First-class daughter

Chapter 921 Let go

Chapter 921 Let go
Chapter 921 Let go
"Go away! Don't get in the way here!"

At this moment, she heard an unpleasant sound of yelling, and when she looked up, she saw several princes from aristocratic families beating and kicking a beggar.

She frowned, put the meatloaf in Fenix's hand casually, walked over quickly, and said angrily, "Stop! What's the point of so many people bullying a beggar?"

The young masters of aristocratic families stopped their hands when they heard the handsome scolding, and when they looked back, they found that the person who called Zhi was just a gentle-looking young master, and they were not afraid of anything immediately.

One of them said angrily, "Brother, meddling in other people's business will pay a price. Your pink and white face will look ugly if it bleeds."

Lian Lingyue's almond-shaped eyes widened, her arms crossed her chest, and she said with a cold face, "I will take care of this business! Let this beggar go."

She was not afraid, she knew that her sister had sent people to protect him, and they were all just waiting for her order.

Seeing the conflict here, the people around gathered around one after another. They couldn't help but feel worried when they saw that this thin young man was about to symbolize with the fateful villain nearby.

"Hehe! That depends on whether you have the ability to meddle in your own business!"

One of them suddenly flew towards her and kicked her. She stood coldly on the spot, motionless, and the crowd around couldn't help screaming——

However, before the person's feet approached her, the hidden guard who was secretly protecting her had already made a move, and there was only a clicking sound, and the bone of the person's feet made a clicking sound.

"Ah!" He collapsed on the ground, crying out in pain.

When the rest of the people saw this, they were immediately terrified—it turned out that the young man was not alone.

His bodyguards all seemed to be very powerful, and they were not easy to mess with.

Several people suddenly thumped, knelt on the ground, and begged bitterly, "Young master, we don't know Mount Tai with our eyes, please let us go."

"Huh." Lian Lingyue looked at these people who had changed their expressions, and said, "Beggars are helpless, so you bully wantonly, thinking that I am alone, you don't cry, now you know that I have someone. Protecting you, you knelt down and begged for mercy, you are like animals, you are not as good as animals! As a human being, it is better not to look down on others."

After she finished speaking, everyone around her applauded.

The beggar on the ground looked up at the righteous man.

"Yes yes yes, you are right, it is better." Lian Lingyue said something, and several people nodded repeatedly.

"Let's go, get out!" If she hadn't thought about it and had to be careful not to cause any trouble to her sister and Prince Heng's house, she would definitely give them another lesson today.

But because she didn't want to be too ostentatious and cause some jokes to Prince Heng's mansion, she endured it.

"Yes, yes, yes." Several people lifted the man with the injured foot, and walked away in fright.

Lian Lingyue looked coldly at the backs of these people, and then looked down at the dirty beggar on the ground, only to see that he was wearing clothes whose eyes could not be seen clearly, and his hair was messy and scattered. It formed strands and strands, and if you look closely, you can still see bugs crawling around in his hair, which is very disgusting and dirty.

His eyes were hidden behind his hair, they were cloudy, and he couldn't see clearly. He only felt that when he faced Lian Lingyue's eyes, his eyes were a little dodgy.

Lian Lingyue said to Fennel, "Give him the meatloaf."

"Yes." Fennel put the hot meatloaf she just bought into the basin in front of the beggar.

Lian Lingyue took out another ingot of silver from her waist, bent down, and placed it beside his basin, before preparing to leave.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." The beggar kowtowed repeatedly, clutching meatloaf and silver.

Lian Lingyue didn't say anything, turned around and left.

The beggar knelt on the ground, looked at her retreating back, raised his hand, stuffed the meatloaf into his mouth, and took a hard bite, a look of deepness flashed through the cloudy eyes behind the dirty hair.

Lian Lingyue, Feng Lingyue?
It turned out that so many wonderful shows were missed.

However, no matter the name or identity, this little girl really hasn't changed at all, her passion and justice are clear and direct.


He was sitting against a corner, and many people passed by him.

In people's eyes, he is not threatening, because he is just a beggar, a stinky beggar who only holds a bowl of pity.

His eyes gradually deepened, looking at the situation in front of him, an unknown smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

The interest in watching the lantern was spoiled by these bullying young masters.

Lian Lingyue suddenly felt bored, and after a few laps, she told Fenix ​​to go back home.

Fen Xiang was very happy, hurriedly followed Lian Lingyue and got into the carriage.

"Fenix, tell them, don't tell my sister what happened just now, so that she won't worry about me." On the carriage, Lian Lingyue lifted the curtain of the carriage and ordered.

"Yes." Fennel complied.

The beggar not far away looked at her, and his heart suddenly seemed to be on fire.

After returning to the palace, Lian Siyue asked curiously: "Going to see the lanterns, why did you come back so soon? Isn't this year's lanterns beautiful?"

Lian Lingyue nodded, "Yes, it's not interesting to go alone, so I don't want to watch it."

She came in and said, "However, I brought you a lamp." She motioned to Fenix, and Fenix ​​came in with a beautiful lotus lantern.

"It's pretty." Lian Siyue looked at the lamp and said.

The next day, news came from the palace——

Concubine Xu Xian fell ill and fainted in the prison, and she still couldn't forget the name of Emperor Zhou Cheng in the madness.

However, Emperor Zhou Cheng didn't show mercy, but announced that after the Day of Rebellion, he would immediately behead the concubine Xian to comfort the souls of the emperor's heirs who had been killed by him.

This precept day was once restricted by Master Xuanwei to Emperor Zhou Cheng, and it is not suitable to kill on this day.

Therefore, it will take another ten days for Concubine Xu Xian to be executed.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue said, "Hmph, I have exhausted all means to survive, but unfortunately, this princess will not give her this chance."

Then, Wu Qiao sent back the good news that she had successfully arrived at the mansion of the fifth princess, and she just had to wait for the opportunity to become the person trusted by the fifth princess.

Lian Siyue had a smile on her face——

Wu Qiao is a good piece of jade and needs to be polished.

"Sister, why did Leng Mei leave?" Even Ling Yue didn't see Leng Mei today, and Yue'er felt uncomfortable without that icy figure.

"She said she wanted to do something of her own, and she didn't want to be a secret guard for the rest of her life, so she asked me to help her, and I let her go...

(End of this chapter)

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