First-class daughter

Chapter 941 1 1 come

Chapter 941 One by one
Chapter 941 One by one
Perhaps Mrs. Liang was waiting for the opportunity to attack Lian's family, but now that she has seen her today, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, she is likely to attack in advance!
Ling Yue'er, Yan'er, mother, Aunt Xi, grandmother...

Each of these names was enough to make Lian Siyue's heart skip a beat, she couldn't help taking a slight step back, her hands tightly grasped the edge of the table, and the veins on the back of her hands burst out.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Seeing that Lian Siyue's expression was not right, Qing Dai and Mother Tai hurriedly asked.

"Wu Qiao!" Lian Siyue quickly regained her composure and said loudly.

"Princess, here is my humble position." Wu Qiao walked in quickly.

"There may be an accident in the Prime Minister's Mansion, you immediately lead all the hidden guards to the Prime Minister's Mansion..."

"Princess Prime Minister's Mansion is on fire, it's not an ordinary fire, the fire is extremely fierce, and black powder was used!" Before Lian Siyue finished speaking, a hidden guard hurried in, knelt down, and said.

What?Black powder!
This is a very destructive weapon, it is used in war

"The officers and soldiers in the city have been alarmed, and the nearby people have also been awakened. They are trying their best to fight the fire, but the fire is very fast..."

Lian Siyue only felt a burst of blackness in front of her eyes, probably because she was pregnant, and she who was always calm, felt dizzy when she heard such unexpected things.

"Has anyone been rescued?" she asked tightly.

"So far, no one has come out." The dark guard replied.

No one came out, black powder, fierce fire...

These words were recalled in Lian Siyue's mind, and each sentence hit her heart hard.

She ordered herself to calm down quickly, and said, "Wu Qiao, lead all the hidden guards to save people. Remember, you must keep Ling Yue'er, Yan'er, and... Hurry up!"

Even Siyue didn't say the rest of the names, there was no time to say them.

"Yes!" Wu Qiao left quickly.

Both Qingdai and Taimao turned pale.

"It's fine, why did it suddenly catch fire? Where did the black powder come from?"

Both of them were very nervous, and the one who was most worried was Miss Lian Lingyue.

However, none of them dared to speak out.

"Qingdai, arrange a carriage, I have to go back quickly!" Lian Siyue ordered.

She clenched her fists slowly, without any expression on her face, as indifferent as an iceberg——

"Princess, why don't you wait in the mansion. After all, you are pregnant. If you run around like this, I'm afraid..." Mother Tai said worriedly.

"Yeah, you can wait here." Actually, after hearing about the black powder just now, Qing Dai was more worried that the concubine would be stimulated by what she saw and would move her fetus.

"No, just call the imperial physician in the mansion and go with me." She wanted to go and see for herself!


The two supported the princess and went out together, and got into the carriage outside the palace, while the imperial doctor sat in the carriage behind, with a medicine box in his hand, ready at any time.

The carriage was heading towards Xiangfu, Lian Siyue sat in the carriage, eyes closed, with a calm expression, but slowly clenched the hand on the side.

Inside the prime minister's mansion.

The sleeping Lian Yanqing was awakened by a loud noise, and when he got out of bed and ran outside, the house was already on fire.

He was startled, but his head felt groggy, and his eyes were dark.

What's wrong?How could his head be like this...

He braced his body and walked outside with somewhat weak steps——

"Lianxiang, long time no see."

Suddenly, a cold and familiar voice came from ahead.

Lian Yanqing was taken aback, then suddenly raised his head, only to see a figure walking towards him with the light behind him——

At first, he couldn't see the figure clearly, but when the person approached slowly and he gradually got used to the light, he could see the person's face clearly.

However, for a while, I also felt that this face was a little familiar, but it felt strange.

"Lian Xiang, don't you recognize me?" The man said coldly again, "Yes, the wind, sand, cold, and dirt have ruined my face, and if I don't look carefully now, I won't even recognize myself. "

This voice, this tone, this demeanor...

Lian Yanqing's heart trembled violently, he opened his eyes, looked at the person coming, and gasped suddenly——

"Fourth Highness, are not..."

"In the past, others said that this king is a slut, and this king was always upset, but now, I finally know that being a slut also has the benefits of being a slut. No." Feng Qianyue's voice seemed to come from hell.

"Fourth, Fourth Highness, it really is Fourth Highness..." Lian Yanqing finally saw the shadow of Feng Qianyue from the ugly face in front of him.

"Lian Xiang seems to be unbelievable when he sees this king. Why, does Lian Xiang really not want this king to live?" Feng Qianyue's eyes were full of coldness.

Lian Yanqing saw the knife in Feng Qianyue's hand at a glance, and suddenly felt a surge of fear in his heart, and his forehead began to sweat——

"Your Highness, you set this fire?" Lian Yanqing felt a deeper fear in his heart, he felt that the person in front of him looked like a lunatic.

"Yeah, I haven't seen Lian Xiang for a long time, so I want to send such a big gift to Lian Xiang as a congratulatory gift." Feng Qianyue said in a leisurely and authentic tone.

"Why does your highness do this? We can discuss it carefully. I am still a prime minister and enjoys a status in the court. If your highness wants something, I am willing to find a way for your highness, but I beg your highness to let you go today." Fate." Lian Yanqing calmed himself down, and negotiated terms with Feng Qianyue.

Feng Qianyue smirked, "Is Lian Xiang too naive, or does Lian Xiang think this king is naive?"

"Fourth Highness, Fourth Highness was joking, what I said is the truth, as long as His Highness spares his life, I will swear to the sky..."

"This king has been deposed a long time ago. When I returned to the capital, I was still alive. I didn't even dare to raise my head to meet people. I was afraid that I would be recognized and killed. What else do I want?"

Lian Yanqing saw that Feng Qianyue seemed to have remembered something sad, and when he drooped his eyes, he suddenly grabbed the teapot on the table next to him, rushed towards Feng Qianyue, hit him with the teapot, and ran away desperately go out.

But, unfortunately, his head was dizzy, and his legs and feet were weak. After running a few steps, he tripped and fell to the ground. He wanted to climb but couldn't.

Feng Qianyue raised her hand and touched her forehead, a mouthful of blood turned out to be broken up by Lian Yanqing using a teapot.

He gave a wicked smile, and walked towards Lian Yanqing's side step by step with a gleaming knife in his hand.

Lian Yanqing was sweating profusely, with panic in his eyes. While looking outside, he looked back at Feng Qianyue and shouted anxiously, "Lian Tian, ​​Lian Tian! Come and save the truth! Lian Tian! Lian Tian"

(End of this chapter)

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