Chapter 956
Chapter 956
Under the auspices of Feng Yunzheng, the funeral affairs of the Lian family were settled one by one. At the same time, the emperor gave the Lian family a new house.

These days, Feng Yunzheng accompanied Lian Siyue every step of the way, and the two of them had a very happy and happy life together.

Besides, Ye Feng and his party had already gone to look for Leng Mei and Ling Yue'er, and even Si Yue was a little relieved.

However, the deadline given by the emperor to Feng Yunzheng was getting closer and closer, and it was imperative to go to Shanhaiguan, and as the day of leaving approached, a bold idea took shape in Feng Yunzheng's mind.

However, he doesn't plan to talk to Lian Siyue now, but spend time with her first.

Prince Yu's Mansion.

The housekeeper put a stack of thick booklets in front of Feng Ye, and said: "Your Highness, these are some selected people, take a look, which one you like, you can ask the emperor to marry you."

Feng Ye's eyes fell on these notebooks indifferently, and said, "Don't mess around, just be obedient, that's fine."

The butler was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "Your Highness, you are going to choose a princess, not a slave."

Feng Ye said, "It's more or less the same. I don't have the mood and thought to deal with women, and I'm too busy with other things."

His attitude towards the big marriage was very casual. Although he actively asked the emperor to give him a marriage, when he actually chose the princess, his attitude was very negative. In the words of the housekeeper, he really chose the princess with the standard of selecting slaves.

"Xu Guogong also sent some candidates over, and he hopes that His Highness the Eighth Highness can consider it."

Feng Ye frowned and said, "Then let grandfather help you choose."

The butler thought for a while, and summoned up his courage to say, "Your Highness, although you don't mind who the concubine is, after all, you have to live your whole life. You can't look up and look down. Otherwise, call these people together and watch in the dark." Look, at least, it must be in line with the eye."

"Forget it, if you hate looking at it, it won't spoil your mood. You can arrange it, and this king will take a look." Feng Ye agreed to the butler's proposal.

"Yes, I will let someone arrange it right away, I will arrange a theater troupe, and invite the ladies to come and listen to the play." The housekeeper said.

"You arrange it immediately, don't take too long, I'm afraid I'll get a headache watching it." Feng Ye said.

"Brother Bahuang still has a headache when he sees women, he must have become like me." At this time, a hearty voice sounded from the door of the study.

Feng Ye looked up and saw that it was the Sixth Prince Feng Yu.

"When did you come back? This study tour took a long time." Feng Ye put down his official duties and asked.

"I came to look for you as soon as I came back." Feng Yu walked in and said, "I heard that you took the initiative to ask Father for a marriage. I thought you had someone I liked and I was happy for you. save trouble."

Feng Yu sat down on the chair opposite him and said.

"If you get married, no one will care about this matter, and I feel at ease. Do you think it's to save trouble?" Feng Ye said leisurely.

"You used to be very popular with those women, but now that you are in power, everyone is flocking to you. It stands to reason that you can choose the best one, but I see you, it seems that you really don't have any specific interest.

I really complied with that sentence, once the sea was too difficult for water, except that Wushan is not a cloud, you can't get the person you want, and you can do anything else. "Feng Yu shook her head and said, "The relationship between you men and women is really terrifying. "

Feng Ye glanced at him indifferently, and said, "Is there any difference in the relationship between you men and men?"

"You're used to laughing at me. Anyway, I'm not like you. I have many choices." Feng Yu said leisurely, shaking the palace fan in her hand.

"Just brag, I don't know you yet, you didn't like that or something before..." Feng Ye gave him a blank look.

"Stop!" Feng Yu immediately stopped him from mentioning those embarrassing things, "Do you have the strength to laugh at me, why don't you cheer up and see your future princess, anyway, there is not only Lian Siyue in my world."

Feng Yu and Feng Ye have been on good terms since they were young, and they don't shy away from talking about these things, and besides, in private, they can say whatever they want.

Hearing this name, Feng Ye's hand that was about to pick up the brush trembled slightly, and after a while, he said, "The difficulty is that there is indeed only one Lian Siyue in this world."

Feng Yu was taken aback, and the expression on his face became serious. He sighed, and said, "Your feelings are really moving your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. It's a pity that the famous flower has an owner, and her feelings are indestructible. Poor You foolish person, you can only be an outsider in vain."

"It's nothing more than an outsider, almost an enemy." Feng Ye showed a wry smile in his eyes.

"You're talking about Concubine Xian. When I was away, I heard that Concubine Xian died of illness, so I thought of some possibilities. Now that you say that, I understand. It's just a matter of fate, you see Be more open, don't think about things that have passed, now the most important thing is to supervise the country, I think, the throne is yours, and I will always support you." Feng Yu said.

"Who knows, father's mind is always difficult to guess, maybe at the last moment, there will be a big reversal, and that position has nothing to do with me.

Do you still remember, the reason why my mother and concubine hunted down Feng Jue before. "Feng Ye said.

