ordinary women in the harem.

Otherwise, when the emperor hated the Wei family the most and doubted Concubine Xu Xian and Feng Ye the most, it would be very useful to quietly add a few words.

"In that case, Concubine Xian, don't be too suspicious. If I really told you, Princess Heng is here to deal with you and Ye'er. She took advantage of the best opportunity to join you in front of the emperor that day. Why bother?" It took such a lot of trouble, risked the danger, and made such a bloody mess before framing you." The Queen Mother said.

"Empress Dowager!" Concubine Xu Xian gradually lost her composure. She knelt down and said, "This is her brilliance. First, she should act righteously and impartially. Then, look for an opportunity to ruthlessly Take a bite, and then, just like now, you won't doubt her, the queen mother, and neither will the emperor."

"Concubine Xian, what you said is far-fetched. Besides, this is just your guess. You have to come up with real evidence to be convincing. Who can't guess?" The fifth princess, Feng Ling, murmured softly.

"Even Siyue's methods are unfathomable, Fifth Princess, don't be fooled by her."

When the queen mother heard this, she was very displeased, and said coldly, "Concubine Xian, do you feel that this entire harem belongs to you, a sensible person, and everyone else is very confused. You took care of it."

"Forgive me, the empress dowager. I don't mean that. I just think that what happened tonight is too coincidental. Everything points to me. For the sake of my innocence, I must defend myself. I can't let others pour dirty water on me." .” Concubine Xu Xian explained.

"Jiang Keji, has the person sent to Menghua Palace to get the incense box returned?" the queen mother asked.

"If you go back to the Queen Mother, you are already waiting outside the palace."

Jiang Keji asked the person who was going to get the incense box to come in and let the imperial doctor examine it carefully.

Concubine Xu Xian looked calm when she saw the incense box brought in, but a trace of unnoticed panic flashed in her eyes.

She secretly clenched the fist hidden in her sleeve, and a trace of sweat slowly broke out from her back.

It would be great if this Lianwu could die on the spot now!

Several imperial physicians opened the box and poured out some burnt off-white incense ash. They first stirred it with tweezers for a while, then poked it in with a silver needle, and then poured the incense ash into the bowl filled with water.

Everyone's attention was on the incense ashes, and the queen mother was also watching closely, waiting for the imperial physician's conclusion.

And at this moment, Concubine Xu Xian touched Nanny Gui quietly with her hand hidden in her sleeve, and glanced at Lianwu lying on the ground, who seemed to be limp.

Imperial physicians continued to use other methods to test these incense ash.

"Bitch! How dare you slander the Concubine Xian, this servant will teach you a lesson for the Concubine Xian!"

At this time, Nanny Gui suddenly ran up to Lian Wu like the wind, and beat her fiercely!Lian Wu was already physically weak, so if she beat her so hard, it would definitely kill Lian Wu.

However, it was too late to say it, and Nanny Tai, who was clearly looking at Xianghui, seemed to have been prepared, and rushed forward, just when Nanny Gui's foot was about to kick Lianwu.

As soon as she put her arms around Nanny Gui's waist, she exerted all her strength and threw it to the side forcefully, causing Nanny Gui to be thrown a foot or two away.

And there was an obvious click sound, Nanny Gui's bones seemed to be broken, and she couldn't get up for a long time.

Concubine Xu Xian gritted her teeth secretly, blaming Nanny Gui for scaring the snake.

The queen mother was taken aback by this sudden movement, she looked at Nanny Gui on the ground with displeasure, "Bold! Ai's family is here, what do you want to do?"

"Slave, slave..." Nanny Gui held her waist with her painful hands, unable to move. Nanny Tai really exhausted all her strength just now.

A little more force, I am afraid that she will be thrown to death directly.

Lian Siyue's eyes froze, showing a surprised expression, and said loudly, "Gui Nanny, what's wrong with you? The queen mother and all the empresses are waiting for the results of the imperial doctor. Are you going to kill people to silence them?"

As soon as Concubine Xu Xian heard Lian Siyue's questioning, she quickly pre-empted the attack and angrily said, "Gui Nanny, what are you doing? Who told you to touch Lianwu without my palace's order? Do you think this palace is not messy enough? ?”

"Slave, slave, I really can't see my mother suffering this humiliation and wronged. She obviously did nothing, but now she is being ruined by this lowly maid, and she needs to be searched, slave, this lowly servant must teach this lowly maid a lesson!" Gui Nanny Mammy endured the sharp pain from her waist, gritted her teeth, and cried for Concubine Xian.

Lian Siyue could smile coldly, and said, "Nurse Gui's protection of the master is really touching, but it's not in a hurry right now."


"Okay, don't talk anymore. Quickly help Nanny Gui up." The plan didn't work out, so I could only bear it!Concubine Xu Xian ordered the maid beside her to help Nanny Gui up.

But Nanny Gui really had a broken bone and couldn't even walk.

Mammy Tai looked embarrassed, and said, "This, this, Mammy Gui, I'm really sorry, I have heavy hands and feet, just, I just passed my strength."

Nanny Gui wanted to pounce on her and beat her up, but she could only eat Coptis chinensis dumb, unable to express her suffering.

The Empress Dowager was obviously displeased, and said, "Take this poor slave out, and don't come back without Ai's permission!"


"Yes, yes, empress dowager, please calm down! Someone, hurry up and drag this handy slave, Nanny Gui, to the palace!" Concubine Xian ordered, enduring the throbbing pain in her heart.

Nanny Gui clenched her teeth, she was stripped out in pain and sweating profusely.

Really, the loss outweighs the gain, the loss outweighs the gain!
After careful examination for nearly half an hour, the imperial physicians finally came to a conclusion——

"Empress Dowager, there is indeed something wrong with the incense in this incense box."

The imperial physician knelt in front of the queen mother and said——

"Previously, the imperial hospital diagnosed and treated the imperial concubine, and after half a month of diagnosis, only the disease of the empress was known, but the root cause of the disease could not be found.

After prescribing the right medicine, it is obvious that the body can gradually improve, but the medicine still does not work. It turns out that the root cause of the disease has not been eliminated.

And the root cause of the appearance of the imperial concubine's body is in this incense box.

The incense ash inside is mixed with the powder made from bamboo leaf peach and digitalis. These two powders are mixed together and have strong toxicity.

In this way, when mixed with incense ash and packed in a box, the poison will not volatilize,

(End of this chapter)

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