First-class daughter

Chapter 917 Recognition

Chapter 917 Recognition

Chapter 917 Recognition

Feng Ye walked over slowly, with a cold look in his deep eyes, and a vile aura around him.

"Your Highness Eighth, your bodyguards openly drew their swords at my maid on Zhengyang Street. I wonder what His Highness Eighth Highness intends?" Lian Siyue asked in a cold voice.

Feng Ye's keen gaze fell on Wu Qiao, and asked, "I saw this maid of Princess Heng's near the Hall of Honor."

"Servant, servant..." Wu Qiao was obviously frightened, knelt on the ground trembling, and couldn't finish his sentence, it seemed to be the same as what he saw in front of Rongyuan Hall that day.

"She entered the palace with my concubine, and the Eighth Prince saw her in the palace, is there anything strange?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Princess Heng is right, there is nothing strange about it." Feng Ye gave way, "Please."

"Let's go." Lian Siyue put down the car curtain and ordered.

"Yes." The bearer continued to move forward, and Qing Dai hurriedly ran over to help Wu Qiao, whose legs were limp from fright, and said, "It's all right."

Wu Qiao looked overly frightened. When she stood up, her legs were so weak that she almost fell down. She lowered her head and didn't even dare to look at Feng Ye.

The moment he drooped his eyes, there was a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Lian Siyue's sedan chair was about to leave, Feng Ye took two steps forward and called out.

"What else is the Eighth Highness doing?" Lian Siyue's cold voice came from inside the sedan chair.

"I'm sorry about my mother and concubine." Feng Ye's voice trembled.

There was a moment of silence in the sedan chair, and then Lian Siyue's voice sounded, "Your Highness the Eighth Highness should be thankful that my child was saved, otherwise I would have to bury the entire Prince Yu's Mansion, Xu Guo Mansion, and Dongxi Palace with him!"

Her voice was like a cold blade in winter, stabbing Feng Ye fiercely, without mercy or memory.

Feng Ye's heart trembled, and he felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He opened his mouth and asked, "That day in Rongyuan Hall, you spoke for me in front of my father, was this sincerity, or was it a strategy?"

If it is true, it means that she still has affection for Feng Ye. If it is a strategy, it is to protect Feng Ye deliberately in front of the emperor. Si Yue's game of chess is too big, too scary.

Therefore, Feng Ye waited for her answer.

"Thoughts." Lian Siyue said lightly, without any waves in his voice, as calm as the surface of a lake.

Feng Ye stepped back slightly, the last layer of protection in his heart was defeated by a light bump.

"I see, you go, so you can take care of yourself." Feng Ye said.

"Your Highness the Eighth Prince can do it for himself." The sedan chair walked forward, and when Lian Siyue passed Feng Ye, he said.

Feng Ye watched her sedan chair gradually go away, slowly clenched her fists tightly, affection drifted away with the wind, and drifted to an untouchable place, the last door in her heart closed slowly and heavily.

"Your Highness." Yin Huai stepped forward.

"How about spying just now?" Yin Huai asked.

"She hides very cleverly." Yin Huai replied.

"Follow her, these things must have nothing to do with her. If I had been a little more cautious in Rongyuan Hall that day and paid more attention to this maid, maybe things would not have come to this point today." Feng Ye instructed.

"Yes, I obey."

Feng Ye's eyes became deeper and deeper, he stepped on the steed with long legs, and galloped out of the city.

When he arrived at a post station in a remote suburb, he quickly got up from his horse. Two black-clothed dark guards stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness, the fifth son-in-law has been here for two days."

Feng Ye nodded and walked into the station.

The fifth princess Feng Ling's parents, Zheng Ke, saw Feng Ye, knelt down and said, "His Royal Highness, I, I..."

Feng Ye's eyes were cold, and he said, "You were stationed under the emperor's order, but you dared to neglect your duties and cause heavy losses. This king will escort you back to the capital and report to the emperor."

Zheng Ke was so frightened that he quickly kowtowed, and said, "His Royal Highness, I was confused for a while and made a mistake. For the sake of the fifth princess, His Royal Highness should pretend that he didn't see it."

Feng Ye smiled coldly, and said, "I'm not blind, but I just saw it, so I will talk about everything after the fifth son-in-law returns to the palace."

After speaking, he motioned to Yin Huai.

Yin Huai obeyed, took the rope and trapped Zheng Ke, lifted him onto the horse, and said, "My son-in-law, I have offended you."

Prince Heng's Mansion, at the entrance.

Ling Yue'er stood in front of the stone lion looking forward to it early in the morning, with a look of anticipation and anxiety.

I asked the Ruma next to me several times, "When will my sister come back?"

Every time, Mammy Ru smiled and said, "Miss, soon."

But before long, she would ask again, now with great urgency.

Therefore, when Lian Siyue's sedan chair appeared, Lian Lingyue flew over there like a bird, and shouted in surprise:
"Sister, you are back. I have been waiting for almost a day."

Hearing this familiar and pleasant voice, Lian Siyue showed a smile on his face——

It's great, I heard her chirping voice as soon as I came back, and my mood immediately improved.

When the sedan chair landed on the ground, Lian Lingyue stepped forward, stretched out her hand, and got off the sedan chair while Lian Siyue was holding her own wrist.

"Sister, be careful." She warned cautiously, because she remembered that she had a child in her womb, so even Lingyue was extra cautious in doing things.

Lian Siyue smiled, stretched out her hand, took her hair that fell down to her cheeks behind her ears, and said, "Don't be too nervous, I'm fine."

Into the palace.

Lian Lingyue became very excited, she held Lian Siyue's hand, looked left and right at her face, her big eyes were twinkling, looking very serious.

"Puff." Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing, raised her hand to pat her on the head, and said, "You always stare at me to see if you want to see flowers."

Lian Lingyue shook her head and said, "I just want to see if you have changed. I went back to Lian's house and asked my third aunt, and my third aunt said that a woman is pregnant, she will gradually gain weight, and her face and hands will grow more some meat.

It's strange, sister, you haven't changed anywhere, your face and hands are the same as before. "

"It's not time yet, I thought I would become fat and fat too, which would scare you." Lian Siyue said.

After a while, Nanny Tai led the maids in the mansion, and brought delicious white fungus and lotus seed soup to the two sisters.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I went back to Lian's house recently and collected a lot of good things. This time I came here specially for you." Lian Lingyue slapped his forehead and asked Anise to bring the things over.

Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing when she saw her putting all kinds of things, big and small, on the table, and asked.

"Princess Wangfei, these days, Miss is looking for these things everywhere. Some are good supplements for pregnant women, and some are bracelets. I heard that the material is very good, and wearing them will help prevent miscarriage.

There are also these, gold bracelets, silver bracelets, longevity locks, small sheets, and small bellybands, which are for the future little highness and little princess. "

(End of this chapter)

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