Chapter 938

Chapter 938


Lian Yanqing's study room.

Ling Yue'er walked out from inside with her head down, with frustration and annoyance unavoidably on her face.

The little maid Ani Xiang followed behind her step by step, and asked with a smile, "Does the master want the young lady to learn piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting?"

"Not only that, but there is also embroidery work." Lian Lingyue raised her hands, "Fenix, you saw it last time, I embroidered a pocket for my sister's child, but it turned out to be completely different. The things made with enthusiasm are so ugly, you say, if my father forces me to learn, what can I learn."

As she spoke, she sighed heavily.

"Master sees that the young lady will be old enough after the new year, and I'm afraid that the young lady will not know anything by then, and the person who proposes the marriage will be scared away after knowing the truth." Fennel covered her mouth and smiled foolishly.

"You can still laugh? I won't be able to come and go freely in the prime minister's residence tomorrow. I have to sit in a chair honestly and learn from my husband. I heard that my father invited Mrs. Wei who has returned from old age.

When I was still a princess in the palace, it was this Wei Taifu who taught him. He was very strict. He had a thick and big ruler for beating people. I was the one who was beaten the most at that time. Scared.

Now that I'm not a princess, I'm afraid it will hit me more. "

Lian Lingyue felt a chill down her spine when she thought of the time when she was studying in the palace, she was really afraid of Mrs. Wei!

"Miss is so smart, she must be able to learn it. As long as the lady is willing to calm down, it will be fine. Don't worry, miss, the servant will definitely accompany you. If the master hits your palm, the servant will treat you to be beaten." Fenix ​​said optimistically. .

"My dear fennel, you have already said so, then I really study hard, otherwise I will feel sorry for your palm." Lian Lingyue made a slightly exaggerated expression, "Hey, I remember the past When I was in school, someone helped me a lot, otherwise I would have been beaten even more."

"Who, who helped Miss so much?" Fenix ​​asked curiously.

"You don't know, you haven't seen it before." Lian Lingyue said.

"It's just, miss, can your fingers write?" Fenix ​​said worriedly.

"Yes, just like embroidery, you can't do too much. If you don't do anything, it will be bad." Lian Lingyue looked down at her palm and said.

"That's right, I'm afraid Miss's fingers won't be able to bear it." Fenxiang now occasionally recalls the pain that Lian Lingyue suffered at that time, and still feels lingering fear in her heart.

"There is one last day, and I will be locked up. Let's find a way to go out and play again today." Lian Lingyue said.

"Miss is not allowed to go out by the front door, so let's go to the old place—the back kitchen, there is a hole to get out."

Lian Lingyue and Fennel avoided people like Lian Yanqing and sneaked towards the back kitchen.

The back kitchen is a bit far away from the study, and the master and servant walked a long way to get there.

This kind of place has a strong smell of oily smoke, and the owners of the front yard generally don't come here.

Therefore, when Lian Lingyue appeared in exquisite clothes, the servants in the back kitchen who were working all bowed to her and said hello to her. People here rarely see their masters, but now they see Lian Lingyue, who is carved in powder and jade. Miss, I can't help but take a second look.

As soon as Lian Lingyue came in, she smelled a fragrant smell. She couldn't help but stop, stopped a servant and asked, "What kind of fragrance is this? It smells so good that my stomach is growling."

"Miss, the kitchen is making roast suckling pig, which is made of little fragrant pigs." A servant hurriedly came forward to answer.

"Little fragrant pig? Tonight's dinner?" Lian Lingyue couldn't help swallowing, and asked.

"That's right, the little fragrant pig, also called Qilixiang, can only be enjoyed by the royal family and nobles." The servant replied respectfully.

Lian Lingyue followed the alluring aroma of the little fragrant pig into the back kitchen, and the aroma became even more alluring.

She said to the slave who was living, "Cut me a piece, and I'll take it outside to eat."

"Yes, Miss." When Feng Qianyue heard Lian Lingyue's voice, her heart trembled slightly, she didn't expect her to come into the kitchen.

He got up, took the knife, cut off a small piece, wrapped it in clean paper, and sent it to Lian Lingyue.

Lian Lingyue was full of joy, and quickly picked it up.

The man bowed his head and returned to the place where the fire was burning.

Lian Lingyue glanced at the man, and couldn't help looking into his eyes.

There was a slight pause in her mind, why did a thought flash in her mind, but this thought was quickly extinguished like a cluster of weak small flames.

She ate the delicious meat and went out of Xiangfu with fennel.

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Feng Qianyue's lips—fortunately, this girl's eyes are not as sharp as Lian Siyue, otherwise it would be really dangerous to meet by chance today.

After a while, the steward walked in and scolded him very unceremoniously, "The masters want to have a fragrant pig banquet tonight, and this fragrant pig is something that ordinary people will never see in their lifetime, so you are lucky. After smelling the scent of this fragrant pig, Miss Wei cut the meat just now. Don’t be complacent, light the fire well, it doesn’t matter if the fire is too strong, or the fire is too weak, otherwise the pig will be roasted, no matter how many you have I can't afford it. Also, the sesame oil should be brushed on in time, otherwise the skin won't turn yellow and it won't taste good."

"Yes, yes." He replied with trepidation and submissiveness, as if he was born to be a slave, and no one would doubt him.

In fact, he suddenly wanted to thank her lowly mother, she was such a submissive slave.So for so many years, he has also been scolded by his father several times, he is indeed a lowly man!

He had imprinted her posture into his mind long ago, and he learned it easily.

After the steward goes out.

Feng Qianyue's eyes suddenly turned cold, Qiao Qiao took out a pack of medicinal powder from his bosom, calmly poured it into the sesame oil, stirred it with a brush, and applied it to the little fragrant pig bit by bit, followed by a little With the burning fire, the medicinal effects slowly melted into the tender and fragrant meat.

A trace of coldness slowly emerged from the corner of his lips.

Finally, when it was time for dinner, the chef roasted the little fragrant pig until it was golden and tender, and cut it into portions according to the number of people in each room.

Not long after, there was a line of maidservants, and one by one, they took away the little fragrant pigs that had been cut and placed on a plate.

Feng Qianyue watched the fragrant pork in front of him decrease little by little until they were all taken away, he smiled slightly.

"Come on, come on, we have to eat too." After finishing the dinner of the masters, it was the turn of the slaves themselves.

"Yes, here we come." Feng Qianyue lowered her head and walked over, took two steamed buns, sat in an inconspicuous place in the corner, and slowly, bit by bit, began to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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