Chapter 936

Chapter 936

After coming out of Qing'an Courtyard, Lian Lingyue stood at the door for a while, with a struggling expression on her face

"Miss, do you want to go to Da Furen's side?" Fenix ​​asked in a low voice.

Lian Lingyue thought for a while and asked, "Have you got the little wooden horse I bought for brother Yan on Zhengyang Street?"

"It's in your hand, Miss." Fennel said.

"Then take it now, he will definitely like this little thing when he sees it, and I haven't seen him for quite a while, let's see if he will still call me sister." Lian Lingyue said.

Fu'an Hospital.

The eldest lady is teasing Lian Yan, while Nanny Zhou is picking up the soles of her shoes.

Since taking Lian Yan back from the old lady, the lady has taken care of her more carefully, lest there is something wrong and the old lady will ask her to go back again.

"Ma'am, Miss is here."

At this time, a voice came from outside the door.

Then, the curtain of the door was lifted, and Lian Lingyue walked in with a wooden horse in his hand.

Seeing her, the eldest lady stood up quickly, with an uncomfortable expression flashing across her face, she said, "Ling Yue'er, you, you are back."

To this day, she and Lian Siyu tortured Ling Yue'er so hard that she almost died that day, she still vividly remembers, she never dared to look Ling Yue'er in the eye.

"Yes, mother, I'm back." Lian Lingyue was also uncomfortable, and it was a little awkward to hear her mother shouting.

"Sister." Luckily, Lian Yan broke the embarrassing situation with a call of immature sister.

Lian Lingyue quickly put the small wooden horse on the ground, picked up Lian Yan, and said, "My sister bought this for you, do you want to ride it?"

"Okay, let's ride and watch, it's fun, it's fun." Lian Yan liked this little wooden horse very much, and sat on it, swaying, with a fleshy hand holding Lian Lingyue's sleeve.

The eldest lady showed a sincere smile on her face, and said, "You always care about Yan'er, and he seems to know it too. See how much he likes you."

Lian Lingyue bent down, gently stroked Lian Yan's soft face, and said, "Because he is my younger brother and I am his older sister, blood is thicker than water, that's it, so, the first time I Hug her, I like it very much."

Blood is thicker than water?
When the eldest lady heard this, her heart trembled slightly.

She glanced at Lian Lingyue silently, with a smile on her face, and her eyes were full of love when she looked at Lian Yan, this kind of true feelings could not be faked at all.

"Ling Yue'er..." After a pause, she said, "Mother is sorry for you. You were provoked by that little bitch Lian Siyu and deceived by your grandmother for making you suffer so much. It's all the mother's fault, it's the mother's useless."

The eldest lady said, got up, took her hand, put it in the palm of her hand, and looked at the originally white and smooth fingers, but there were still some scars on the joints, and two fingers could not be stretched straight.

And when the weather is cold, the fingers will be sore and cannot lift heavy objects. The doctor said that the two curled fingers may be cured after some time, but this person is afraid of the cold and cannot lift heavy objects. Her faults will follow her for the rest of her life.

Da furen burst into tears and said, "I'm the one who hurt you."

Lian Lingyue paused her hands slightly when she heard the words of the eldest lady, slowly got up, looked at the eldest lady, her eyes turned red instantly, her tone was choked up, and said:
"Mother, what Yue'er cares about is never that I was pinched by Lian Siyu, I was injured, it really hurts, but these wounds will heal one day.

What I care about is that my mother abandoned me back then and didn't want me. If it hadn't been for the accidental exchange of identities with His Highness the Eleventh Prince, maybe I would never see my relatives in this life. "

This is the threshold that Lian Lingyue has never been able to pass.

Da Furen's heart trembled, "Ling Yue'er...I, I was also afraid of being deprived of the position of mistress by Xiao Shi after listening to your grandmother's words, so I... replaced you with a son."

"Did the mother keep her position as mistress?" Lian Lingyue asked with tears in her eyes.

Madam, a meal——

"No, my mother had a son, but she didn't hold on to her position as mistress. She was crushed by Aunt Xiao to death. It was the older sister who tried her best to snatch her position and power back for her mother." Lian Lingyue Said.

The eldest lady nodded, "You're right, even after having a son, I still couldn't keep my position as the mistress, and was suppressed by the Xiao family."

"But mother, my sister guarded everything for you. The position of the mistress and Yan'er's life are all because of my sister's protection, so that my mother can continue to have them. Why is there still a gap between my mother and my sister? All sister, why don't you trust and love her wholeheartedly." Lian Lingyue said, tears finally couldn't hold back.

"I..." The eldest lady was a little speechless at what the daughter said.

"When my mother thought that Lian Siyu was her own daughter, I saw that between my sister and Lian Siyu, my mother was taking sides with Lian Siyu, protecting her and guarding against my sister.

