First-class daughter

Chapter 908 Fox Tail

Chapter 908 Fox Tail
Chapter 908 Fox Tail
Is the concubine Xian looking at the Eighth Prince in charge of the country, and wants to get the queen's phoenix seal as soon as possible!snort! "

The last sentence, said by Concubine Xu Xian, was like five thunderbolts, "Nonsense!" She walked up to the fifth princess in a few steps, raised her hand, and slapped her hard--

"How dare you say such rebellious words in front of the empress dowager, who gave you the courage!"

"Concubine Xian, isn't it right? You poisoned the three empresses one by one, and the three empresses fell down one after another because of this medicine powder. It is easy for people to mistakenly think that some epidemic has broken out, so they don't suspect you. Your game of chess, You're so scared!" Lian Siyue said in a cold voice.

"Lian Siyue, who is playing this game of chess, you know better than anyone else!
You first set up a good plan, colluding with Concubine De, and together with Feng Ling, go to Shouning Hall to persuade the Empress Dowager to search the palace suddenly in the middle of the night, and then drag out all the lotus and medicine powder, causing this palace to suffer unspeakably ! Concubine Xu Xian clenched her fists and said coldly.

"Then what about my concubine mother and concubine Lian Shu? Why are these three empresses the only ones involved?
Concubine Xian's concubine has conclusive evidence, so don't argue anymore! "Feng Ling said.

"Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, you are wronged!" Concubine Xu Xian fell to her knees on the ground, and crawled up to the Empress Dowager in embarrassment, the crown on her head was crooked, "Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager Mingjian, my concubine was wronged today, and there is nowhere to appeal for injustice."

"Empress Dowager!" Even Siyue, not to be outdone, immediately knelt down and straightened her back, neither humble nor overbearing, neither quick nor slow, and said word by word, "Concubine Xu Xian poisoned Concubine Liang, Concubine Feng De, and Concubine Lian Shu. The empress is upholding justice, and the three empresses are fair!"

"Queen Mother!"

"The Empress Dowager!"

Concubine Xu Xian stared at Lian Siyue fiercely, she wished she could rush over and tear this woman fiercely!
"The Empress Dowager!"

Just when the Queen Mother was feeling a splitting headache, there was another burst of panic outside the palace——

"What's the matter?" the Queen Mother said.

Everyone sees——

I saw Concubine Liang walked over supported by Nanny Li.

Before she came, according to what Lian Siyue said, she deliberately painted her face whiter, so that under the moonlight and candlelight, she looked very haggard, and her walking was limp and weak, as if she would faint at any time.

In the distance, her eyes met Lian Siyue's in the air, and Lian Siyue nodded slightly towards her.

She took a deep breath, and looked for Concubine Xu Xian, and her eyes suddenly became sharp and fierce.

She walked in step by step, and the scene was almost exactly the same as it was ten years ago.

At that time, her child was gone, and she was like this, ignoring the weakness of the miscarriage just now, barefoot, stepping on the cold ground, full of hatred and anger, step by step towards Concubine Xu Xian who was in full bloom at that time.

She was trembling all over, crying bitterly and questioning her, why did she murder her child?

Concubine Xu Xian smiled faintly, looked at her flat belly and blood-stained dress, and said coldly:

"Your own child can't be kept, who can blame? Come here, send the concubine Liang back, the emperor will come to this palace later, it's bloody, don't offend the emperor, it's unlucky."

"You!" The concubine Liang at that time stood shivering on the cold ground.

"Concubine Liang, you have to remember that in this palace, I am the big one and you are the young one. You will always be inferior to me. Don't have any unreasonable thoughts. Go back and don't let the emperor hate you even more. .”

With that said, Concubine Xian turned around indifferently, and ordered the nanny to dress her up.

Weeping, Nanny Li supported her and said, persuading her, "My good lady, go back, we can't beat her."

Concubine Liang said, "My daughter is gone. It was a red flower planted by the virtuous concubine, which made me infertile. I have proof! I'm going to go to the emperor, and let the emperor give me justice!"

At that time, the fierce concubine Liang refused to succumb to her fate, she went out and knelt barefoot at the gate of Concubine Xian's palace, waiting on the way that Emperor Zhou Cheng must pass.

She wants to ask the emperor to give her dead daughter justice!
However, things backfired. At that time, when the official concubine Xian was the most favored, she was also the most cunning, and she had already destroyed all the evidence that framed the concubine Liang.

Concubine Liang was born in a family of generals, her grandfather was frank and upright, and had fought in battle all her life. She had been exposed to it since she was a child, and she had a chivalrous heart early on.

When he first entered the palace, Emperor Zhou Cheng felt that her temperament was rare in the harem, and felt very fresh, and he doted on her very much, and she was also the object of everyone's fawning for a while.

However, she went straight to the point, didn't know how to manage the harem network, and didn't understand the importance of sophistication.

She couldn't tolerate any falsehood. She never thought about it, and never knew that the emperor's favor was just like a flash in the pan.

Those who survive the struggle in the harem have countless strategies in their minds.

So, in the end, in the struggle with Concubine Xian, she lost miserably, losing her daughter and a frank self.

Later, she was also forced to learn calculations and tricks.


She lost her daughter forever.

Concubine Liang just looked at Concubine Xu Xian without blinking her eyes.

Concubine Xu Xian was stared at by this gaze, and immediately felt a long-lost aggressive feeling.

Concubine Liang went all the way to the hall.

Lian Siyue hurried forward, supported her, and asked, "Mother, are you alright?"

Concubine Liang nodded and said, "I'm fine, I can't die, don't worry too much."

"Concubine Liang, you are not in good health, why did you come here in person?" The queen mother asked from the side.

She knelt down and said, "Empress Dowager, there is a lot of trouble in the palace search, and the concubine couldn't sleep, so she got up and came here. The concubine is here to seek justice for the concubine and her good daughter-in-law, Siyue. of."

As Concubine Liang said, she slowly raised her head, and then looked at Concubine Xu Xian with cold eyes.

"Mother Li, take out the things that the guards found in the palace, and show it to the Queen Mother and all the empresses."

Concubine Xu Xian's heart shook suddenly, and she felt like she had fallen into an ice cellar.


Nanny Li gestured to the guards behind her, and saw that several guards came over with several black Cuju-sized objects in their hands, and placed them on the ground in front of the Queen Mother.

As soon as I put it down, I saw a large group of black ants crawling on it.

"Ah!" The timid ones screamed out in fright when they saw the ants, and retreated one after another, for fear that the ants would suddenly disperse and crawl onto themselves.

"What is this?!" Seeing this black object, the Queen Mother suddenly felt her face go numb, and suddenly clenched the veil in her hand, and asked.

And when Concubine Xian saw these medicine balls, her face had become calmer than before!
It turned out that Lian Wu lied to her when she said that the medicine ball had been taken care of!
This bitch!Bitch!
(End of this chapter)

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