First-class daughter

Chapter 935 Bring him to see me

Chapter 935 Bring him to see me

Chapter 935 Bring him to see me

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Mrs. Liu came to visit with expensive gifts, and talked about the situation in the mansion, such as the old lady's health is much better, and Lian Yan is doing well in the old lady's room, but the old lady went to visit again and again, leaving the old lady Annoyed, she finally returned Lian Yan to the eldest lady to take it with her.

Also, Lian Yan can speak clearly now, and walks steadily, not like a one or two-year-old child.

And my aunt, Lian Xi, caught the wind and cold, but she has gotten much better in the past two days, and so on.

After finishing these family affairs, she sighed.

Lian Siyue raised her head from the tea and said, "Why is the third lady sighing?"

Liu stood up, knelt down in front of Lian Siyue, and said, "I have failed to take care of the back house because I owe the princess' trust. Come here today and ask the princess to punish me."

Lian Siyue continued to take a sip of tea, and said lightly, "It must be because of Mrs. Liang."

Surprised, Liu said, "My concubine has a clever plan, she is indeed the one who annoys me."

"Ling Yue'er has mentioned it to me a few times, saying that the third master loves this Liang family very much and often shows his face in public. The third wife is very angry about this, but the third master seems to be possessed by a demon and refuses to listen. Advise." Lian Siyue said.

"Exactly, I'm really afraid that the Liang family will become the Xiao family back then, but it's not good for these things to always be brought up in front of the old lady. After all, I am in charge of the affairs of the back house, and the fire in the backyard is difficult to convince the public. " Liu said not without worry.

"I asked my mother to hand over the power of the back house to the third lady because I believed in the third lady's ability, but I didn't expect that the third lady would be helpless because of an aunt one day."

"It's my incompetence that has failed the concubine's love, and I ask the concubine to punish her." Liu said fearfully. Although Lian Siyue was married, she still had a lot of prestige, and she had a high reputation among the wives and servants of the Lian family.

Liu also knows that everything she has now is given by this princess, because she is also loyal to her.

"Why do men from the Lian family do such things as pampering concubines and destroying wives." Lian Siyue thought of Aunt Xiao, who was also showing off her power back then, and in the previous life, she was killed by caesarean section, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Oh, isn't it that a wife is inferior to a concubine, a concubine is inferior to a concubine, and a concubine is inferior to a concubine? Is it better to not steal than a concubine? I have seen through the virtues of men." Liu said with a wry smile.

Even Siyue glanced at her indifferently, she knew she had said something wrong, and hurriedly said, "No, no, princess, don't get me wrong, not all men are like this, His Royal Highness is very different, he is very dedicated to the princess. Love is different from other men."

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Third Madam, don't be too nervous. In fact, what you said is right. Almost all men in this world are like this, but Yun Zheng is... a little special."

"Yeah, that's why everyone envies the princess. Every time I go to the banquets of those noble ladies, I can always hear them talking about the love between His Royal Highness and the princess."

"You say that, I would like to meet this Mrs. Liang for a while, but, I am pregnant, and I am not yet four months old, so I can't go back to visit my relatives. You can bring her to Prince Heng's mansion in a few days and show me " Lian Siyue said.

Liu was overjoyed and said, "Yes, I obey."

"Third Aunt..." At this time, a hearty voice came from outside the house, and Lian Lingyue came in like a magpie bird. Seeing Mrs. Liu, she asked, "Why are you here?" ?”

Mrs. Liu said with a smile, "I came here to take you home specially. This person who proposes marriage almost broke the threshold of our family."

Lian Lingyue took a quick look at Lian Siyue, puffed up her cheeks, sat down beside Lian Siyue, and said, "I don't want to marry yet, let my parents send me away."

Liu showed a surprised expression, and said, "How can you not get married? After the new year, it will be the year of the year, and you can marry. There are many people who want to marry you. You can choose slowly."

Naturally, Mrs. Liu didn't know what Ling Yue'er was thinking, so she kept smiling and said.

Lian Lingyue sighed, and said, "So many people want to marry me, it seems that I have to make my reputation worse, so that others will not dare to marry me."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Liu was startled, and said, "Don't, don't, little ancestor, don't do anything shocking to the world, your grandmother will be scared to death by then, and you will be the only daughter in the family. .”

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Third Madam, she is used to talking nonsense, don't listen to her."

"Okay, I should go back too, and I will go with my third aunt later." Lian Lingyue said, walked in front of Lian Siyue, stretched out her hand, gently stroked her abdomen, and said softly, "Auntie is going home, be good and see you next time."


After Lian Lingyue came back, she went to Qing'an Courtyard to pay her respects to Lian's mother as usual.

Because she had never lived in Xiangfu since she was a child, Lian's mother and her were not very close, and she always felt a little separated.

However, she has a good relationship with her aunt Lian Xi, and she often comes to talk to Lian Xi. Last time she helped Lian Siyue carry the child in her womb, and Lian Xi also helped a lot.

Lian Xi often mentions Lian Lingyue in front of Lian's mother, saying that this young lady is very similar to the original Eleventh Highness, she is bright and innocent, and she is very frank without any fancy in her stomach.

Even her mother gradually became close to her. Thinking about it again, she is now the only first daughter in the prime minister's mansion. If rumors spread that she is not close to her family, it will not be very good to her, so what's the fun? Call her over, and Ling Yue'er is already transparent.

This came and went, and now, the relationship between the grandparents and granddaughters has also improved.

After listening to her tell some interesting stories about Prince Heng's Mansion, Mother Lian asked, "Now, the child in your sister's womb is almost three months old, is she in good health?"

"Don't worry, grandma. My sister is very healthy and in good spirits. She is happy every day. My sister also asked me to say hello to my grandmother, so that my grandmother can take good care of her body. When the child is four months old, she will come back for a short stay. Time." Lian Lingyue said.

"Okay, okay, I haven't seen her for a few days, and I miss her a lot. I think back then, she came to Qing'an Courtyard to accompany me just like you do now. However, she is different from you. You always look here and there. Look, I can’t finish talking with your Aunt Xi, and she always sits quietly, listening to my old woman talking about trivial matters, and she still sits where you are sitting and copies scriptures, often in twos and threes at a time. an hour."

Lian Lingyue smiled embarrassedly, and said, "So my sister was so powerful back then."

"No, when I think about it, when I was sick and weak, without her supporting the back house, I really don't know what kind of chaos it would be. You, but you don't want to care about these things at all, you really are the youngest." Lian Mu said with a smile.

"Grandmother, it's not that Ling Yue'er doesn't want to take care of it, it's just that she can't take care of it well." Lian Lingyue said.

"That's all, you are different from your sister, she has her good, you have your good."

(End of this chapter)

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