First-class daughter

Chapter 926 Jedi Counterattack

Chapter 926 Jedi Counterattack
Chapter 926 Jedi Counterattack
Li Meiren couldn't help picking up one of the red gold inlaid sapphire bracelets. It is heavy and exquisite in workmanship. High-end, she held a butterfly jasper hairpin on her head for comparison, and said, "How can I accept such a precious thing."

Lian Siyue picked up the tea presented by Xiaoxin and said, "You can take it."

Hearing this voice, Li Meiren's hands trembled, and her hand holding the gold bracelet tightened. She raised her head, and seeing the expression of Princess Heng, she immediately had an ominous premonition in her heart.

In this world, there is no pie that falls for nothing!

Reluctantly, she put down these treasures and asked, "I don't know why Princess Heng came here. I feel uneasy holding such a precious thing, can you please explain it clearly."

Lian Siyue looked at Xiaoxin.

Li Meiren understood, and ordered, "Go out, stay outside, and don't let anyone in."

"Yes." Xiaoxin walked out with another eunuch.

Only Lian Siyue, Li Meiren and Tai Nai were left in the dormitory, and Qing Dai was also guarding outside.

"Princess Heng, can we talk now? You came here on a special trip, why not?" Li Meiren asked.

Lian Siyue said to Nanny Tai, "Take it out."

"Yes, beauty, please take a look." Mother Tai put a prescription in front of Beauty Li.

Li Meiren turned pale with shock at a glance, squeezed the prescription tightly, and looked at Lian Siyue nervously, while Lian Siyue only had a faint expression on his face, drinking tea at a leisurely pace, as if waiting what.

Suddenly, Li Meiren knelt on the ground with a plop, trembling all over, and said in panic, "This, this..."

Lian Siyue said slowly, "In order to seek a child, you did not hesitate to eat this kind of forbidden product, and even touch this kind of pill on your belly button. This will not only damage your own body, but also deplete the vitality of the emperor. I don't know, the emperor This time the dragon body is sick, does it have anything to do with you Li Meiren?"

"Princess Hengqin, you must have made a mistake. I, how dare I do such a thing. Besides, my child just passed away, and I'm feeling uncomfortable. I haven't eaten all day and night." Li Meiren He said so faithfully, and began to weep silently.

As if knowing that Li Meiren would deny it after being frightened, Lian Siyue clapped her hands lightly, and Qing Dai pushed a person in——

"In front of the princess, be honest and kneel down quickly!"

Li Meiren looked up and saw the person, she was shocked, her face was pale, and the prescription in her hand fell to the ground.

"Slave, Ding Lian, the servant in the imperial dining room, pays homage to the concubine." The servant knelt on the ground, kowtowed, and glanced at Li Meiren.

Li Meiren almost fainted, her face was as pale as paper.

"Do you know this one in front of you?" Lian Siyue asked the servant Ding Lian.

"I know, I know, the servant and Li Meiren are fellow villagers." Ding Lian didn't dare to deceive even the slightest bit, and confessed everything.

Li Meiren's body went limp, and she collapsed on the ground, her face was as white as wax, and her eyes entered the palace.

It turns out that things are like this:

Lian Siyue heard that Li Meiren had had a miscarriage for four months, and felt that something was wrong, so she found a trustworthy doctor Rong, and recorded all Li Meiren's prescriptions in the imperial hospital for the past six months, but after checking, she found nothing. Unusual place.

But at this time, Lian Siyue heard another Jiang imperial physician inadvertently mentioning that Li Meiren has a distant relative who also works in the palace. Li Meiren asked him for earthwork. Jiang imperial physician reminded that there are regulations in the palace. Female family members are not allowed to use outside prescriptions at will.

At that time, Beauty Li said that she was just asking, and would not really ask for a prescription, so at that time, Imperial Physician Jiang didn't take it too seriously, he was thinking of a little beauty, so he wouldn't dare to disobey the palace rules.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue kept an eye out, and immediately arranged for someone to search, and finally found Ding Lian who was killing chickens in the imperial dining room, and asked for such a prescription under cross-examination.

Li Meiren didn't dare to quibble anymore, she repeatedly kowtowed, begged for mercy, and said, "Princess Heng, please, please forgive me, I entered the palace at the age of 13, and now seven years have passed, and I have not yet had an heir. The good years are about to pass, and in the future, I can't escape the fate of dying alone in this deserted palace, so, that's why I took the risk and made such a big mistake."

Lian Siyue signaled Qingdai to take Ding Lian down.

"Do you want me to tell the Empress about this, that you were executed with a stick, or do you want to take these treasures and spend the rest of your life in this harem?" Lian Siyue straight to the point.

"Of course I don't want to die, and I naturally want to live a good life. What do you need me to do?" Li Meiren said with tears.

Lian Siyue said, "After two hours, go search the apricot tree at the entrance of your bedroom, and send the things you found to the Queen Mother, and say that the child in your belly died because of that thing." In this way, no one will know that you killed your own child yourself."

Li Meiren was a little terrified, and said, "But, I, I will be afraid, I am afraid of being seen through."

"Anyway, it's death, why not take a gamble? If you follow my will, I can promise that Menghua Palace will help you in the dark to deal with Concubine Xin. You have been oppressed by Concubine Xin for seven years. Don't you want to turn around?" After two hours, I will wait for your good news." Lian Siyue got up, picked up the prescription on the ground, put it in her sleeve, and ordered Ding Lian to take it away.

Li Meiren's body softened, she fell to the ground, her hands were clenched tightly, her eyes gradually turned red, she went to falsely accuse Concubine Xu Xian, what if she was found out?The Eighth Highness is not easy.

After a while, Xiaoxin said outside, "No one, Concubine Xin came to see you."

Li Meiren quickly swallowed her shock and fear, got up, greeted her, and said, "My Lady Xin."

Concubine Xin looked around her room with haughty eyes, and said, "It's such a pity, a good-looking child, if you say it's gone, it will be gone, what will you do in the future."

Li Meiren lowered her head and said nothing, her fists in her sleeves were secretly clenched.

"Tut tsk tsk..." Concubine Xin looked at him coldly, and said, "Look at you, you have such a pale face, how can you keep the child, come on, I brought some supplements, which were rewarded by the concubine Defei earlier, Here you go, let’s make up for it.”

"Thank you, Concubine Xin." Li Meiren said respectfully.

"You, you forgot. The year we entered the palace together, the fortune teller told you that you were destined to be childless. Why do you insist on fighting for it? Now that your body is broken, Why don't you accept your fate, I will protect you well, after all, we entered the palace together."

Concubine Xin kept talking about taking care of her, but in fact every word she said satirized Meiren Li.

(End of this chapter)

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