First-class daughter

Chapter 923 The Choice of Seven Princesses

Chapter 923 The Choice of the Fifth Princess
Chapter 923 The Choice of the Fifth Princess
Inside the Fifth Princess Fengling Mansion.

Wu Qiao assassinated Qiaoqiao, a maid in the Princess Mansion, and then tore off her face and brought it to Mo Liniang. Qiao's identity entered the princess mansion.

This Qiaoqiao is a handyman in the dining room of the princess mansion, and there is no chance to get close to the fifth princess Feng Ling on weekdays, she now wants to find a chance to gain the trust of the fifth princess Feng Ling and serve her by her side.

The reason why she didn't kill the big maid beside Fifth Princess Feng Ling was because she was afraid that her words and deeds would be exposed, and the fifth princess Feng Ling would see her flaws. This kind of third-class maid who was usually not noticed was better at handling things.

So now, Qiaoqiao stood behind the rockery, secretly and carefully observing every move of these people in the garden.

She knew that the one who was surrounded by everyone was the darling of the fifth princess Fengling, the baby lump, the little lord, the six-year-old Zheng Tong.

At this moment, the young master is playing cuju, having a great time, while the accompanying maids are all sweating profusely nervously, for fear that the little ancestor will be injured.

Wu Qiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sly smile appeared on his face, watching the Fifth Princess Feng Ling walking towards this side.

She bent down to pick up a stone on the ground, aimed it right, and threw it as a hidden weapon——

I saw that Zheng Tong, who was running, staggered and fell into the pool suddenly.

The fifth princess, Feng Ling, who was walking towards her, suddenly turned pale with shock and screamed.

"Young Lord, Young Lord..." The servants hurriedly went into the water to save people.

Before it was too late, Wu Qiao jumped deep into the water. She pretended to save Zheng Tong, but in fact she submerged Zheng Tong in the water as if she was subtly submerging her, and quietly tapped one of his acupoints, letting him He took a few sips of water in the water.

Seeing that he was about to faint, Wu Qiao pretended to rescue Zheng Tong out of the water in a hurry.

However, Zheng Tong went into shock because of choking on the water. The fifth princess Feng Ling rushed over, touched her son, and found that he was not breathing.

Wu Qiao seized this opportunity and squeezed Zheng Tong's heart without saying a word.

After a while, the "dead" Zheng Tong spit out a few mouthfuls of water, coughed, and woke up again, crying loudly.

When the imperial physician arrived, he told Zheng Tong about the examination, and said that if the maid hadn't rescued him in time, the little lord would have died.

The fifth princess, Feng Ling, was excited and rewarded Qiao Qiao greatly, and asked her how she knew the art of saving people.

Qiaoqiao bluntly said that her hometown is by the sea, and people often drown and go into shock. She has seen too many scenes of saving people, so she will do some.

And she is also good at water, so when the servants fainted from fright, she calmly went down to the pool to save people.

The fifth princess, Feng Ling, was very happy when she heard this, and said that she had saved the life of the young master, and she was going to be promoted to a first-class maidservant to serve in the courtyard of the young master.

Qiaoqiao bowed her head to thank her, a smile unconsciously appeared in the corner of her eyes.

So she had the opportunity to get close to the fifth princess, Feng Ling, and under the cover of Zheng Tong, she could do some inconvenient things.

After two or three days.

The fifth son-in-law, Zheng Ke, came back with a very bad look on his face. When he came back, he and the fifth princess plunged into the study, discussing something.

Wu Qiao secretly encouraged Zheng Tong, saying:

"Little Hou Ye, how about I play hide-and-seek with you?"

Zheng Tong was very happy, and hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, your game is fun every time, and I want you to accompany me."

So Wu Qiao led Zheng Tong out of the yard to play hide and seek, and in order to deceive others, he also called many other servants to play together.

While Shen Chong and these people were having a great time, Wu Qiao took the opportunity to sneak to the back of the study and listen to what they had to say between husband and wife.

She didn't hear it very clearly, but she heard the fifth son-in-law say, "This time, His Royal Highness has evidence in his hands. If he wants to suppress me, I will have nothing to do. Our family will be in trouble. My official career, Tong'er's." future."

When she still wanted to listen, she heard footsteps, and she immediately dodged and hid behind a tree beside her.

"Haha, I found you!" Zheng Tong rushed over and said happily.

At this time, the study door opened immediately, and the fifth princess said angrily, "Who told you to make noise here? Qiaoqiao, are you impatient?"

"Princess, forgive me, princess, forgive me, slave, slave..." Wu Qiao looked flustered.

"Mother, I'm playing hide and seek, don't be angry." At this time, Zheng Tong jumped out, shook Feng Ling's hand, and said.

Feng Ling frowned slightly, and said, "This place is the study, where your father handles official business, don't come here to make noise. Coincidentally, you lead the young master down, and you will never come here again."

"Yes, yes, Your Royal Highness, this servant understands, young master, let's go quickly." Wu Qiao, with a look of sincerity and fear, fully aware of his mistakes, walked behind Zheng Tong, with an imperceptible smile flashing in his eyes .

"As expected, I guessed correctly, Feng Ye started from the body of the fifth son-in-law." Lian Siyue said.

"Wangfei, what should we do now? His Highness the Eighth Prince holds the evidence of the Fifth Son-in-law's crime of perverting the law. If he threatens with this, the Fifth Princess will very likely bite back at you and the Concubine Liang in order to protect the Princess Mansion." Wu Qiao, who tore off Qiaoqiao's face and restored her original appearance, said.

Lian Siyue pondered for a moment, and said, "It depends on Feng Ling's choice."

"I don't understand what you mean, please show me the princess." Wu Qiao cupped his hands and said.

"If Feng Ling came to find my princess and asked her to find a way to save the concubine and the princess mansion, then she would be on the same boat as this princess. If she chose to fight back against my princess with the Eighth Highness Xu Xianfei, what would happen to her?" There is no need to show mercy!" Lian Siyue's eyes overflowed with a trace of deep coldness.

"Yes, I understand." Wu Qiao said.

After a while, Wu Qiao left Prince Heng's Mansion, put on Qiao Qiao's face in a secluded place, and then returned to the Princess Mansion.

From this moment on, she has been paying attention to the movement of the fifth princess all the time.

At night, when the night was dark, the fifth son-in-law went out in a carriage, and the fifth princess stayed in the mansion to wait for news. Wu Qiao followed the fifth son-in-law's carriage secretly.

The carriage left the Princess Mansion and arrived at Zhengyang Street all the way, Wu Qiaoqiao followed behind——

Going to the east is the concubine of Prince Heng's Mansion, and going to the west is the Eighth Highness of Prince Yu's Mansion. It depends on which way the fifth son-in-law's carriage is going.

When the carriage finally headed to the west, Wu Qiao's lips slowly overflowed with coldness - Fifth Princess, you finally chose the road that runs alongside the princess.

In this way, there is nothing to complain about.

(End of this chapter)

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