Chapter 945
Chapter 945
Seeing him getting up from Zhulou, seeing him entertaining guests, seeing his building collapse!

All the prosperity of the past was buried in such a fire, and all the majestic buildings were turned into a pile of charred ruins.

Gone, really gone.

Lian Siyue staggered a step forward, and slowly looked over——

In a trance, she seemed to see a group of luxuriously dressed ladies, beautiful and slim, with rings and jingle bells, gathered around the observation platform, tasting lyrics and music;
She also saw her grandmother surrounded by countless unrecognizable maidservants, mothers-in-law, and servants, all of whom flattered the old ancestors in the house and said auspicious words, while the grandmother talked to her children and grandchildren with a smile on her face , generously reward the servant;

I saw Lian Yanqing's birthday in a daze, the banquet was in full swing, the emperor's imperial decree arrived, the princes and princesses, civil and military officials came to celebrate, the most beautiful scene!
The Lian family, a family that represents wealth and power...

In her ears, she could still hear those laughter, and in her eyes, she could still see those bustling scenes.

However, gone, really gone, either in a dream, or gone, all turned into nothing.

The dream of the residual mountain is the most real, and the old environment is hard to lose.


Mother Tai, Qing Dai and the others saw the scene in front of them, but they couldn't recover for a long time, and their heartache was unbearable.
The buildings of the Prime Minister's Mansion are among the most prosperous in the whole of Kyoto, and if they say they are gone, they will be gone.

After a while, a dead body was carried out, and slowly passed in front of Lian Siyue——

"This is Aunt Xi..."

Even Siyue's tears fell immediately, she hadn't shed a single tear in the past few days, but when she recognized the person in front of her, it was Aunt Xi who was usually taciturn but secretly helped each other at critical moments, It was also Lian Jue's favorite and most concerned aunt——

Tears finally fell down involuntarily.

"Aunt that you, Aunt Xi..."

Lian Xi was burnt terribly, beyond recognition, but the bracelet on her wrist made Lian Siyue recognize her at a glance. It was given to Aunt Xi before she got married. At that time, Aunt Xi said with emotion:

Yue'er, you are the happiest woman in the Lian family, Aunt Xi is happy for you.

Then several corpses came out, every time a corpse came out, even Siyue's heart was pricked once, she had made all the preparations, but she was still shocked by the tragic scene before her.

There were piles of corpses beside her, some she recognized and some she didn't recognize.

Then, another corpse was brought out, and even Siyue recognized it. This was the grandmother, the first person she relied on after her rebirth.

Grandmother is powerful and loves her children and grandchildren, especially the original eldest grandson, Lianjue, who always calls her "my obedient grandson."

She used to be a god-like existence in this back house, and everyone admired her.

Then, she saw the third aunt. The third aunt's head was probably smashed by a broken beam, with a hole in her head. The blood mixed with her burnt body gave off an unbearable stench.

A few days ago, she even went to Prince Heng's mansion on purpose, worrying about the power in her back house. Who knows, it will be forever if they meet again.

The person who was carried out again had a knife stuck in his heart.

"This is Lian Xiang, so he was killed before he died." Someone whispered beside him.

Even Siyue closed her eyes deeply, all the grievances and resentments with this father disappeared with his death.

Next, another corpse was also carried out. This corpse was different from the others. It was not burnt, but its face was ashen. It was obvious that it was not burned to death, but choked to death by thick smoke.

When Lian Siyue saw her, her heart suffered a violent blow, and she staggered forward——


She squatted down slowly, stretched out her hand, and called out in a trembling voice, "Mother...Mother..."

Lian Siyue held her hand, which was already stiff, it could be seen that she had been dead for a day or two.

"Mother, mother..." No matter what, the person in front of her was her mother, and even Siyue's tears fell on this mother one by one.

No matter how many words, no matter how much resentment, no matter how much dissatisfaction, now they have turned into worry-free, nothing.

"Princess, you have to take care of your health. People die, and people can't be resurrected after death. My condolences..." Mother Tai wiped her tears, supported Lian Siyue, and said comfortingly.


Seeing that the lady's body was being carried away, even Siyue was limp and unable to exert any strength, if it wasn't for Mother Tai supporting her, she might have fallen down.

Next, Second Aunt Hu, Lian Nianxin, Second Uncle Lian Yanlang, Third Uncle Lian Yantao, Fourth Miss Lian Wanyin, Seventh Miss Lian Shengru—

One by one, either in their prime of life, or in their young age, they all turned into scorched black corpses, and their deaths were horrible.

Now, grandma is gone, father is gone, mother is gone, uncles, aunts, sisters are all gone——

Or there used to be kindness and resentment, there was intrigue, there was disappointment and sadness, but these were all relatives in her name, but now, they are all gone at once.

She felt a mountain behind her collapse, raising a thick cloud of dust.

All this is like a nightmare, a nightmare that will never wake up.

Feng Qianyue, no matter in the past or present, you tortured me endlessly.

This time, when I was most vulnerable and defenseless, I gave me the most fatal blow——

Where are you, where the hell are you now?
I will definitely, I will kill you with my own hands!Take revenge for Lian's family!
Lian Siyue's blood was surging like magma, and he called Feng Qianyue's name countless times!
"Princess, I didn't see Miss and Master Yan." Qing Dai said with a hint of expectation.

Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly, yes, so many people died and were carried out, but Ling Yue'er and Yan'er hadn't been seen yet.

Looking at the mother's body again, it was not burnt...

And at this time, another corpse was slowly brought out, even Siyue saw this person at a glance, and suddenly felt a terrible fright——

This is, this is...

"Miss, isn't this the girl next to Miss, Hui Xiang? She is dead, so Miss..."

A cluster of hope suddenly ignited in Lian Siyue's heart, and she immediately ordered:
"Wu Qiao, go in and have a look, go to the location of Fu'an Courtyard, go!"


"The rest of you, also search around for me, don't miss any place, look for sister and young master."


Wu Qiao and the others immediately ran in, avoiding the broken beam that did not fall, and went straight to Fu'an Courtyard.

Lian Siyue stood where she was, looking forward with a glimmer of hope in her heart, looking forward to——

Looking forward to bringing her good news amidst these tragedies, good news that would comfort her a little.

God, please, give the good man some hope.

(End of this chapter)

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