Chapter 924
Chapter 924
Five princess mansion.

Feng Ling stayed up all night, sitting in the room waiting for the news from Zheng Ke, the fifth son-in-law, burning candles one after another, until it was almost dawn, and did not go to bed to rest.

At this moment, Feng Ling already felt exhausted, and her whole body was weak and weak!
She's never been so worried before—

She snapped off the jade hairpin in her hand, showing a hint of annoyance, and said to her maidservant: "If I had known earlier, this princess would not have conspired with Lian Siyue, so Feng Ye would not grab the handle of the son-in-law. You can still sit back and relax in the princess mansion, but now that the son-in-law is in Feng Ye's hands, it's really hard to get off!"

"Princess, don't blame yourself. You conspired with Princess Hengqin for the sake of Concubine De." The servant girl Chunjian said.

"That's ambitious like a moon wolf, who knows what kind of moths she will make to hurt me!" said the fifth princess.

"But, Your Highness, now you conspire with His Highness the Eighth Highness to overthrow Concubine Liang and Princess Heng, will you...will be bitten by Princess Heng?" Chun Jian said worriedly.

There was a slight smile on Feng Ling's face, and she said: "Actually, this princess chose to ally with the Eighth Emperor after careful consideration. That concubine Xian is crazy now, even if she escapes, she will fall out of favor completely. It's nothing." It's threatening. So, the biggest threat to my concubine mother is not Concubine Xu Xian, but Concubine Liang, and I will use the eighth brother to bring down Concubine Liang. In the end, both Dongxi Palace and Menghua Palace will suffer, and Xiyan Palace will be defeated. Sit back and reap the benefits of being a fisherman. Feng Ye thought he threatened us, but he didn't know that he was also used by us."

This was Feng Ling's wishful thinking.

"Your Highness, you are brilliant!" Chun Jian suddenly realized.

A smile appeared on Feng Ling's face, and said, "Now we'll wait for the news of the son-in-law's return, and see what the Eighth Emperor Brother said to him, what do we want us to do? At that time, as long as we can get rid of Concubine Liang and Lian Siyue , but it does not endanger Xiyan Palace and Princess Mansion, this princess will cooperate with him."

As she said that, Feng Ling couldn't help yawning, and ordered Chun Cui to say, "The son-in-law stayed at Feng Ye's house all night, and he should be hungry when he comes back. You go to the dining room to prepare some lists."

"Yes, servant girl will arrange it now." Chun Jian said.

After the fifth son-in-law, Zheng Ke, left from Feng Ye's place in Prince Yu's mansion, he returned to the Princess' mansion all the way while it was still dark.

Following Feng Ye's order, Yin Huai watched Zheng Ke from a distance, and did not return to Prince Yu's Mansion to report until he was approaching the Princess Mansion.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Zheng Ke came out from the back door of Prince Yu's Mansion, and also chose to enter through the back door of Princess Mansion. When he got off the carriage and was about to enter——

Suddenly a black shadow descended from the sky, and Zheng Ke suddenly turned his head——

He only heard the sound of stabbing, a sharp blade pierced his heart, he fell to the ground with a muffled sound, blood flowed out quickly under his body, he trembled vigorously a few times before he stopped Moved.

"Come on! Come on! Catch him, catch him, he killed the son-in-law!" The guards hurried over and shouted loudly.

Wu Qiao turned around and ran, with the guards chasing after her desperately. Relying on her familiarity with the vicinity of the Princess Mansion these days, she finally ran into a small alley during her escape.

When the guards ran over to take a look, there was only a black suit left on the ground, but the man had disappeared!

Feng Ling saw that it was dawn and Zheng Ke hadn't returned home yet, so she couldn't hold on any longer, so she decided to go to rest.

"His Royal Highness!" At this time, the guards of the mansion hurried in with a look of panic.

"What happened?" Feng Ling asked with her heart skipping a beat.

"Princess, fifth son-in-law, fifth son-in-law..." The guard hesitated.

"What's wrong with the son-in-law, tell me quickly!" Feng Ling stood up abruptly and asked eagerly.

"Fifth son-in-law... is dead." The guard said in a low voice.

"What? What did you say?" The fifth princess couldn't believe it, and suddenly felt dizzy, her eyes darkened, and she almost fainted.

"Princess!" Chun Jian hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

"How is it is it possible...yesterday, yesterday was fine, why today...where is he, where is he, this princess is going to see!"

"My son-in-law was assassinated at the door, and the assassin escaped, leaving behind only a black suit, and now, he is nowhere to be seen," said the guard.

Feng Ling's body was shaking for a while, and after taking several deep breaths, she finally regained her composure and ran out in a hurry.

"What did you say?" Feng Ye stood up abruptly, with a rare look of shock on his face, "The fifth son-in-law is dead?"

"Yes, the son-in-law is dead, and now the fifth princess has passed out. Concubine Feng De sent the imperial physician, and the entire princess mansion is in chaos," Yin Huai said.

"Didn't this king ask you to escort him all the way back to the mansion? Why was he killed halfway?" Feng Ye frowned and asked.

"The humble official did escort the son-in-law all the way back. Obviously, the son-in-law was killed in the princess mansion." Yin Huai said.

Feng Ye's eyes were tightly locked——

Last night, the fifth son-in-law Zheng Ke came to Prince Yu's mansion and told him that the fifth emperor sister agreed to listen to his arrangement to rescue Concubine Xu Xian, but she wanted to keep his official career safe and sound.

Later, Feng Ye asked him to go back to the Princess Mansion, and he would arrange and arrange everything for the rest, as long as the husband and wife came out to testify and admitted that they were forced by others to frame Concubine Xu Xian together.

What, die soon?

"It seems that someone knows that the king is going to use the matter of the fifth son-in-law to rescue the concubine mother, so he has taken action against the fifth son-in-law in advance. Eliminate it directly, and let the fifth emperor sister hate me. Who else but her ?”

The fist in Feng Ye's sleeve was clenched tightly, and a vein appeared on his forehead.

He knew that she would also make some moves, but he didn't expect that she would act quickly, and the timing was very accurate

"Your Highness, what should we do now? Once the fifth son-in-law dies, this clue will be broken, and the road to rescue the Xianfei Empress will not work!"

"Yin Huai... get ready, this king is going to the Princess Mansion to find out!" Feng Ye intuitively felt that things had changed, and it was indeed as Yin Huai said, once the fifth son-in-law died, he would have no leverage to blackmail the Princess Mansion!
It will take a lot of time to find another breakthrough to rescue the concubine mother. Once the fasting period of the father and emperor is over, the concubine mother will be punished immediately. Now she has to race against time.

"Yes, Your Highness."

When Feng Ye came to the Princess Mansion in a hurry, before he got close, he heard howling.

He stood at the door, looked over, and saw the fifth sister Fengling sitting on the ground, with a white cloth wrapped around her head, kneeling on the ground, clutching the cold corpse of the fifth son-in-law, crying loudly, crying heartbreakingly, heartbreaking .

(End of this chapter)

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