"Seven red moles on the soles of the feet?" Feng Yu also knew about this.

"Yeah." Feng Ye nodded, "My concubine said that she secretly asked a fortune teller to tell her that Feng Jue was born with the fate of an emperor."

"You believe this too, maybe that's nonsense, the seven moles on the soles of the feet are the emperor's life, I go out and search around, maybe I can find a hundred people with seven moles on the soles of the feet." Feng Yu said with a smile, "How can I It feels like you've been speaking a little empty lately."

"Recently, I went to Jiuhua Temple and Abbot Jiufang to practice meditation, and suddenly felt that the world is impermanent, and everything is determined by God." Feng Ye said with emotion.

"Stop it, from tomorrow onwards, you are prohibited from taking the forbidden area of ​​the Buddhist gate. Don't be tempted by that abbot to become a monk." Feng Yu quickly picked up the palace fan, knocked on his head, and said.

Feng Ye frowned and wiped his head, "How can I become a monk? I can't let go of this mundane world."

"Who knows, in short, you don't go there. If you have any troubles, you might as well ask me. I will explain it for you. I have traveled all over the world. I have never seen anything. I am the best person to talk to. Don't go to the old monk. It's gone." Feng Yu said.

Feng Ye rolled his eyes at him, "Why don't you think that you are the best person I can talk to?"

"It's because you don't trust me, let's go and have a drink." Feng Yu got up, and walked outside with Feng Ye.

On the road.

Feng Yu thought about the matter of the Lian family, and said, "The Lian family is really miserable. Almost all of them were wiped out overnight. Feng Jue will be very sad if he knows about it. After all, that's his true love." family."

"Feng Qianyue is too ruthless, unexpectedly ruthless." Feng Ye said.

"That's because he's an out-and-out villain. Only villains have morals. The old and the weak, women and children are not spared." Feng Yu's eyes showed contempt.

"Father issued a tracking order. No matter who it is, as long as Feng Qianyue's head is taken, he will be rewarded with 10 taels of silver. Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. I don't think she will be free for long." Feng Ye said coldly.

"Do you still remember that he used to live with that maid in that narrow maid's room, and his father didn't recognize him until he was five years old. I heard a story, when his mother was stabbed to death by poisoned wine, he Just hiding behind the cabinet and watching, watching his mother die in front of him, he didn't say a word, didn't say a word. Five years old, if it were you and me, I might cry to death in fright. At that time It can be seen that he is not an ordinary person in his heart, he is too patient." Feng Yu shook her head and said.

The two brothers left the palace, talked all the way, then arrived at Zhengyang Street, and walked in the direction of the restaurant they used to go to.

At this moment, suddenly, an out-of-control horse galloped ahead, frightening the pedestrians around to give way.

However, there was a girl who passed by the middle of the road, and when she saw the galloping horse, she was so frightened that she couldn't move.

Feng Ye's eyes froze, seeing that the horse was about to step on the man's body, at the very moment, he quickly stepped forward, grabbed the rein, pulled the horse hard, and pulled the horse away.

The horse's hooves almost brushed against the girl's body,

Feng Ye jumped up and got on the horse's back. With his legs tightly clamping the horse's belly, he grabbed the rein with his hands. After some stalemate, he finally tamed the horse.

The girl sitting on the ground turned pale with fright, Feng Yu walked over, bent down, and asked, "Girl, are you okay?"

It took the girl a long time to come back to her senses, shook her head, and said nervously, "It's okay."

Feng Ye jumped off the horse and said to Feng Yu, "Let's go."

The girl quickly got up, patted the dust off her body, walked up to Feng Ye with a pale face, bowed and said, "Thank you for saving my life, my lord, I will never forget it."

Feng Ye glanced at her indifferently, and said, "Don't worry about the old man who raised his hand."

"Anyway, thank you very much, Young Master." The girl raised her head and said to Feng Ye.

Originally, Feng Ye was going to leave, but when he saw this girl, his heart trembled suddenly. Between the eyebrows of this person...

"What's your name?" Feng Ye, who was originally not interested, asked.

"Master, my name is Xie Jinran." The girl replied.

"Xie Jinran?" Feng Ye murmured the name.

"I don't know your son Gao's name?" Xie Jinran asked.

"There's no need to tell each other names, let's go." Feng Ye said to Feng Yu.

"Oh, good." Feng Yu's gaze was also attracted by Xie Jinran's appearance, and it took him a while to recover, and he followed along.

At this time, several servants hurried over and asked, "Miss, you, are you okay?"

Xie Jinran looked at Feng Ye's handsome figure going away, his heart pounded like a deer, and said, "It's okay."


After walking a little further, Feng Yu said, "Don't you think this person looks a lot like... Lian Siyue?"

Feng Ye didn't speak, but he remembered that in the brochure that the steward had shown him just now, among the candidates for his concubine, there was one named Xie Jinran, the second daughter of the Minister of Rites.

(End of this chapter)

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