Chapter 922
Chapter 922
Royal Palace.

political affairs hall.

Feng Ye was sitting in the middle, all the ministers were discussing the court affairs, while he was listening, he was still thinking about Lian Siyue, why did she speak for him in front of her father, was it part of a conspiracy, or was she sincere? of?

There must be something wrong with the maid I met in front of the Hall of Honor.

"Your Highness, this is an excerpt from Northern Xinjiang. It is related to the affairs of the former Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue. Please read it." At this time, the Ministry of War handed over an excerpt.

Northern Xinjiang?Feng Ye was taken aback for a moment, it was rare for Beijiang to perform for many years, why did the rehearsal come suddenly?

The former Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue is herding horses and sheep in northern Xinjiang. What does it have to do with him?
"Read." Thinking of these, Feng Ye ordered.


After reading the contents of the memorial, Feng Ye and all the officials were stunned at the same time.

"I didn't expect that, but in just a few months, he died." Someone said.

"Together with Xiao Zhenhai, for his own selfish desires, he cheated on Khitan and betrayed the emperor, and he deserves death."

Chenglian Yanqing on the side broke out in a cold sweat, thinking back then, Feng Qianyue had proposed marriage to Yue'er, but luckily it didn't work out, otherwise even his family and him would suffer.

Inside the Hall of Honor.

Feng Ye bowed his head and stood in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, reporting the news of Feng Qianyue's death.

After hearing this, Emperor Zhou Cheng pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time.

He looked into the distance, dimly, he seemed to see a taciturn and slow young man walking towards him, with a cautious expression on his face, always observing the expression of his father, how he was when he was idle please him.

He is different from other princes, while others are enjoying the time around his mother wantonly, he already lives alone and takes care of his own affairs.If the grade is a bit older, they will move out of the palace as usual.

From the beginning to the end, he was far away from the prince.

"Since the person is dead, pass the order down and bury him on the spot."

"Yes." Feng Ye paused and asked, "Then can he enter the Taichen Palace?"

Emperor Zhou Cheng strolled to the window, looked at the lush greenery in the imperial garden, and said, "He deceived the emperor and conspired against me. He is not qualified to enter the Taichen Palace. He is buried on the spot and cannot erect a monument. I will treat it as nothing." This son, let him go with the wind."

"Yes, my servant obeys." Feng Ye accepted the order.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

"What did you say?" Lian Siyue, who was drinking tea with her head down, suddenly heard such news, and immediately tightened her hand holding the lid of the teacup.

"It was His Highness the Eighth Highness who specially asked the humble officer to come here to inform the matter. Due to the harsh environment and excessive cold, the hands and feet of the Fourth Highness were all frozen to death. When shepherding the sheep last month, he accidentally angered the sheep, and was trampled to death in the end. It's very miserable. I also brought all the tokens of His Royal Highness, as well as his two broken fingers." Yin Huai said.

After the initial surprise, Lian Siyue regained her composure, and said, "My princess knows, you can step back."

"Yes, I will resign from my humble position."

Feng Qianyue—the appearance of this person appeared in Lian Siyue's mind——

once Upon a time.

She was reborn for revenge, but with the successive deaths of Lian Shiya and Aunt Xiao Xiao, and Feng Qianyue's exile, she gradually forgot about these things.

Especially after marrying Yun Zheng, she gained precious feelings that she had never experienced in her previous life. She knew the feeling of being cared for carefully, and the bloody storms of her previous life were even further away.

And after having the child in her womb, she sometimes even forgot that she was reborn from hatred.

Now she wants to take good care of her body and give birth to a healthy child. When Yunzheng comes back, the family will be reunited.

But today, when she suddenly heard the news of Feng Qianyue's death, she felt lost for a moment——

This was the person she hated and hated the most. Every time she thought of what he had done, it would hurt her heart and lungs, and she couldn't sleep all day and all night. As long as she closed her eyes, there would be blood everywhere.

How could he die?Even Siyue drove him to the northern border, just to make him suffer endless torture, to repay the pain she suffered in the previous life, to make him struggle between survival and not to live, to taste what she had tasted back then. all over the taste.

She knows Feng Qianyue too well——

For a person like him, even if he eats dirt and dung, without any dignity, he will try his best to survive just for the breath of his heart.

What he is best at is patience, the longest and most unlimited patience.

But today, it was suddenly said that he was dead——

Lian Siyue walked into the garden step by step, her eyes fell on the peony flower——

The flowers are blooming beautifully, the wind blows, swaying, emitting fragrance, everything is false and real, true and false.

She closed her eyes slowly, and Feng Qianyue's appearance appeared again in her mind, the past life and the present life were intertwined——

"Since you cursed the noble concubine to suffer from heartache, it is really reasonable for me to take your fetus to treat her." At that time, Feng Qianyue said leisurely, her tone was cold and ruthless like the ice of winter.

"You bastard! No wonder Lao Jiu defends you so much, and embarrasses me in court for you! It turns out that you guys have been hiding in the dark for a long time! You really don't change your nature! I only favored you once seven months ago , how could it be such a coincidence that you are pregnant with a dragon? Now it seems that this evil seed is clearly Lao Jiu's!"

"Bitch, even now, you're still trying to force the concubine into the water! Come on, cut her belly open immediately!"

You quack doctor, when will it be your turn to teach me how to do things?Do you want to disobey me and punish the nine clans? "Feng Qianyue stared coldly and scolded.

"The emperor's redemption, the emperor's redemption!" The imperial physician knelt down in fright.

"Do it!" Feng Qianyue ordered, and her stomach was cut open by the shining dagger.

His cruel words that pushed her into the abyss gradually became clear again.

Do not!
Feng Qianyue will not die so easily, he will definitely try his best to survive, he will linger on, and he will not beg to die angrily.

Her intuition told her that there must be something hidden in it!

There was a flash of thought in her eyes, and she said seriously, "Come here."

"Yes." Two hidden guards approached.

"My concubine wants you to go to northern Xinjiang quickly to see what happened before Feng Qianyue died, and report all the details to this concubine in detail, and bring the guards in charge of guarding him to this concubine." Lian Like the moon ordered.

"Yes, I obey."

Lian Lingyue came over and asked, "Is my sister suspecting that His Royal Highness is not dead?"

"Feng Qianyue is not someone who dies so easily, I think this matter is worth investigating." Lian Siyue said thoughtfully.

"If he didn't die, where did the body come from? Didn't Yin Huai say that he was trampled to death by the sheep?" Lian Lingyue was puzzled.

"If he is trampled to death by a flock of sheep, his face may be completely different. If it is completely different, how can he be sure that it is him, so I have to investigate carefully."

(End of this chapter)

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