Chapter 939

Chapter 939

The sky darkened imperceptibly.

Liang Shi spends the whole day by Lian Siyue's side to relieve boredom, dabbling in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she seems to be at ease, but actually handles Lian Siyue with great care.

Because, Lian Siyue would always look at her from time to time with eyes that could analyze everything, so that she had to cheer up for fear of revealing any flaws.

Fortunately, she has been trained in Khitan for ten years.

Lian Siyue kept Liang Shi for dinner, and then sent a carriage to take her back.

When she was in the room, Mother Tai said, "Wangfei, look at Aunt Liang, she is well educated and reasonable, she is neither arrogant nor impatient, she doesn't look like the kind of person that the third lady said."

"If it's just a rivalry and jealousy between the women in the back house, it's fine. Even if the third master of the family doesn't care about things, he can't turn the sky if he spoils another aunt. It's no different than my father. When he spoiled Aunt Xiao back then, Aunt Xiao wanted more. Once she makes trouble, the whole back house will be changed accordingly, especially, she has a daughter who is not willing to be a concubine."

Nanny Tai nodded and said, "My princess is right."

"However, if she has other purposes, that's another matter."

Then, after Lian Siyue washed up, she didn't rest immediately, she said to Qing Dai, "Hold the lamp, go to the study, I'll take a closer look at the calligraphy left by Mrs. Liang."

Liang's performance today was impeccable, but for some reason, she always felt an indescribable feeling——

Acting too well?

So not real enough?
"Princess, be careful." Because it was getting late, the servants treated Lian Siyue with extra care.

When they arrived at the study, Lian Siyue ordered the servants to light the lamps.

Sitting at the desk, she flipped through Liang's calligraphy one by one. She wrote in willow style. She said that when she was at home when she was a child, she asked a private school teacher to teach her.

In all fairness, these words are written very well.

on the carriage.

Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Princess Heng would not notice anything so quickly.

Even if he notices it, it is impossible to react tonight.

Because, Feng Qianyue chose to do it tonight.

And she also wanted to take Lian Lingyue back to Khitan!

Finally, everything is coming to an end!


The night gradually deepened.

The door of the back kitchen opened slowly, and a hunched man slowly came out.

"What are you doing?" asked the steward in a gruff voice.

And he bowed his body, bowed his waist, and said, "I, I want to go to the toilet. I have a bad stomach and I ate badly."

"Many things! Hurry up! I have to cut firewood tomorrow. If you dare to use this as an excuse to be lazy, I will cut you off!" The manager habitually reprimanded him twice, then turned around and closed his eyes and continued to fall asleep.

Feng Qianyue walked into the back kitchen, took a sharp knife for chopping bones, hid the knife in her sleeve, and tiptoed to avoid the guard's sight, and walked not far from the small door that Lian Lingyue entered and exited today. There were two gate guards standing there. When they saw Feng Qianyue, they immediately scolded:
"Who? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

He pretended to be startled, and said, "I, I, my stomach, my stomach feels uncomfortable, I always have diarrhea, I get up to go to the toilet, and that side is already full, I, I will look this way."

As he spoke, he was still clutching his stomach, as if he was about to pull it out.

"Go, go!" Nursing courtyard looked impatient, they have always looked down on these lowly servants.

Feng Qianyue lowered his head, a gleam flashed in his eyes, he turned around——

Then, taking advantage of the two people's inattention, he shot quickly, and the sharp knife stabbed fiercely into the heart of one of the guards.


The other one realized the danger and immediately drew his sword and slashed at him, but Feng Qianyue stabbed out before the sword was in his hand.

The two fell softly at his feet.

He looked at them coldly, without any emotion in his heart, he calmly walked to the door and opened it——

The two men in black who had been waiting outside the door clasped their fists together and said, "Master!"

These are the two killers he paid a lot of money to work for money.

"Are you all ready? They have taken the coma drug, and now they are sleeping better than anyone else." He said in a deep voice, his eyes were as dark as the deep night.

Today, what he smeared on the fragrant pig was a drowsy potion. Once he fell asleep, he rarely woke up.

It would be better to take advantage of this time to start.

"The kerosene and gunpowder are all ready. There are more than a dozen people outside who are in charge of the siege, just waiting for the master's order!" The eyes of the two killers released a bloodthirsty light.

"Pour the kerosene on the ground first, and then light it on fire. The fire will spread quickly. Then light the gunpowder and bomb it. No one in the whole house can escape."

"Very good, just do what you said, and when it's done, the commission will be doubled." At the beginning, he was ransacked, demoted, and the Yue Palace was emptied, but no one knew that he hid gold in a mountain mine. , which he hid long ago, just in case.

Money makes ghosts work, and now the gold comes in handy.

Feng Qianyue finally raised her body, no longer hunched over, stretched out her hand, and wiped off the blackness on her face——

Although his face is old and dilapidated and not as handsome as before, this is Feng Qianyue, and his tattered clothes can't hide his temperament:
Feng Qianyue came back again, exuding a gloomy and cold aura, and ordered, "Tonight, kill everyone except Lian Lingyue! Lian Yanqing, Da Furen, and Lian Yan leave it to me to do it! "

"Yes!" The two killers took the lead.

For them, killing is a task without any personal feelings, so it will be particularly enjoyable to do.


Feng Qianyue raised the blood-stained knife, the blood on the knife fell drop by drop, the blade gleamed coldly, reflecting his bloodthirsty face, making him look even more eerie and terrifying.

"Lian Siyue, soon, you will taste the deepest pain in this world, come on, you will suffer with me..."

With her hands behind her back, Feng Qianyue walked step by step through the backyard, through the corridor, and towards the front yard.

Now, he had to meet the people he wanted to see one by one.

in the room.

Lian Lingyue tasted the little fragrant pig in advance when she went out, so when the kitchen brought it over at night, she didn't eat it.

She was sitting in the room flipping through the book in front of her page by page, Fenix ​​couldn't help yawning.

Lian Lingyue raised her head, got up, walked to the door, looked out, and said, "Fenix, don't you think tonight is a little strange?"

"Miss, what's so strange?" Fennel quickly cheered up, walked over, and said.

Lian Lingyue frowned slightly, and said, "Don't you think the mansion is very quiet tonight? Why did you go to bed so early?"

(End of this chapter)

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