First-class daughter

Chapter 937 Who is it?

Chapter 937 Who is it?
Chapter 937 Who is it?
"Yes." Liang Shi backed out, and when he turned around, the expression on his face became stern, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

"Lian Siyue wants to see you?" The back cook, Mrs. Liang pretended to look at the dishes, called Feng Qianyue to the side of the yard, told him about it, and he frowned.

"Yes, I'll go tomorrow. The third lady told her something about me." Liang shook her head, sighed, and said, "Women's jealousy is really scary. I've been low-key enough, but the third lady still refuses to let it go." I."

"She asked you to go, there must be other purposes, you'd better not appear in front of her, lest she get suspicious." Feng Qianyue said.

"It's easier to get suspicious if you don't go." Lian Lingyue said, in fact, she wanted to meet this legendary Miss Lian family and see how powerful she is. "Since she is the person you hate the most, Your Highness, why don't I bring her back to the Prime Minister's residence tomorrow and get rid of her together." Liang asked.

"Death is not the biggest torture for a person. Even Siyue thinks so, so I was driven to northern Xinjiang, and I lost the power that I have worked so hard for for many years. I can't show my true face and live on. So, I also Let her taste the taste of losing everything, first of all, what she lost is her loved ones!" Feng Qianyue's eyes overflowed with deep coldness, and his hands were tightly clenched into fists.

"Okay, I understand what Your Highness means. Then I will leave the Prime Minister's Mansion tomorrow. Your Highness will be ready to do it. After a long time, it will be easy to be exposed, and the opportunity will be lost at that time. Remember that if you catch Lian Lingyue, you will Leave Lian Lingyue to me, and I will bring Khitan back to the little prince on business." Liang Shi said.

"What does he want Yue'er to do? Want to marry her as a concubine?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"No, it's to let a person stay in Khitan wholeheartedly and serve the Empress Dowager Renyi." Liang replied.

"Xiao He?" Feng Qianyue could recall that the person who was loyal to Lian Lingyue was Xiao He.

Mrs. Liang nodded, and said, "I heard that Lian Lingyue is the person Xiao He misses so much, if he grabs it as a bargaining chip or rewards him, he won't leave Youzhou wholeheartedly."

"A hero is sad at the beauty level, Xiao He's quilt has been planted on Ling Yue'er." Feng Qianyue said with a faint expression on his lips.

"I don't care about these things, as long as I take Lian Lingyue back, I'm done. Prepare well, Your Highness. I'll put all the things you want in the agreed place." After Liang's explanation, she left in a hurry.

"Lian Siyue's thoughts are very delicate, and her vision is vicious. When you go to her side tomorrow, you must be careful not to expose yourself."

"Yes, thank you Fourth Highness, I will be more careful, success or failure depends on it."

Feng Qianyue returned to the back kitchen to continue chopping firewood and lighting a fire, a trace of deep coldness gradually emerged from the corners of her lips, if Liang's
At night, after eating dinner alone in a dusty corner, I went to sleep in the place where the slaves lived.

Here, he is the most inferior slave, maybe the inferior slave of the master in the deep house all his life.

The place where he lives is icy, cold and hard, and the quilt is thin and torn, thinking that he was once a prince in rich clothes, but these things don't affect him at all.

"Drink some wine and go to sleep. You laughed when you finished drinking and going to sleep." He lay down for a while, thinking of what the little beggar said.

He paused for a while, reached out his hand and took out a jug of wine from his chest, raised his head and drank it slowly, then curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

That night, he really dreamed again——

He saw a woman coming towards him, holding a cloak in her hand, and when she faced him, she smiled timidly, as if she was afraid that he would be unhappy.

"Your Highness, the weather is getting colder. I sewed it for you. Try it." This time, he clearly heard the woman say this to him.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, but woke up from the dream, his hand was empty, the jug fell to the side, and the wine spilled out.

Feng Qianyue was taken aback, what's going on?Why did he dream of her again, a woman who was exactly the same as Lian Siyue, but with a completely different temperament.

Feng Qianyue patted her head and said, "How long will I have this strange dream? Why does this woman who is obviously not Lian Siyue but has the same face as her keep barging into my dreams.

Feng Qianyue suddenly felt very headache. Originally, he only wanted to find Lian Siyue for revenge, but now such an inexplicable phantom suddenly appeared for no reason.

"Get up, get up! It's time to work!" At this time, his door was kicked open by the steward, and the steward shouted angrily.

"Yes, here we come." He hurriedly bowed up, looking like a complete slave.

When he arrived in the yard, he saw from a distance the maids who were in charge of the meals in the back house coming one by one to get breakfast for his master, and he also saw the maid next to Lian Lingyue.

He lowered his head, smiled faintly, and touched something on his chest.

Everything, just tonight.

