Chapter 944
Chapter 944
Even Siyue's eyes searched around, intending to see the figure of her relatives, but there were some strange faces all around, and there was no one she wanted to see.

Father, mother, grandmother, Ling Yue'er, Yan'er, Aunt Xi, Third Aunt, Second Aunt, Third Uncle, Lian Nianxin, etc., all disappeared without a trace.

But in front of him, the menacing flames were burning more and more intensely, almost swallowing the entire Xiangfu.

The fists in her sleeves were tightly clenched and trembling. The heat of the fireworks made her feel hot all over, but her heart was piercingly cold.

"Princess Hengqin..." The surrounding officers and soldiers and some civilians recognized her and knelt down one after another.

Everyone was looking at her with sympathy and regret.

"Princess..." Wu Qiao ran over, her face darkened, "When we arrived, the fire was already very strong. I ran inside and was repelled by the black powder. Damn you!"

"But someone escaped from it..." she asked, her expression was calm, but her voice was trembling.

"Yes." Someone replied.

She immediately pushed aside the crowd and looked over, only to see some burnt servants lying on the ground and howling——

"Princess..." came a weak voice.

Even at a glance like the moon——

"Lian Tian?" I saw that the Chief Nursing Hospital was lying on the ground Lian Tian, ​​seriously injured, his face was burned by flames, half of his face was black, and a lot of blood flowed from his body.

"Anyone else?"

"Humble and incompetent..." Lian Tian spit out a sentence as if dying.

"Did you see Miss and Master?" she asked.

"The fire was too fierce, and black powder exploded, I... I couldn't see the young lady and the young master..." Lian Tian said with all his strength, enduring the pain in his body.

"Who set the fire? Did you see it?" she asked tremblingly.

"Fourth, Fourth Highness, Fourth Highness even killed the Prime Minister." After Lian Tian said this, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Feng Qianyue!
Lian Siyue's heart was hit hard, he really didn't die, he actually used the method of destroying Lian's family to announce his return to her.

She staggered and walked forward——

"Princess, you can't go!"

"You can't go in! These officers and soldiers can't go in, let's put out the fire first."

Seeing her continue to walk into the sea of ​​flames, Qingdai and Mother Tai mistakenly thought that she wanted to rush into the sea of ​​flames to save others, so they hurriedly supported her.

She went limp—

"Ling Yue'er, Ling Yue'er, Yan'er..."

"Princess, the fire is too strong, be careful of burning your body, go back to the carriage first." Wu Qiao said hastily.

"Princess, we have tried our best to put out the fire, but the fire is too big, and it will not be extinguished for a while..." The leader of the officers and soldiers in charge of putting out the fire came over and reported to Lian Siyue.

Finally, Lian Siyue felt a pain in her heart, couldn't breathe all of a sudden, her eyes went dark, she closed her eyes, her body fell limply, and she passed out heavily.

"Princess, concubine... imperial physician, hurry up, imperial physician..." Wu Qiao hurriedly reached out and hugged Lian Siyue's body.

Qingdai and Mother Tai came immediately, shouting loudly.

"How is she?" At this time, Feng Ye, who had heard the news, hurried over from Jiuhua Temple. He was also shocked by the fire in front of him. When he pushed aside the crowd, he saw Lian Siyue limp in the arms of the maidservant. In the middle, hurried over.

Feng Ye saw Wu Qiao at a glance, Wu Qiao was startled, then immediately lowered his head and called out, "Princess, wake up."

Feng Ye's eyes moved away from Wu Qiao, and he immediately ordered, "Pick her into the carriage and go back to Prince Heng's mansion."

"Yes." Nanny Tai came over, squatted down, put Lian Siyue on her back, ran back to the carriage quickly, and said to the driver, "Princess fainted, go back to the prime minister's mansion!"

The carriage left Xiangfu, and the fire——

Looking at the raging fire in front of him, Feng Ye still couldn't believe it. The person in front of him who was engulfed by the raging flames was the Xiangfu Lianjia that had flourished for decades.

Who is it that is so cruel!There was a chill all over him, and the goosebumps on his back rose.

"Your Highness!" Yin Huai walked over.

"Is there anyone rescued?" Feng Ye asked in a tight voice.

"Humble staff looked around, only a few slaves, none of the masters came out, including... Lian Xiang, some people said that they heard from the Chief Guardian of the Prime Minister's Mansion that the Fourth Highness personally killed the Lian Xiang. " Yin Huai said.

"What?" Feng Ye shuddered and said in shock, "The Fourth Highness you are talking about is Feng Qianyue?"

"Yes, the Chief Nursing Institute kept saying that they saw His Highness the Fourth Highness kill him."

This news left Feng Ye in shock for a long time - about half a month ago, Beijiang published a memorial saying that Feng Qianyue was trampled to death by a flock of sheep, and a guard was also trampled to death.

Now it seems that this is entirely a bureau set up by Feng Qianyue. When the memorial was sent out in Beijiang, he was already on his way back to the capital.

"Your Highness, the fire is so fierce, the Lian family may be... over." Yin Huai said.

