First-class daughter

Chapter 957 Contradiction

Chapter 957 Contradiction
Chapter 957 Contradiction
"Why didn't you respond, don't you look like it? Don't you look like it? I think it's very similar, especially the eyebrows and eyes, it seems." Seeing that Feng Ye didn't speak, Feng Yu said self-consciously.

"There is a candidate for the princess." Suddenly, Feng Ye said these words.

Feng Yu was startled, "Her?"

"The housekeeper is right, at least find someone who is pleasing to the eye, this one is pleasing to the eye." Feng Ye recalled Xie Jinran's appearance in his mind.

"What?" Feng Yu's jaw almost dropped in shock, "You fell in love with just this one look? You look so similar, aren't you afraid of some trap?"

"She is among the candidates for the princess. I just saw her name in the brochure. She is the daughter of Xie Jingzhi, Minister of Rites." Feng Ye said.

"Such a coincidence?" Feng Yu was even more surprised.

"I'm not afraid of traps, it's just a woman." Feng Ye said flatly, then turned and walked into the restaurant.

Feng Yu stood there blankly, after a while, after regaining consciousness, she hurriedly chased after her, and said, "But, you are too obvious, she looks so similar to Lian Siyue, you marry her Come back, even the beggars on the side of the road will know your thoughts, you are not embarrassed, you are not afraid of Xie Jinran's embarrassment, you..."

Feng Ye turned around, Feng Yu was startled, and stopped in her tracks.

"You are too noisy, and it's not you who married the princess, why are you so excited?" Feng Ye said.

"I, I'm worried about you." Feng Yu swallowed and said.

"I have nothing to worry about. Worry about yourself. One day, your father will also force you to marry. You can't escape." Feng Ye smiled and turned to go up to the second floor.

"Hey, I won't marry. If I marry him back, he will hate me to death. I will convince my father. Don't talk about me, talk about yours first. You really want to marry Xie Ranjin." Feng Yu still didn't There is no way to accept it. A quarter of an hour ago, he looked like he was going to marry and become a monk, but now he suddenly wanted to find someone to marry without hesitation.

"Xie Jinran, not Xie Ranjin." Feng Ye's voice came from the second floor.

"..." Feng Yu was about to go crazy, it was obvious, it might be a trap, but this guy didn't care, really...

the next day.

The butler came to report to Feng Ye that he had already sent a message, inviting all the ladies to come and listen to the show.

Feng Ye refused, and said, "No need, the candidate for the princess has already been selected, and I will go to the palace to report this matter to my father in two days."

The housekeeper also looked surprised, "Your Highness, you didn't choose it randomly."

"Of course not, this king is not such a casual person." Feng Ye said.

"..." The housekeeper didn't say anything, but he kept thinking, "Your Highness obviously said something casually yesterday."

The butler is out.

Feng Ye suddenly put down his pen.

The candidate for the princess has been decided, but suddenly I feel disappointed, feeling a little bit disappointed in my heart.

He got up and said, "Yinhuai, this king is going to visit Jiuhua Temple."

"Didn't you say it? It's better to find me than to find the old monk." Feng Yu's figure appeared at the door of the study in time, and he waved the palace fan at Yin Huai, saying, "You go down first, and your master will find the temple in the future. You come to me, don't let him go."

"Why do you have so many things?" Feng Ye looked angrily at the people who had been around him all day, "Fortunately, you and I are brothers, otherwise, I would think you have something in mind for me."

"Ah bah!" Feng Yu said, "I also have standards in life, okay?" He walked in and said.

"Then get out of the way, I'm going to the temple." Feng Ye got up and said.

However, Feng Yu pressed his shoulders, pushed him back to the seat, and said, "Don't worry, listen to me."

"What do you want to say, say it." Feng Ye said impatiently.

"After I returned home yesterday, I didn't sleep all night thinking about you." Feng Yu pointed to her face, "Look at her haggard face."

"You find trouble yourself." Feng Ye said angrily.

"Don't rush to scold me. Listen to me. I always feel that something is wrong with this matter. It's strange enough for someone similar to your old love to appear in peace. I think, Don't hurry to tell your father that you want to marry Xie Jinran, you can observe from the side first to see if there is any conspiracy, is it some kind of beauty trick, and some trap for you to jump into." Feng Yu seriously said.

"Others have beauty tricks, but I have beauty tricks." Feng Ye said.

"What?" Feng Yu didn't understand all of a sudden.

Feng Ye pointed to his own face, "Here."

"Tsk! I'm talking about business with you, why are you so stubborn?" Feng Yu almost died of anxiety.

Feng Ye looked at him, regained his usual expression, and said, "Didn't you say that? Once the sea was too difficult for water, except that Wushan is not a cloud, I just want to keep this person by my side."

"You..." Feng Yu was taken aback, "In the end, it was because of Lian Siyue."

"I've already made up my mind. Brother Liu Wang doesn't need to worry. My brother is not some hot-headed brat. I have my own measure. You wait to drink the bar."

Feng Ye said.

Feng Yu listened, and sat on the chair. Feng Ye had already said this, what else could he say, finally, he got up and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I can only help you secretly investigate her. gone."

"...I know what you are thinking, thank you for thinking of me." Feng Ye said.

Feng Yu left with a heavy heart.

Feng Ye was sitting in the study, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time. He opened the drawer, took out a portrait inside, and murmured, "Once the sea was too difficult for water, except for Wushan, which is not a cloud. Take the time to look back at the flowers, half-heartedly." Fate to practice the Tao and half to the king."

Prince Heng's Mansion.

When Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue heard that Feng Ye had asked the emperor to give Xie Jinran, the daughter of the Minister of the Wedding Department, they both showed a little surprise in their eyes.

"So fast?" Feng Yunzheng said.

"However, Concubine Xian passed away not long ago, it is estimated that the marriage will be given first, and the marriage will take three years. I don't know how old Xie Jinran is?" Lian Siyue said.

"Fifteen." The visitor said, "If you wait three years, your grade will be too high, but I heard that she is still very happy."

"You can see her in the future. If you are given a marriage, you will definitely belong to Feng Ye. In the future, at banquets in the palace or elsewhere, Feng Ye will always be present at banquets." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Just look at other people's affairs." Lian Siyue said lightly, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Regarding the matter of Concubine Xu Xian, at most she could not hate Feng Ye, but she didn't have any other things. It must be the same with Feng Ye.

What they said when they met at Jiuhua Temple that day was because Lian's family suffered a huge change and felt down, so they had a conversation, it was just an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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