Chapter 907

Chapter 907

However, Jiang Keji led the imperial guards, searched up and down, inside and out twice, but failed to find any clues.

When everyone returned to the inner hall where the empress dowager was, Jiang Keji said, "Empress dowager, I haven't found anything suspicious."

Concubine Xu Xian showed an air of aloofness and aloofness, and said, "My palace is pure and innocent, so you don't want to turn right and wrong."

Could it be, really not, could it be that it has nothing to do with Concubine Xu Xian?

Fifth Princess Feng Ling glanced at Lian Siyue secretly, and Lian Siyue frowned slightly.

The Empress Dowager looked around, got up, and said, "First lock up this lotus plant and heal it, and we will interrogate this matter another day. All the incense in Concubine Liang's palace has been changed. Tonight, let's leave first."

Concubine Xu Xian showed a joyful smile on her face, she hurriedly knelt down and said, "Congratulations to the Queen Mother."

A group of people are ready to leave.

When passing a big tree, Lian Siyue quietly stepped on the corner of the fifth princess Feng Ling's skirt——

"Ah..." The fifth princess screamed when she was stepped on suddenly, and she fell to the ground.

Mammy hurried over, "Princess, princess, are you okay?"

"I..." Feng Ling struggled to get up, and when he looked up, he saw Lian Siyue's eyes beckoning secretly.

She was taken aback for a moment, followed Lian Siyue's eyes to look at the tree in front of her, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she said loudly:
"What's that? What's in the gap between the trees?"

When everyone heard this, they looked over one after another, and saw a corner of a medicine bag faintly peeking out between the trees.

"Commander Jiang, take it here and have a look!" Lian Siyue said immediately.

Concubine Xu Xian's heart tightened, and she suddenly felt a kind of uneasiness.

Jiang Keji reached out, grabbed a corner of the paper bag, and carefully pulled it out.

It turned out that there was a hole in the gap between the trees, and a paper bag was hidden in the hole. Jiang Keji handed the paper bag to the Empress Dowager with both hands——

"Please take a look at the empress dowager."

"Hey, how could there be something in here, why didn't I know about it?" Concubine Xu Xian walked over quickly and said.

"Doctor, what is this?" The queen mother frowned and ordered.

"Yes." The imperial doctor opened the medicine bag, poured some of the medicine powder inside and put it on the table. After carefully identifying it, he looked shocked, and said, "I want to report to the Empress Dowager, this is the mixture of bamboo leaf peach and digitalis. powder."

The queen mother suddenly raised her head to look at Concubine Xu Xian.

Concubine Xu Xian was startled, and the embroidered handkerchief in her hand fell to the ground. She began to panic, and murmured, "Why, how could it be, how could it be here, it's impossible... this palace didn't put it here, this... "

Impossible, impossible.

To be on the safe side, she had cleaned up the powder a long time ago, and did not leave a trace of clues in the Dongxi Palace, how could it be...

Seeing the uneasiness gradually growing in Concubine Xu Xian's eyes, the coldness in the eyes that seemed as cold as the moon deepened, and a faint smile appeared on the tip of her brow——

Concubine Xian thought that she did not leave any physical evidence in Dongxi Palace, and put all of it on Lianwu.

However, during the interrogation that day, after Lian Siyue fulfilled her wish for Lianwu, Lianwu also explained the location of the Tibetan medicine powder by the way.

It turned out that Lian Wu separated from her younger sister a few years ago, she was trained as a secret guard, and came to serve beside Concubine Xu Xian.

And she inadvertently learned that her 12-year-old sister was sold as a slave to a prince and minister in Beijing. She did not want her sister to be a slave and wanted to rescue her.

Helpless, she had no way to take away her sister directly.

So she asked Concubine Xu Xian for help, and Concubine Xu Xian agreed to help her find her younger sister on the condition that she go to Menghua Palace to light incense and bury the medicine ball for slipping tires, and then removed her slave status.

However, Lian Wu also kept an eye out.

She was worried that Concubine Xu Xian would cross the river and tear down the bridge, and would not protect her or fulfill her wish.

Therefore, she secretly kept a hand, and quietly hid such a medicine bag in the crack of the tree when she freely entered and exited the Dongxi Palace.

After all, she is a secret guard, with some abilities beyond ordinary people. If you don't pay extra attention to the resistance of the Tibetan medicine bag, you won't be able to see it at all.

Therefore, Lian Siyue actually knew where the medicine powder was when she entered the Dongxi Palace, but if she pointed it out directly, it would be suspected that she planted Concubine Xu Xian.

In this way, after a lot of searching, prevarication, arguing, and Fengling's "accidental" discovery, the suspicion of her deliberately planting the blame was cleared, and the crime was logically pushed to Concubine Xu Xian.
Concubine Xu Xian suddenly looked at Lianwu who was lifted up, her eyes revealed a fierce look, and she said, "Baby maid, did you hide here, was it you?"

Lian Siyue seized the opportunity, stepped forward excitedly, pointed at Concubine Xian angrily, and said, "My Lady Xian, that's enough!

Lian Wu is just a servant girl, how much enmity can she have with my concubine mother and concubine Xian?Why would she risk her life to do this!

There are all witnesses and material evidence, do you still want to deny it?
You sent Lianwu to Menghua Palace, and these harmful medicines belong to you!

You are so poisonous, you are already one of the four concubines, and the eighth prince is overseeing the country for the emperor, but you took the eleventh prince away from the empress.

Poor empress, she didn't know the whereabouts of His Highness the Eleventh until her death!
Poor His Royal Highness the Eleventh, who has never recognized his mother, has been separated forever.

Now, you are attacking my mother and concubine again, do you want His Highness Jiu to lose his mother, so that the child in my stomach will not even be able to see his grandmother? "

Lian Siyue was very excited, her whole body was trembling, her voice was trembling, her eyes were flushed, her eyes were wide open, and she glared fiercely at Concubine Xu Xian.

"Ridiculous!" Concubine Xu Xian shouted, "Absurd to the extreme! Framed, framed! You, you, even Siyue, you sent a girl to put a medicine bag on my tree, just thinking, just want to convict me? ?

I tell you, no way!

Bengong has a clear conscience and is not afraid of anything! "

"The Empress Dowager..."

At this time, Feng Degui, Nanny Wen and others returned from Xiyan Palace and Yixiu Palace of Concubine Feng Degui and Concubine Lian Shu who were ill.

"How? Did you find anything?" The Queen Mother hurriedly asked.

The fifth princess, Feng Ling, asked anxiously, "Is there such a harmful thing in my mother's concubine's room?"

Feng Degui knelt on the ground, and presented a medicine that Concubine Feng Degui was using with both hands, and said, "In this medicine of Empress Defei, there are bamboo leaf peach and digitalis."

"The same is true for Yixiu Palace. The Empress Dowager discovered it in the medicine for breastfeeding." Nanny Wen said.


how come……

Concubine Xu Xian's footsteps were frivolous, she took a step back, and suddenly looked at Lian Siyue—"You!"

Lian Siyue narrowed her eyes slightly, Concubine Xian, this time is a life-and-death duel!

The fifth princess suddenly realized and said, "Grandmother, Feng Ling'er understands! Concubine Liang, Concubine Feng De, Concubine Lian Shu, and Concubine Xian are going to catch them all in one go!

(End of this chapter)

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