First-class daughter

Chapter 918 Are You Afraid

Chapter 918 Are You Afraid
Chapter 918 Are You Afraid
Fennel introduced these things to Lian Siyue one by one.

"And the little tiger on this little pocket, which was embroidered by Miss herself." Fenix ​​picked up one of the small red pockets and showed it to Lian Siyue.

Hearing this, Lian Siyue hurriedly put down the tremella and lotus seed soup, reached out and took the little pocket, and said, "This is so strange, I heard that you used to get sleepy with embroidery needles, and even cried because of it." , During this period of time, you still learned how to embroider when you got home?"

"Hehe." Lian Lingyue smiled embarrassedly, blushing, and said, "Aren't you going to give this to my little nephew?"

"My lord concubine doesn't know that, Miss has spent a lot of effort in embroidering this little tiger, I've never seen her sit still like this before.

Woke up in the morning, put down to have a meal at noon, and continued to embroider after the meal. Not only did my fingers get pricked many times, but I also said that I would embroider all my good luck on this little tiger while embroidering. Bring it to the little princess. "

"Fenix, didn't I tell you not to say it?" Lian Lingyue said displeased.

"Slave is talkative, slave is talkative." Fennel smiled and continued to sort out the things she brought over for Lian Lingyue.

"Show me." Lian Siyue stretched out his hand towards Lian Lingyue.

Lian Lingyue said with her hands behind her back, "Sister, it's not as exaggerated as what Fennel said. Don't read it. I'll feel embarrassed after reading it."

"Take it here." Lian Siyue took her hands over, spread her palms and took a look——

Immediately, the smile on Lian Siyue's face disappeared, and there were many faint pinholes on the hands. It seemed that the child had been stabbed many times in order to embroider a little tiger.

She remembered that Ling Yue'er said that she was very afraid of pain, and this time the little tiger embroidered really hurt so many times.

Lian Siyue felt warm in her heart, she got such a love without city mansions and no calculations, this life of hard work is really worth it!

Looking at her hands again, even Siyue's nose was a little sore, and said, "What a little fool, you love the child so much, when you grow up, you have to cling to you every day."

When Lian Lingyue heard this, she was very happy, and said, "It would be great to stick to me, I like it, I will take it, and take it well."

"What about you, you don't have children yourself." Lian Siyue laughed.

Lian Lingyue blushed and said, "I'm still young, I'm far away, take yours first."

"It's not too young. You should get married in a year. At that time, you will also wear a red wedding dress." The current Ling Yue'er is the same age as when she was just reborn.

However, she is different from her. At that time, her world was full of hatred and blood. There was only revenge and calculation, and every step she took was on the tip of a knife.

And Ling Yue'er, no matter how many difficulties she has suffered, is still bright and innocent, even if she has never been hurt.

In her bright smile, there was no trace of being hurt.

This is Ling Yue'er's precious place, but it is what Lian Siyue wants to protect.

"Sister, do I have to get married? If I can't marry the person I like like you, I'd rather not get married, and I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life.

I don't want to spend my whole life with someone I don't love, that way I'd rather die. "When Lian Lingyue uttered it, it was a word that horrified the world.

Lian Siyue found that although the two sisters had different personalities, they were surprisingly consistent in their approach to love and marriage.

"This time in the palace, the emperor gave me an order to find a concubine for Lian Jue. I said I was considering it." Lian Siyue said.

When Lian Lingyue heard this, she suddenly raised her head and said, "Then what did you say? Did you find him? Who did you find?"

she asked anxiously.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Lian Siyue couldn't help but chirp and said.

"Sister, tell me quickly, who are you looking for?" Lian Lingyue wanted to know.

Before Lian Jue left, she made an agreement with him. She was domineering and asked him to draw a stroke every time he thought of her, and she didn't know if that guy followed her instructions.

"I haven't looked for anyone yet, shouldn't I ask you first?" Lian Siyue already knew what Lian Lingyue thought about Lian Jue.

Lian Lingyue bit her lower lip and said, "Sister, why don't you find me, how about finding me?"

Lian Siyue smiled, "With your words, my sister will know what to do. However, I can't say this, otherwise the emperor will think that I have selfish intentions, and then find someone who can say it."

"Yeah." Lian Lingyue nodded again and again, "Yes, yes."

"However, Lian Jue is no longer the eldest grandson of the Lian family, but the eleventh prince. Before certain things, such as the crown prince, such as the confirmation of the throne, being with him has to go through storms. Are you afraid? ?” Lian Siyue asked.

Lian Lingyue's eyes paused, looking a little dim, and said, "I'm not afraid of the wind or waves, but I'm afraid that he doesn't have me in his heart."

Maybe he had already thrown the stack of papers she gave him on the way to Shanhaiguan.

Maybe everything is just her wishful thinking.

Lian Siyue held Lian Lingyue's hand in his palm, stroked it lightly, and said, "Actually, in my opinion, Lian Jue is not completely ungrateful to you. At that time, he spent a lot of effort to find you." .”

"That's because he felt guilty towards me. He told me that he always felt that she took away my things, and my downfall was all because of him.

Because of these deep feelings of guilt, he wanted to help me. "When Lian Lingyue talked about these things, she always felt lost in her heart.

She lowered her head and touched the Pisces jade pendant hanging on her chest, which was missing half.

"That's not necessarily true. He may not have done these things out of guilt. In the past, when he went to Shanhaiguan for the first time, when you were still the eldest grandson and princess, didn't he make a special trip to Changchun Palace to say goodbye?" Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, he has been here." A handsome young man appeared in Lian Lingyue's mind——

At that time, he had no scars on his face, picturesque eyebrows, bright and bright, full of confidence and fighting spirit for the future, and exuded a beautiful aura of youth all over his body.

Standing there, he has the posture of holding a sword to the end of the world.

At that time, both of them were just children, so they said goodbye like children, saying how much they cherished each other.She even thought that such a separation might last a lifetime.

Lianjue, Lianjue, you have suffered a lot.

I only wish that you go away for half your life and come back as a teenager.

"Ling Yue'er, think about it carefully, are you really willing to be with Lian Jue? Don't be afraid of getting hurt, not afraid of bleeding, not afraid of tears, and not afraid of pain." Lian Siyue's voice rang softly in her ear .

(End of this chapter)

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