First-class daughter

Chapter 940 Finding Clues

Chapter 940 Finding Clues

Chapter 940 Finding Clues

Lian Lingyue frowned slightly, and said, "Don't you think the mansion is very quiet tonight? Why did everyone go to bed so early?"

Fennel walked to the window, opened the window, looked outside, and said, "Maybe it's cold, so I went to bed early, miss, you played outside all afternoon, it's normal that you couldn't fall asleep."

"Is that so?" Lian Lingyue walked back with a little doubt.

"It's better for the young lady to rest earlier, and this servant will fetch water for the young lady to wash up." Fenix ​​said.

"Well, it's better to go to bed early. Mrs. Wei will be here tomorrow. If I get up late, I might be punished on the first day." Lian Lingyue shivered at the thought, walked to the side of the bed, and opened her arms. Come, let Fenix ​​take off her clothes for her.

When Fennel undressed her, she couldn't help nagging, said. "Miss, you are so generous. If you encounter a beggar begging for money in the future, don't give away the whole piece of gold, just give some broken silver."

"To me, it's okay to lose one piece of gold, but to the beggar, one more piece will help him live a better life in the future. You remember, the beggar we met when we went to see the lanterns that day, was caught So many people bullied, how pitiful, he..."

As Lian Lingyue spoke, she suddenly stopped, her heart trembled violently, and her eyelids twitched violently——

Beggar...beggar, that look...

"What's the matter, miss, what's the matter with the beggar?"

Lian Lingyue put on her clothes in a hurry, walked outside in a hurry, and said, "The kitchen, cook, cook!"

Seeing that Lian Lingyue suddenly became so agitated, Fenix ​​was startled, and hurried up to follow, and asked loudly, "Miss, what's the matter, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you? What's on your mind? "

That beggar and that cook have exactly the same eyes!
They are alone!

A beggar, in good shape, what is he doing sneaking into the back kitchen?And thinking about it carefully, when the cook gave her Xiaoxiang pork today, his eyes were a little deliberately avoided.

What does he want to do?Will there be any conspiracy!
Thinking of the extraordinarily quiet Xiangfu today, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated——

"Miss, miss..." Fenix ​​didn't know what happened, but felt that Miss was suddenly abnormal.

"Go to father's room and see where Liantian is, go to the back kitchen and catch that cook here, quickly..."

For some reason, Lian Lingyue was suddenly very nervous, her speech trembled, her hands and feet began to turn cold, and an ominous premonition filled her heart.

"Bang!" Suddenly, before Lian Lingyue finished speaking, there was a loud noise in the direction of Qing'an Yuan, and a beam of fire shot up into the sky.

"Ah!" Lian Lingyue was startled, staggered, and fell to the ground with a slap, she suddenly turned her head to look.

I saw that after a while, the directions of Xianhe Courtyard, Study Room, and Wenhua Courtyard all started to catch fire one after another. The fire was so fierce that the whole Xiangfu was like daytime.

"Ah, miss, what's the matter, what happened?" Fenix ​​was so frightened that she killed half of her life, hurriedly crawled to Lian Lingyue's side, and asked in fear.

"There are traitors in the mansion, someone wants to destroy the Lian family!" Lian Lingyue's face turned pale for a while, and she said loudly, trembling.

Who, who?Who is it?

Lian Lingyue's mind was full of the eyes of the beggar and the cook he met in the back kitchen today!
Could it be him?who is he?
"Miss, miss, what should I do now, the fire is getting hotter and fiercer!" Fenix ​​said anxiously, "It's such a big fire, it's impossible to save it!"

All of a sudden, all the servants were awakened, and all of them were frightened by the sudden fire, shouting loudly one by one, "It's on fire, it's on fire! Hurry up and put out the fire!"

Then they all went to fetch water to put out the fire.

Lian Lingyue stood up from the ground, seeing that the fire was getting more and more intense, her whole face was reddened by the light of the fire.

"Yan'er, mother?" She recovered from the shock of jealousy, and quickly ran in the direction of Fu'an Yuan.

"Bang!" At this time, gunpowder flew in from nowhere, and there was a violent explosion. Even Lingyue looked back suddenly, and many servants were blown away.


Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Siyue finished reading Liang's calligraphy, returned to the room, lay down and prepared to rest.

For some reason, her eyelids suddenly jumped a few times, and it was obvious that Nanny Tai had seen it.

She froze for a moment, quickly pressed her eyelids, and said, "The left eye jumped for money, and the right eye jumped for disaster. Why did my right eye jump today? Could something be wrong, haha."

Mother Tai said from the side, "Princess, you should be more careful these days and don't work too hard. It will take more than ten days to reach four months. Doctor Rong said that it will not be considered stable until four months. Mrs. It’s not good to work too hard.”

By the way, Lian Siyue, the servants in these rooms are not only as simple as servants, they also care about her like relatives.

"Today I also want to see the depth of this Liang family. In the future..." When Lian Siyue just took off her clothes and lay down, a thought suddenly flashed in her mind——

She sat up suddenly!
Her actions startled Nanny Tai and Qing Dai, "Wangfei, what's wrong with you?"

"Quickly, change my clothes for me, there is something wrong with Mrs. Liang's handwriting!" Lian Siyue hurriedly put on her clothes, walked out of the room quickly, and walked towards the study.

When she arrived at the study, she rummaged through it.

Finally, she found the one she had just thought of, spread it out and put it on the desk for a look.

Then she walked to the bookcase and took down one of the copybooks. This one was written with Lian Jue at the beginning. When she returned home, she saw the copybook and thought she still liked it, so she took it back .

She quickly flipped through one of the pages, compared it with what Mrs. Liang had written, and immediately found a problem.

This pair of characters written by Mrs. Liang is obviously in willow style, but the old character from his hometown is clearly not in willow style, but the way Khitan people write Chinese characters!
Why would she know?Because when Lian Jue came back from Khitan, the two siblings also wrote this copybook together. At that time, Lian Jue specially wrote a few Chinese characters of Khitan for her to read.

He said that many years ago, there were Han people on the Khitan border. They did business such as trading silk, and Khitan people did business with them. Sometimes they needed to write documents, so they would write some simplified Chinese characters.

Among the characters written by Lian Jue, there is this old character. Liang's writing is the same as that of Lian Jue!

Therefore, Mrs. Liang is not from an opera troupe, she is very likely from Khitan!
And Khitan, who is there?Xiao Zhenhai's family!
With this realization, even Siyue's heart trembled, and her abdomen tightened immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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