First-class daughter

Chapter 946 Perseverance

Chapter 946 Perseverance
Chapter 946 Perseverance
"Princess, the Eighth Highness asked Beizhi to come to help, and Beizhi immediately sent people to look for Sister and Young Master Yan." Yin Huai led the guards of Prince Yu's mansion, bowed and said.

Lian Siyue did not speak, her eyes were fixed on the burnt building, and her fists in her sleeves were clenched tightly.

"Let's go! Find someone!" Yin Huai gave an order, and all the guards also entered the ruined walls to search.

"Princess, please sit down." Qing Dai went to move a chair over, Mother Tai took a fan, it's very hot here, fan her so that she doesn't have difficulty breathing.

The two servants took care of her very carefully, fearing that something might happen to the child.

The prime minister's mansion is very large, and it was burnt down like this. It is not easy to find someone——

However, for Lian Siyue now, the best news is that they have not found their siblings.

After almost an hour, Lian Siyue had already waited until his forehead started to sweat.

Wu Qiao finally ran out with a dirty body and said, "Princess, I didn't find my sister and young master!"

After a while, Yin Huai and the guards in the palace also conveyed the same news to her, but they did not see Ling Yueer and Lian Yan.

Lian Siyue stood up abruptly, a gleam of light finally appeared in her gloomy eyes, and she felt a burst of surprise in her heart——

"Princess, this means that Miss and Master Yan are not dead, doesn't it, doesn't it?" Qing Dai said excitedly.

Finally, in the middle of this tragic incident, there is a sliver of comfort.

"I didn't see the body, and my mother was not burned, but suffocated to death. It is very likely that Ling Yue'er and Yan'er were not burned, and they were probably taken away by Feng Qianyue or that Liang family!" Because After searching around for a few times, there was no body of Mrs. Liang, which meant that she also escaped.

It's just that three days have passed, and the person may have gone far!

However, no matter what, the bodies of Ling Yue'er and Yan'er were not seen. For Lian Siyue, this was the best news.

As long as there is life there is hope.

At this time, Lian Siyue buried her heavy grief deep in her heart. She understood that now that the man had passed away, the most important thing was to find Ling Yue'er and Yan'er.

After Lian Siyue calmed down, she had already figured out an idea——

Khitan's secret artist, Liang, turned into an actor, ingratiated himself with the third uncle, and sneaked into the Prime Minister's mansion, and Feng Qianyue's relationship with her was probably just an accidental acquaintance, and Feng Qianyue would not have far-sighted consideration of cultivating some works in Khitan.

Then, under the conspiracy of the two, they attacked the two families at night.

Feng Qianyue's target is her, destroy her all over the house, let her taste what it feels like to lose everything.

What about Mr. Liang?What is Liang's purpose?
Are Feng Qianyue and Liang Shi still together now?

Ling Yue'er definitely didn't escape from the sea of ​​fire by herself, if she escaped by herself, she must have come to find her right away.

This is enough to show that she was taken away by them.

There is hope!

There is hope!

"Wu Qiao, pass on the order of the princess, immediately go to the direction of Khitan, and try my best to find the elder sister and the young master." Lian Siyue immediately gave the order.

"Yes, I obey."

So, Wu Qiao led the crowd to search for the whereabouts of Lian Lingyue and Lian Yan without stopping.

Just the thought that they might still be alive is comforting.

And what about the Lian family——

Even Siyue silently glanced at the dilapidated wall for the last time. This big family that had flourished for many years was also completely lonely.

From then on, among the big families in Kyoto, there was no family talk anymore, and everything, everything, was burned with this fire.

And even Siyue became a person without her natal family, without her mother's family.

However, she has no time to be sad, no time to remember, not even time to shed tears for her loved ones.

She wants to get involved in finding Ling Yue'er and Yan'er as soon as possible.

After Lian Siyue returned to the mansion, she immediately asked the court to fully trace the whereabouts of Lian Lingyue and Lian Yan.

Emperor Cheng of Zhou learned that there were still descendants left in the Lian family, and at Lian Siyue's request, he sent the Imperial Army to search for them, and he also sent a message to try his best to keep the descendants of the Lian family. .

At the same time, Lian Siyue also sent someone to Shanhaiguan to send a letter to Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue, asking them to send someone nearby to look for Lian Lingyue and the others at the Khitan entry point.

Sudden such a drastic change, almost lost all relatives, but any individual would be unable to bear it and collapsed.

Everyone thought that even Siyue was about to fall down this time, and even if he didn't fall down, he would be seriously ill or

However, Lian Siyue was beyond everyone's expectations. Instead of being depressed, she didn't wash her face with tears, she didn't mourn and cry for pity, but she held out her slightly bulging abdomen and presided over the affairs of both the Lian family and the palace at the same time.

So many people in the Lian family died all at once, and they had to arrange rituals one after another to save the souls of those who died in vain.

There is also a monument to each person, whether it is her enemy or her benefactor, their names are all written down one by one by her sitting in front of the desk with her bulging belly.

