First-class daughter

Chapter 943 Yunzheng Yunzheng

Chapter 943 Yunzheng Yunzheng
Chapter 943 Yunzheng Yunzheng
And the courtyard was also silent, no one made a sound——

There was a bone-chilling coldness in Yue'er's heart, whether the thick smoke would choke them all out of breath, and they were choked to death by the thick smoke before they were burned to death by the fire.

"Woooo..." At this moment, Lian Lingyue heard a cry of a child, and her body trembled suddenly——

"It's Yan'er, Yan'er is still alive!" Lian Lingyue was overjoyed, she stretched out her hand and opened the door, ready to save someone.

However, at this time, a person walked quickly to the ancient city and blocked her way, "Miss, don't go in, come with me."

Lian Lingyue took a look, "Aunt Liang? Why are you here? My brother Yan'er is inside, hurry up..."

"Miss, I am not Aunt Liang. Aunt Liang is just my disguised identity. My real identity is Khitan's secret agent. The purpose is to capture you back to Khitan. Therefore, I will not kill you. Come with me, Fennel I can stay here." Liang Shi said, at this moment, she was completely cold and completely different from her usual appearance.

"No matter who you are, I want to save my brother, get out!" Lian Lingyue gave her a cold look, pushed open the courtyard door forcefully, and ran inside following Lian Yan's crying.

However, the Liang family had promised Xiao Guogong that if the Lian family was to be wiped out, the only legitimate son would naturally not be able to stay.

So, she immediately flew forward, stopped Ling Yue'er, and said, "Don't save me, this entire Lian family, only you can live, the others must die."

"Try it!" Lian Lingyue slammed the hairpin on her head eight times and stabbed at Liang's body.

Liang couldn't hurt her, so he could only dodge, Ling Yue'er took the opportunity to escape and ran into the yard.

"Lian Lingyue..." Mrs. Liang rushed to catch up.

Seeing this, Fennel ran over, squatted on the ground, hugged Liang's leg, and shouted loudly, "Miss, save the young master quickly, save the young master quickly!"

Lian Lingyue pushed open the door suddenly, a burst of fire rushed out from inside, she was licked by the flames, and she fell to the ground.

"Woooo..." Lian Yan's voice came intermittently, Lian Lingyue gritted her teeth, stood up, and rushed in——

"Miss, miss, be careful..." Anise hugged Liang's leg, and when she saw Lian Lingyue rushing into the room, she cried and shouted loudly.

Mrs. Liang lowered her head abruptly, a chill flashed in her eyes, she pulled out the dagger in her hand with a swish, and stabbed at Fenixian's body.

When it was too late, an indifferent figure flew over suddenly, kicked fiercely from behind, and kicked on Liang Shi's body, Fenix ​​finally escaped.

When Fen Xiang saw this person, she was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "Quick, quick, the young lady is going inside to save the young master, go and save her, go! Don't let her be burned to death."

on the carriage.

Lian Siyue still had her eyes closed, and the carriage drove quickly towards Lian's house, the hairpin in her hair shook with the bumps of the carriage, making a faint sound.

Her hands clenched the cushion under her body more tightly, and the back of her hand ached.

Suddenly, Lian Siyue felt a faint tightening of her abdomen, she felt a little uncomfortable, opened her eyes suddenly, and protected her stomach.

"Stop!" she yelled suddenly.

The carriage stopped suddenly.

Qing Dai and Mother Tai hurried over and asked, "Princess, are you alright?"

She gritted her teeth and said calmly, "Let the imperial doctor come up, Qing Dai and you too."

"Yes Yes!"

The imperial physician and Qing Dai hurriedly got into the carriage at the same time, and the carriage stopped on the road.

Seeing that Lian Siyue's face was pale, Qing Dai and Nanny Tai were sweating profusely nervously, and Qing Dai was holding Lian Siyue's hand tightly, she felt very scared in her heart, she felt that Wang Hao's hands were very cold, although her face was calm , but clearly trembling.

The imperial physician was taking Lian Siyue's pulse, and Nanny Tai was staring at her wrist, her heart beating thumpingly.

"How is it, doctor?"

"The concubine's fetal gas is moving, it's not suitable to go any further, she needs to stop and rest quietly, for the sake of safety, I ask the concubine not to go any further," said the imperial physician.

"Princess, stop!" Qing Dai wiped the sweat on Lian Siyue's forehead frequently with the handkerchief in her hand.

At this moment, big drops of sweat were streaming down her face, and her lips were paler than ever before——

"Yun Zheng, Yun Zheng..." A name overflowed from Lian Siyue's lips, "Yun Zheng..."

Seeing Lian Siyue like this, Qing Dai burst into tears, she felt so sorry for the princess.

"Stop it..."

Finally, Lian Siyue said this sentence as if accepting her fate, then closed her eyes and leaned against Qing Dai's body.

Nanny Tai squatted aside, fed her water and drank according to the imperial doctor's orders, and moved very carefully.

After a while.

Lian Siyue finally recovered slowly.

She slowly opened the curtain and looked in the direction of the Xiangfu——

In the sky over there, there was a faint flash of fire, which was red and red, showing the magnitude of the fire.

"Bang!" Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the entire carriage was shaken, and even Siyue's abdomen tightened again.

Hearing this sound, she tightly clenched Qing Dai's palm with her hand, tightly closed her eyes, sweat dripped down in big drops, and soon her clothes were soaked.

"Princess, don't worry, don't worry, the young lady and the young master have their own good looks, and God will not treat you badly, don't worry, take care..."

Nanny Tai has been comforting softly beside Lian Siyue, her eyes are red.

I don't know how long it took.

Lian Siyue's condition finally stabilized slowly, her abdomen no longer contracted, and her mood calmed down.

"Continue to go to Xiangfu." She said, regaining her composure and composure.

"Yes." The imperial physician got out of the carriage.

Nanny Tai and Qing Dai stayed in the carriage to look after Gu Lian Siyue.

The carriage swayed forward——

When he was still some distance away from the Prime Minister's Mansion, Lian Siyue felt a burst of hot air. He opened the curtain of the carriage and saw that the entire Prime Minister's Mansion was surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, and the smell of black powder was choking.

The officers and soldiers were hesitating at the gate of the prime minister's mansion, and no one could rush in.

The surrounding crowd is desperately carrying water to put out the fire.

Lian Siyue's carriage stopped, the carriage door opened, and Lian Siyue slowly got off the carriage. When the people around saw her, they couldn't help taking a step back to make way for her.

She looked at the flames soaring into the sky, at the three words "Prime Minister's Mansion" on the door plaque that were about to be burned, and walked forward step by step.

The flame reflected her face, but there was no expression on her face, but the fist beside her was clenched involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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