Lian Siyue, how I wish to see you in pain, crying, pity...

At that time, I will definitely not sympathize with you, I will laugh at you severely, and trample you under my feet.

All the pain I have tasted, let you taste it again.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Kneeling in front of Lian Siyue, Mrs. Liang kowtowed respectfully, "My concubine Mrs. Liang, I pay my respects to the princess."

"Raise your head." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes." Mrs. Liang raised her head slowly, looking at Lian Siyue's expression with a little fear and a little respect.

Lian Siyue looked at the woman in front of her, she was really different from the third lady, she had a gentle voice, she really didn't look like the kind of person who was favored and arrogant as the third lady said.

However, this is generally the case for women. Seeing that her husband loves another woman so much makes her feel uncomfortable, especially when she can't find any major faults.

Because of this, Lian Siyue felt even more fortunate to have met Yun Zheng who only dotes on him.

At the same time, Mrs. Liang was also secretly looking at Lian Siyue. She had heard of the reputation of this eldest lady in the prime minister's mansion for a long time. The words in the mouth are:

Back when the eldest lady was in the mansion...

She looks very young, but she has an aura all over her body, and this aura will unconsciously suppress the people around her.

"Third Madam must have told you about the reason why I asked you to come here." Lian Siyue looked at this person secretly and said.

"Yes, Ma'am has already said it, but the concubine is afraid and dare not fight in front of the concubine." Liang said humbly.

"It's okay, in fact, I'm just a little talented, but it doesn't affect my arty..." Lian Siyue said with a slight smile on his face.

"Princess, you are being modest." Mrs. Liang said hastily. "

"Previously, Your Highness the Ninth Prince spent a lot of effort to find some authentic works for me. I also heard the third lady mention it by chance, and then I realized that you are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so I wanted you to come and relieve my boredom. You don't have to be too nervous. Now, be more casual." Lian Siyue seemed like a spring breeze.

"Yes, the concubine knows." There was a smile on Liang's face, and she looked much more relaxed.

"Let's go, go to the study." Lian Siyue got up.

Mrs. Liang hurried forward, supported her hand, and said, "Be careful."

"No problem, it's very convenient for me."

Liang Shi followed Lian Siyue to the study room, and Lian Siyue took out some paintings with her own hands, and appreciated them with Liang Shi.

At the beginning, Mrs. Liang was not easy to let go, and she was very reserved, but slowly, looking at these paintings, she relaxed her mind, and when she and Lian Siyue were appreciating together, she began to show her talents.

"You really are not ill-prepared." Lian Siyue praised.

Mrs. Liang showed an embarrassed smile, and said, "The princess is too much."

After seeing the painting, Lian Siyue invited Liang's copybook again. Liang's writing was in willow style. Lian Siyue said, "I heard people say that you were born in an opera troupe, but seeing that you are well-educated, how could you be from an opera troupe?" ?”

After hearing this, Mrs. Liang put down the pen in his hand, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and said, "Actually, I was not in an opera troupe when I was young. I was also taught by my husband when I was young. It's just that when I was 13 years old, something happened to my family. I fell in the middle of the road, and my father sent me to the opera troupe in desperation."

"So that's how it is." Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I'm sorry for making you sad."

"No, no, no." Liang said quickly, "Princess, there is no need to apologize. Five or six years have passed, and I have accepted it. It's fine."

"Your mentality is also good, no wonder the third master likes you." Lian Siyue said.

There was a touch of embarrassment on Liang's face, and he said, "It's the third master who doesn't dislike my background."

She said, looked up to see Lian Siyue's eyes, knelt down quickly, kowtowed, and said, "Princess, I assure you that I don't have any thoughts about the back house. I just want to live a peaceful life. I will never argue with Madam, please tell Madam to let her rest assured."

Seeing her take the initiative to mention this matter, Lian Siyue thought to herself that she was smart and didn't wait for her to attack first.

"It's understandable for the third madam to be worried. After all, she has never seen the matter of doting on a concubine and destroying his wife. It just so happens that you, Aunt Liang, are especially liked by the third master." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, the concubine is right, but, but, the concubine comes from a humble background and has nothing, and the concubine is also very afraid of losing the favor of the third master, so she really wants to coax the third master as a last resort." Liang said impulsively. down, said.

"Hehe..." Lian Siyue smiled, "You are a little honest, but what you said is not unreasonable. If you don't follow the third master, he doesn't spoil you, and it's hard for you to gain a foothold."

"Yes yes yes, Madam Wangfei, your heart is as clear as a mirror." Liang Shi said hastily.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. After all, this is a family affair. I am already a member of Prince Heng's mansion, so it is inconvenient to interfere. Just take it as if you are here to accompany me to relieve boredom. Relax." " Lian Siyue got up, as if she no longer cared about Lian's housework.

(End of this chapter)

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