First-class daughter

Chapter 909 1 step 1 step

Chapter 909 Step by Step

Chapter 909 Step by Step

"Queen Mother, this, this is a medicine ball made of musk, three-lens, curcuma, trichosanthes, etc. The smell of these things is the most attractive for ants to colonize, and the effect is, it is... to make people miscarriage." Imperial Physician Carefully glanced at the Queen Mother.

"What?" The Queen Mother only felt a chill rise up her back, and asked, "Grand Concubine Liang, Princess Heng lives in your palace, how could there be such dirty things in your palace! Moreover, there are so many of them."

Concubine Liang looked at Concubine Xu Xian with icy eyes, and said, "Empress Dowager, when my second child had a miscarriage, I found such a medicine ball in my concubine's bedroom. More than ten years have passed. The pain experienced by the concubine is still vivid.

Unexpectedly, today's search of the palace found such filthy things from the concubine's Menghua Palace!
Last time, it was the concubine's child who was killed, but this time, it was the concubine's grandson who she wanted to kill!

If the emperor's heir is killed, please ask the queen mother and the emperor to cut this person into five horses and execute him immediately! "

Concubine Liang said that the body was divided into five horses. When Ling Chi was executed, her voice trembled and her eyes were scarlet. She wished she could kill the person she hated with her own hands!
The queen mother looked at the medicine balls crawling with ants, and listening to what Concubine Liang said, her old hands trembled.

Concubine Xu Xian clenched her fists tightly, as if a chill had penetrated her whole body, her whole body was icy cold.

She was thinking in her mind how to get out, how to prevent the most violent fire from burning herself.

But she also felt that she was forced to the edge of the cliff. If she went forward, she would be in a cage, but if she went backward, she would be in an abyss.

"This..." Lian Siyue couldn't believe what she saw in front of her eyes. She gasped, took two steps back, clutched her abdomen tightly, and her face became ugly, "No wonder, no wonder I've been so weak these days. Not very comfortable, especially on the emperor's birthday, I felt a dull pain in my stomach, and I thought it was caused by being too tired.

It turned out that it was this dirty thing that was causing the trouble!If it wasn't for today's search, my child, my child would be..."

She was already all over, and her knees went limp——


Nanny Tai and Qing Dai hurried forward to support Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue suddenly cried out of fear, and said in a trembling voice, "If the child is not saved, how can I be worthy of Your Highness!"

Concubine Liang bent her knees and knelt in front of the Empress Dowager, with red eyes, she said, "Empress Dowager, the child of the concubine for more than ten years is gone for nothing, but the person who harmed the concubine at that time has been at ease for so many years.

Now, the concubine's grandson is almost gone again, please the queen mother, for the sake of the ancestors and the concubine's lost daughter, make the decision for the concubine and Siyue! "

And Lian Siyue suddenly blacked out, and fainted.

Immediately, Concubine Liang was shocked, and hurried over, "Yue'er, Yue'er, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you..."

"Ah! Wangfei, Wangfei, she is bleeding..." Fifth Princess Feng Ling suddenly pointed at Lian Siyue's body, and said loudly in horror.

When I saw it, I saw blood slowly flowing out from Lian Siyue's body, it was very scary!
When the Empress Dowager saw her, she stood up abruptly, and hurriedly ordered, "Hurry, hurry, quickly move Princess Heng to the bedroom, and the imperial doctor will diagnose and treat her immediately."


Everyone was terrified by the sudden situation in front of them, and hurriedly placed Lian Siyue in the side hall of Menghua Palace temporarily as instructed.

A screen was used in the middle to separate the bed from the queen mother and others.

"Yue'er, Yue'er, wake up, wake up, are you okay, huh? You must not be like the concubine mother in the past, isn't it enough for the concubine mother to lose a daughter, but also to lose her grandson (daughter) ) Er, Yueer..."

Concubine Liang held Lian Siyue's hand tightly, crying loudly, heart-piercing, which made people feel moved.

Those who remembered the truth about Concubine Liang's miscarriage back then couldn't help but think of her tragic situation back then.

"Yunzheng, Yunzheng, I'm so scared, our child..." In a daze, Lian Siyue slowly opened her eyes, seeing her red dress, she had a panicked and painful expression on her face , whispering Feng Yunzheng's name.

"Yue'er, Yue'er, it's okay, don't be afraid, mother concubine is with you, no one can hurt your child, no!" Concubine Liang Gui has always been calm, and it has been more than ten years since she was so excited today. .

Fifth Princess Feng Ling sighed softly, and said, "It seems that Concubine Liang was really hurt back then. I've never seen her like this before. It's obviously aroused her sadness."

"Yeah, the good concubine back then was quite pitiful. Her daughter was gone, and because of her stubbornness, she offended the emperor. As a result, she was not only not cared for, but also reprimanded by the emperor. Later, she became ill and became discouraged. The result was bad. Once she got pregnant, she never got pregnant again.

But fortunately, God opened his eyes, there is such a good boy as His Highness Jiu. "Xin Pin, who had personally experienced the events of the year, said with emotion.

Concubine Xu Xian was standing behind listening to these words, her face became a little ugly, and her expression seemed very unnatural.

"How could it be like this? Who put this medicine ball in the end, it's his heart!" Feng Ling said angrily, "Besides, she killed the emperor's heir, so the crime will be aggravated!"

"Jiang Keji, hurry up and check again to find out where the medicine ball came from. You must give the Ai family a prepared answer! This time, if the Ai family finds out the person who murdered the emperor's heir, will they never forgive him?" The queen mother ordered sharply!

"Yes, I must search with all my might!" Jiang Keji took the order and led the imperial guards to go.

Inside the screen.

When Concubine Liang heard what the Empress Dowager said, her expression became restrained, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her lips.

She held Lian Siyue's hand and exerted strength secretly, Lian Siyue groaned softly in pain, and secretly looked at Concubine Liang.

"Nurse Rong, Qing Dai, quickly take off the extra ornaments on the princess, don't get in the way of the imperial physician."

At this time, the imperial physician said:

"Your Majesty, please go out first, Rong Bei will treat and treat Princess Heng properly."

"Emperor doctor, no matter what, you must keep your lord!" Concubine Liang Gui solemnly urged, and then got up to leave.

Only Nanny Tai was left by Lian Siyue's side to serve her.

Everyone else retreated outside the screen, nervously waiting for the news.

Concubine Liang knelt on the ground, clasped her hands together, and murmured something in a low voice——

"The Bodhisattva blesses Yue'er to be safe and sound, the ancestors and ancestors please protect the child in Yue'er's womb..."

As she spoke, tears rolled down her cheeks. She, who had been weak and sick recently, looked even more haggard at the moment, and the two of them couldn't help but feel sad when they saw it.

Qing Dai held the ornaments untied from Lian Siyue's body in her hand,

(End of this chapter)

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