First-class daughter

Chapter 919 Training Wu Qiao

Chapter 919 Training Wu Qiao
Chapter 919 Training Wu Qiao
"Not afraid." Lian Lingyue said without the slightest hesitation.

Lian Siyue held her hand and nodded, "I see."

Lian Lingyue sent someone back to Lian's house to tell her that she would stay in Prince Heng's mansion for a while. Even the family members knew that the two sisters had deep feelings, so they didn't think there was anything wrong and let her go.

Even in the moon room.

Wu Qiao stood in front of him.

"Just now Yin Huai's sword was obviously spying on you. How could he suspect you? What happened between you and His Highness the Eighth Prince in front of the Rongyuan Hall on the emperor's birthday? How could he notice you?" Lian Asked like the moon.

"Back to the princess, I deserve death for being a lowly official." Wu Qiao knelt down on one knee and said, "That day, the humble official put the queen mother's cat in to attack Concubine Xu Xian. After leaving the door, he had a brief meeting with His Highness the Eighth Highness. Humble post, where did it come from?"

Lian Siyue frowned and asked, "Why didn't you tell this princess about this?"

"I's not a big deal, and I've hidden it very well, so..." Wu Qiao said.

"If His Highness the Eighth Highness is more thoughtful that day, all our subsequent plans will be lost! The consequences will be unimaginable! Not to mention getting rid of Concubine Xu Xian, even the mother concubine, this princess, may all be implicated." Lian Si There was no expression on Yue's face, and his voice was cold and stern.

"Convicted of a lowly job, lowly job deserves to die." Wu Qiao lowered his head even lower.

"This princess doesn't like any subordinates to make their own decisions!" Lian Siyue said coldly, "It seems that although you are a secret guard, you don't completely trust this princess, otherwise, you wouldn't be so self-righteous."

"Princess, please punish me!" Today, when Yin Huai's sword stabbed at her, she knew something was wrong!

"What did Lengmei tell you when he asked you to come here?" Lian Siyue asked.

"She only said that she had to leave because she had something to do, and let the humble official come to the princess's side to protect her, and she wanted the humble official to protect her with her life." Wu Qiao said.

Lian Siyue continued, "You are different from Leng Mei. Since the first day Leng Mei came to me, she has been very obedient and trusts this princess, and based on her trust, I also trust her very much, so she has never failed After all, she even knew exactly what I was thinking."

Wu Qiao knew that she had made a serious and irreparable mistake, she said, "The crime of humble duty deserves death, please punish the princess."

"Go out, my concubine is going to rest." Lian Siyue stood up and said expressionlessly.

Wu Qiao was stunned for a moment, stood up, and backed out.

"Close the door." Lian Siyue ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, Wangfei." Qing Dai walked over and closed the door.

Wu Qiao stood in the courtyard outside, facing the direction of Lian Siyue's room, motionless——

She deeply knew that she was wrong!
The biggest mistake was not trusting the princess 100%. I privately thought that the concubine was not old enough to have the courage and courage to compare with the Ninth Highness, so I couldn't help but neglected it.

At the same time, she also knew that if the concubine did not try her best to turn the tide and speed up the resolution of Concubine Xu Xian's matter, there might be irreparable consequences.

She bent her knees and fell to her knees—

The strategy and courage of the princess are comparable to those of His Highness Ninth Prince, and even more so than ordinary women.

In deep self-blame and introspection, she knelt until the next day.

And even Siyue didn't intend to tell her to get up and retreat, the servants in the mansion just walked by her back and forth like this, losing face as a hidden guard.

She just knelt down from morning to night.

Finally, Lian Siyue asked Qingdai to call her in for questioning.

Wu Qiao knelt on the ground and said, "Meet the princess."

Lian Siyue glanced at her and asked, "What do you think now?"

"From today onwards, I am not only willing to protect the princess with my life, but also with my heart." Wu Qiao said firmly.

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "The princess wants to give you a task. After the task is completed, if you come back, the task cannot be completed. From then on, you will have nothing to do with this princess, and you are not allowed to step into Princess Heng again. Half a step."

"Please tell me, my concubine, I will do my best to complete the humble job." Wu Qiao said, his voice resounding.

"Take this princess's token and go to Jingxi shop to find Mo Liniang. She is good at disguise, you ask her to disguise for you, and find a way to mix with the fifth princess." Lian Siyue gave a copy Handed the letter to Wu Qiao and said.

"Yes." Wu Qiao took the envelope and asked, "I don't know what task the princess wants to sneak into the fifth princess's side to complete?"

"The fifth princess is timid and indecisive, the people on Concubine Xu Xian's side will definitely take advantage of her, approach her, and try to use her to overthrow the crimes committed by the Japanese concubine on Concubine Xu Xian.

This time, my concubine will never allow concubine Xian to stand up, so you go to the fifth princess to monitor her.Observing her mind, it's good for her to insist on alliance with this princess, if she betrays her, if necessary, you can understand her. "Lian Siyue's voice was very cold, without any emotion.

If the fifth princess betrays her, if Feng Ye succeeds, then not only Concubine Xu Xian will be rehabilitated, but also the mother concubine, she may suffer.

She will never let this happen.

"Listen, the eighth prince, Feng Ye, will not let go of the clue of the fifth princess, Feng Ling, and the one who is most closely related to the fate of the fifth princess is the fifth son-in-law, Zheng Ke. It is possible that the eighth prince has already taken measures to capture Zheng Ke. You Staying in the Fifth Princess Mansion, not only must pay close attention to the fifth princess's every move, but also pay attention to the people who enter and exit the Fifth Princess Mansion, and report any suspicious situations in time.

Also, if the fifth son-in-law Zheng Ke has any movements, he must report them one by one. "

"Yes, I understand. I will go to Mo Liniang to change my appearance, and I will never disgrace the mission of the princess." Wu Qiao said, turning and leaving with great ambition.

It is not difficult to hide by a person's side, and it is easy to lurk beside the fifth princess.

However, after what happened with His Highness the Eighth Prince, Wu Qiao became calmer and more cautious, and would no longer have any fluke thoughts, and would be more down-to-earth.

Mother Tai saw that Wu Qiao had gone far away, and said, "This girl should understand your painstaking efforts, Princess."

"If someone else made such a mistake on my side, I would never give him a second chance. However, she was hired by Leng Mei to replace her. I am willing to believe Leng Mei and her vision, so presumably She replaced Wu Qiao, Wu Qiao has her strengths." Lian Siyue said.

"So, the concubine is not giving Wu Qiao a chance, but giving Lengmei a chance." Mother Tai said.

Lian Siyue nodded, "It's because of the cold eyebrows, that's right."

Qing Dai sighed softly, and said with some complaints. "I don't know where she went? Did she encounter any difficulties.

(End of this chapter)

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