What's even more ridiculous is that my mother was still very worried that Lian Siyu would not be as good as her sister, so she thought of ways to train her in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and wanted her to compare with her sister, and wanted her to marry someone who was no worse than His Highness Ninth Prince to make you proud, but Lian Siyu dared to have evil thoughts towards His Highness Ninth Prince, and even wanted to be His Highness Ninth Prince's concubine!

Why would she dare to conceive of the Ninth Highness who does not belong to her at all, isn't it because of your favoritism, mother, that made her think highly of herself?

I really feel worthless for my sister. I really love her. She devoted herself to her mother and worked hard to get everything back for her mother, but her mother is wary of her!
Why do I always go to my sister's side, because I don't want my sister to feel that no one in her natal family treats her sincerely, so I offer my heart to let her know that someone will always remember her dedication to this family! "

Lian Lingyue's heart-to-heart and undisguised accusations made the eldest lady speechless for a while, with a face full of embarrassment.

"Don't mention Lian Siyu as a counterfeit, even if I am the real second daughter, what is it in front of my sister.

This second-in-law daughter once made you afraid of losing your position as mistress. This second-in-law daughter is not close to you at all, and you don’t even have much affection. How did your mother quickly protect this second-in-law daughter and then go to your first-in-law? Female comparison?I'm really curious about this. "Lian Lingyue looked at Da Furen, trying to find out the answer.

"Ling Yue'er, I didn't expect that you always thought so in your heart. I thought that you just didn't kiss me." The eldest lady never expected that this daughter had such a big opinion of her in her heart.

"Mother, why don't you love your sister wholeheartedly, why in your heart, a single person can easily take the place of your sister? But when you need her, you keep saying that she is your daughter, why don't you think about it. "

"Why don't I dare to get close to my mother, because I am also afraid that my mother will say that Ling Yue'er is no worse than Si Yue'er, your sister has everything, and mother wants to give you better things. I will hate my mother even more because of this. I feel sorry for my sister."

The eldest lady was so ashamed by Lingyue's words that she couldn't even raise her head, "I was wrong, I was really wrong, I was sorry for Yue'er." She said, wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

"And mother, every time something happens, she always shifts the responsibility to other people. Grandma, Lian Siyu, even though these people acted as the queen mother's pusher, the real murderer is mother!"

"Ling Yue'er..." The lady suddenly raised her head to look at Lian Lingyue.

"Forget it, I'll go first." Lian Lingyue wiped away the tears on her face and said.

"Sister, sister is crying..." Lian Yan also seemed a little anxious when he saw Lian Lingyue crying, and reached out to touch his face, comforting her like a child.

Lian Lingyue showed a smile on his face, and said, "Sister, don't cry, sister is fine, brother Yan is having fun, sister, let's go first, and see you tomorrow."

"Sister, sister..." Seeing Lian Lingyue walking out, Lian Yan burst into tears.

Da Furen's legs went limp, and she sat on the chair blankly, unable to recover for a long time. If it wasn't for what Lian Lingyue said, she would never have thought about it.

Seeing this, Nanny Zhou quickly hugged Lian Yan and coaxed her.

Lian Lingyue trotted away from the Fu'an Courtyard, and said what she had been holding back in her heart for a long time, and she let out a deep breath.

Mrs. Liu returned to the yard, and someone called Mrs. Liang over immediately.

Mrs. Liang stood in front of her respectfully with her head bowed, and called out, "Madam, you are back. Is the princess all right?"

Mrs. Liu was taken aback, displeased, and said, "Why are you asking so many questions?"

"I'm sorry, the concubine shouldn't talk too much." Shi Liang timidly, immediately bowed her head and admitted her mistake.

Mrs. Liu really wanted to find some wrong place in the mansion to punish her, but who knows, she couldn't find it. In all fairness, except that Lian Yantao always took her to public, which was indecent, other places were not disgusting.

But Mrs. Liu couldn't forget Mrs. Xiao's lesson back then, so she had to kill Mrs. Liang at the first sign.

Therefore, when she went to talk to Lian Siyue, she inevitably exaggerated Liang's mistakes.

"Princess thinks highly of you. I heard that you are good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She feels bored in the mansion. I want you to go and accompany her. You can go tomorrow." Liu said, suppressing the anger in her heart.

A look of surprise appeared on Liang's face, "Did the concubine invite the concubine over?"

"If you don't want to go, I'll send someone to refuse right away." Mrs. Liu said coldly.

"No, no, that's not what the concubine meant. The concubine was just flattered. She never thought that she would be qualified to speak in front of the princess." Liang said hurriedly.

"Then prepare well, remember, the princess is pregnant, don't run into her, otherwise it will be Shatou's big crime, then the third master will not be able to protect you, and the third master will also kneel down when he sees the princess. "Liu exhorted.

"Yes, yes, the concubine understands, the concubine must be more careful." Liang's face was cautious and joyful.

"You go out, I'm going to rest." Liu Shi said.

(End of this chapter)

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