She wrote one, and Qing Dai took out one and handed it over to the manager——

Lian Yanqing, Lian Mu An, Rong Xue, Lian Xi, Lian Yanlang, Hu Shi, Lian Yantao, Liu Shi, Lian Nianxin, Lian Wanyin, Lian Shengru, Lian Huitong, Yan Shi...

She wrote all the names solemnly.

When I wrote down the word Rong Xue, my heart was like weeping blood, trembling, the hand holding the writing brush trembled violently——

"Mother." She opened her mouth and called, and tears fell on the two names.

She was extremely disappointed with her mother, but in her mind, she only had this mother, the only mother.

Everything is worth the word mother.

God.I used to think that you treated me well and promised me Yunzheng, but I never thought that I would suffer such a catastrophe in my life.

"Princess, take a rest." Mother Tai came over and wiped the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief.

In such late autumn weather, she was always sweating profusely.

"No, I can still hold on, I'm fine." She looked at the word Rong Xue, and asked Qing Dai to take it out together.

After a day of support like this, she finally lay on the bed so tired that it was difficult for her to turn over.

Nanny Tai and Qing Dai did their best to serve them carefully, they did all the work, and they didn't leave their hands to any other servants, because they were afraid that if they didn't take good care of them, they would make the princess feel uncomfortable.

"Mother Tai, go and cook me a bowl of white fungus and bird's nest soup, I want to drink it down," she said.

In the past few days, her voice has become hoarse, and when she speaks, her throat hurts like a knife is being cut.

"It's already stewed, and it's just waiting for the princess to eat." She hurriedly brought the bird's nest over.

However, after just taking a bite, my stomach rolled and I couldn't take a bite.

Qing Dai was worried, "What can I do, I want to eat so much but I can't eat. It's been like this for two consecutive days. The princess looks thinner."

No one is pregnant, but is getting thinner day by day.

"..." Lian Siyue wiped her mouth dry, waved her hand, and asked someone to send the things out, and said, "Perhaps the smell of the dead body in that question is too much, it's okay, it will be fine in two days, I will first Rest, you guys go out."

"Yes." Qing Dai quietly backed out after burning incense for Lian Siyue to help her sleep.

Outside the courtyard, Qing Dai finally couldn't bear it anymore, squatted on the ground and began to cry, crying and said: "What should I do? There is no news from the young lady and the young master, and the princess is losing weight, who will help her? Capable, but also a mother with a child."

Nanny Tai was also wiping away her tears, and said, "I feel sad seeing it. In one night, even the family disappeared, and the young master and young lady disappeared. If they were ordinary people, they might not be able to survive. Day has presided over so many affairs."

"Mommy Tai, no matter what, we must do our best to take care of the princess and protect the child in her womb." Qing Dai said with tears in her eyes, her eyes were red from crying.

"That's what it should be. We have to watch over her all the time, and nothing will happen to me." Mother Tai said
Inside the room.

Lian Siyue slowly opened her eyes, looking at the pattern on the bed curtain——

Ling Yue'er, are you and Yan'er together?Where the hell are you now?
Because it took three days to put out the fire, and three days later it was discovered that Ling Yue'er and Yan'er were not dead, so the search was delayed.

So many people were sent out to look for it, but there was no trace. Are they going to take you to Khitan?What are you doing there?
Take a hostage?

To threaten Yunzheng and Jueer...

Yun Zheng, Jue Er, do you know that the capital is not what it used to be.

I don't know how long it took, Lian Siyue finally fell asleep in a drowsy state, she had to let herself sleep and eat.

Because tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and in the future, there are still many, many things waiting for her to deal with.

She can't fall down, even the family is gone, but she is still there.

However, she didn't sleep for a long time. She slept late, but she woke up at dawn the next day.

Qingdai and Mother Tai rushed in and said, "Wangfei, don't you want to rest for a while? It's not bright yet."

"No, I'm going."

Putting on a cloak, Lian Siyue walked into the courtyard, looking at the slight morning light, she ordered:

"I want to go to Jiuhua Temple today and talk with Abbot Jiufang about the scriptures. You can arrange it."

"Yes, Princess." Qing Dai went to prepare.

She thought, at a time like this, it would be good for the princess to go to the temple to find Abbot Jiufang to explain it.

Siyue vomited after two mouthfuls of breakfast, and finally managed to drink a little water, seeing that her fingers were all thinner.

Qingdai and Nanny Tai were helpless, so they went to see the imperial physician again, but the imperial physician still said the same words, the blow was too great, and the body also suffered the blow, and it took a period of time to adjust to recover.

Not long after the imperial physician left, Lian Siyue got into the carriage and set off for Jiuhua Temple.

As if knowing that she would come, Abbot Nine had already led his young disciples to welcome her at the gate of the temple. Seeing Lian Siyue get off the carriage, he stepped forward, clasped his hands together, and said, "Amitabha, princess, you are here. "

(End of this chapter)

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