First-class daughter

Chapter 927 Unusual feeling

Chapter 927 Unusual feeling
Chapter 927 Unusual feeling
She made a special trip to see Li Meiren's jokes. When the two of them entered the palace together, there was always a comparison.

But Concubine Xin is narrow-minded and jealous. When she saw that Li Meiren had a dragon pregnancy, she had been annoyed for a long time. If she had a miscarriage, she just didn't say it, but her behavior was like celebrating it.

Usually, Li Meiren either endured it, or deliberately restored a few flattering words.

But today, uncharacteristically, he has not said a word.

After Concubine Xin sarcastically flaunted the trouble and left, Li Meiren turned coldly, got off the bed, walked to the apricot tree that Lian Siyue had mentioned, and said to Xiaoxin: "When I stand here, my heart is full of pain. I'm always in a panic, and my stomach is uncomfortable. Go, call Xiaoluzi in, dig this place, and see if there is anything in it."


Xiao Xin and Xiao Luzi immediately shoveled the catalpa and dug up the ginkgo tree. Suddenly, a black mass rolled out of it.

"Beauty, what is this?" Xiaoxin stepped forward, took out the medicine ball, and asked curiously.

Li Meiren leaned close to her nose, sniffed it, and ordered, "Go ask Imperial Doctor Jiang, and tell me that I found something strange here, and I'm afraid it's the culprit that caused my child to have a miscarriage."

"Yes, I'm going now, servant girl." When Xiaoxin heard that it was such a terrible thing, she hurriedly threw away the shovel and went to the Imperial Hospital to find Imperial Doctor Jiang.

After Imperial Physician Jiang came over, he was shocked when he saw it, and said, "Why is there such a thing here, it is the same as the medicine ball dug out from Menghua Palace, it will cause miscarriage."

Li Meiren suddenly turned pale with shock, and then wailed loudly, saying, "Who, who harmed me like this, caused my child to die, and caused me to be lonely and helpless!"

She cried, stood up suddenly, and hurried to the Queen Mother's Shouning Hall.

When she reached the entrance of the Shouning Hall, she plopped, knelt down, and begged to see the Queen Mother.

After seeing the queen mother, he took out the medicine ball dug out from under the ginkgo tree and cried, "Mother queen mother, it turns out that my miscarriage is all due to this filth. The concubine is already twenty years old. After finally having a child, I will give birth to a baby." It’s gone! Empress Dowager, you have to decide for your concubine. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Li Meiren was crying heartbroken, and half of the tears were real, after all, she really lost a child.

When the queen mother saw the medicine ball, she understood that this kind of dirty thing was the same as the one dug out in Menghua Palace that day!
She was furious, and slapped the table hard, and the jade bracelet in her hand broke into pieces!
"Concubine Xian is going to kill the emperor's queen!"

"The empress dowager, the empress dowager is the master for me and the baby in my womb. It died so pitifully. What will I do in the future, empress dowager..." Li Meiren wept, feeling unwilling.

"Come on, the Ai family must immediately ask the emperor to issue an order to give the concubine Xian to death on the spot, damn it!"

The Empress Dowager stood up abruptly and swayed to the Rongyuan Hall.

Li Meiren hurriedly said, "Thank you Queen Mother for making decisions for my concubines!"

As soon as she stood up, she fell down immediately, her legs were so weak that she couldn't even stand up. She was only qualified to fight Xinpin in seven years, and she had never seen such a battle.

However, when she thought of Lian Siyue's promise to her and Xinpin's ugly face, her heart was filled with strength again.

Inside Prince Yu's Mansion.

Feng Ye was eating, suddenly, his brain seemed to be stabbed by a needle, and the chopsticks in his hand fell from the pain.

Immediately afterwards, there was a panic in my heart.

What happened all of a sudden?How can there be such a feeling.

At this time, Yin Huai hurried in and said, "Your Highness, it's too bad, I fell into the trap of Princess Heng. I followed her sedan chair all the way to Jiuhua Temple, and saw her get off the sedan chair to seek scriptures with Abbot Jiufang." Hexagram, as a result, I suddenly discovered that the person staying in the temple is no longer the princess, but Miss Lian." (I didn't mention it earlier here, and I used flashbacks.)
"What?" Feng Ye stood up suddenly, his head hurt again, he covered his head violently, and shook it vigorously.

It turned out that in the past few days, Feng Ye had arranged for Yin Huai and other guards to watch Lian Siyue secretly, to monitor her every move, lest she take any action.

Early this morning, Yin Huai saw with his own eyes that Lian Siyue got on the sedan chair, and the sedan chair went to Jiuhua Temple, but at some point, Princess Heng left Jiuhua Temple, and it was Lian Lingyue who stayed in the temple.

"My humble estimate is that the concubine should have entered the palace." Yin Huai said.

"Oops!" Feng Ye yelled that something was wrong.

He immediately ran outside, jumped on his long legs, got on the tall steed, and waved his whip——

"Drive!" He lashed the horse's back vigorously, the horse raised its head and neighed, and quickly headed towards the palace.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" Seeing this, Yin Huai immediately mounted a horse and caught up with Feng Ye's speed.

On Zhengyang Street, Feng Ye galloped with a cold expression on his face.

The horse under his crotch was rampaging, and the oncoming pedestrians had no time to dodge, and several of them were kicked to the ground by the horse's hoof, and the whole street was in chaos.

But Feng Ye didn't care about it, and kept whipping the horse's back vigorously, and the horse ran even faster.

His heart was about to jump out of his mouth, his hands clenched the reins tightly, veins protruded from the back of his hands, his eyes were scarlet, and his temples were trembling.

Girl, don't you do this last step, you can't!
Leave me one last escape route, please!
After a gust of wind and lightning, the horse finally stopped at the gate of Zhengyang.

"Huh!" Feng Ye held the rein tightly, leaned back, and the horse raised its front hooves high and turned around in a circle.

Feng Ye's deep and cold eyes flashed, he jumped off the horse, quickly took out the token on his body, and entered the range of the palace.

With the wind under his feet, he ran all the way to the dungeon at the fastest speed.

Along the way, many people saw His Highness the Eighth Prince in a hurry, and saw that his face was expressionless, but his eyes were anxious!
Finally, he ran to the door of the dungeon as fast as he could.

With a sound of "squeak", the prison door just opened.

He stopped abruptly, stopped abruptly, and watched as the two jailers brought out the corpse, which was covered with straw mats.All of a sudden, he felt his whole body stiffen, and he couldn't recover. The blood in his body was congealed. He opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word.

Seeing His Highness the Eighth Prince coming in person, the two jailers carrying the corpse stopped.

Feng Ye walked over slowly, his lips were trembling, tears were congealed in his eyes.

Walking in front of the straw mat, he looked at it, closed his eyes, then stretched out his hand tremblingly, grabbed a corner of the broken mat, and lifted it vigorously. Suddenly, the broken mat fell to the ground——

(End of this chapter)

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