Feng Ye looked at the flames again——yes, the flames were so raging, and the black powder that would be used in battle was used, and no one escaped, so how could there be any survivors.

"It's so pitiful, the fire is so big, everyone inside must be dead."

"There is also a young master who is one or two years old, who was also burned to death. What a crime, the person who set the fire will be struck by lightning..."

"I really didn't expect that the majestic Prime Minister's Mansion would suffer such a disaster overnight..."

The people around were discussing regretfully, who would have expected that a family that had been connected for a hundred years would be destroyed in one fell swoop.

three days later.

The fire at the Lian family burned for three days and three nights before it was extinguished. The whole century-old house was burnt down to nothing but the frame, and the entire nearby street was affected and burned black.

This fire shocked the government and the public, shocked the entire capital, and almost everyone was talking about it.

It is said that when the news spread back to the palace, Emperor Zhou Cheng asked three times after hearing the news, "Are you sure it is the Lian family? The Prime Minister's residence is the Lian family, Lian Lian is connected to Yanqing?"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Emperor Zhou Cheng was shocked and did not recover for a long time.

Afterwards, Emperor Zhou Cheng issued an order to ask His Highness Feng Ye to investigate the matter with all his strength, and he must investigate to find out the truth.

And when Feng Ye brought Lian Tian, ​​who had recovered from serious injuries, to Emperor Zhou Cheng, and told Emperor Zhou Cheng about the process of his Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue killing Lian Yanqing, Emperor Zhou Cheng was even more surprised.

Then he flew into a rage and said, "Sure enough, a scumbag is a scumbag, born to be scheming and ruthless! I really regret that I didn't kill him immediately!"

In the end, Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered Feng Qianyue to hunt down and kill Feng Qianyue for life, and wanted Feng Qianyue to be wanted all over the world. Anyone, no matter who, at any time, as long as they bring Feng Qianyue's head to see him, they will be rewarded with 10 silver Two, this order is valid for life.

Such a huge bounty is the first one since the beginning of the dynasty.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Even Siyue stayed in bed for three days. During these three days, no one mentioned the matter of putting out the fire to her, for fear that she might get angry.

And even Siyue didn't ask once.

Originally, her heart was already like a copper wall and an iron wall, but this time she was stabbed violently, and because of her fetal gas.

All because the blow was too great.

However, she knew that all of this was done by Feng Qianyue,

Sure enough, from the previous life to the present, he was the one who pushed her into the abyss.

Because she knew who the murderer was, Lian Siyue had been adjusting her mentality for the past three days, and ordered that no matter what happened, she should face it calmly and stop her emotional fluctuations.

Otherwise, it's all useless.

After three days, she had recovered her original calm.

Wu Qiao obeyed the order and came over to tell her that the fire had been extinguished, but the entire Prime Minister's Mansion had been burnt beyond recognition. The inside was being cleaned up, and the bodies were being lifted out of the ashes one by one, and they were also being identified.

However, due to burning for too long, many corpses have been changed beyond recognition, and it is difficult to see who is here.

"Prepare the carriage, I will identify it." Lian Siyue said.

"Princess..." Qingdai and Taimao called out worriedly after hearing this.

"I know you are worried about my body, don't worry, I value my children more than anyone else, I know it well, let's go."

Lian Siyue lowered her head, stroked her stomach with her hands, and said in a firm voice.

After a while, she took the carriage again and headed all the way to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Along the way, through the curtain of the carriage, even Siyue could hear the people talking about the fire at Lianjia——

"The fire was really burning. I heard that in the entire Lian family, except for a few servants, not a single master escaped."

"How did this happen? Did you take some coma medicine? I don't know if it caught fire."

"Who knows, the person who set the fire was really insane. He wanted to destroy Lian's family and kill them all."

"It's really miserable to say that none of the young ladies in it came out, and they were burned alive like this. They were all at the age of flowers and jade. I heard that the young lady who had just come back not long ago even wanted Lingyue and the courtiers. Crossed the threshold."

The voices of these discussions clearly entered Lian Siyue's ears, she closed her eyes lightly, her face was expressionless, and her heart gradually became calm.

Outside the carriage, Qingdai and Mother Tai also heard it, they looked at each other, and couldn't help being very worried about the princess.

Don't talk about others, just talk about the young lady, she is the heart of the princess, and the relationship between the two sisters is very good.

If she saw Miss's body, would the princess...

The carriage continued to move forward, and there was a faint smell of fireworks in the air, which showed how big the fire was.

"Princess, we're here." After a while, Mother Tai's voice came from outside.

Lian Siyue slowly opened her eyes, before she got out of the car, she smelled a burning smell, and suddenly, a feeling of nausea hit her.

She collected herself, clutched her belly, and slowly let the nausea subside.

Finally, he lifted the curtain of the carriage, and got out of the carriage supported by Qing Dai.

Looking up at a glance - gone, gone, the entire Xiangfu was burned down, and the prosperity of the past was all buried in such a fire.

(End of this chapter)

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