First-class daughter

Chapter 958 Lian Yan is sick

Chapter 958 Lian Yan is sick
Chapter 958 Lian Yan is sick
As soon as the imperial decree to marry Feng Ye came out, Xie Jinran, the Minister of Rites, became the envy and envy of the noble ladies in Beijing.

After all, His Highness the Eighth Prince was already handsome, and his handsome figure was enough to fascinate people.

What's more, he is still the most powerful one among the princes.Although some people had speculated that he would be implicated because of Concubine Xian's matter, but it turned out not at all.

This is enough to explain his status in the emperor's heart.

And this Xie Jinran was originally included in Xu Guogong's scope, now that Feng Ye named her name, Xu Guogong was also overjoyed.

The two parties waited for three years to hold their wedding.

Xie Jinran felt in a trance that he was dreaming.

That day, after seeing Feng Ye on the street, he was deeply moved by his heroic demeanor when he rescued her. After returning home, he couldn't forget it, and always thought about it in his heart.

Therefore, when her father saw her as the candidate for the Eighth Highness, she was very unhappy and wanted to go on a hunger strike to protest.

But unexpectedly, when she heard the imperial decree and went to meet the emperor sullenly, she found that the eighth prince to whom she was married was actually the one who rescued her on the street that day.

She immediately felt that God was kind to her, so she honestly thanked Feng Ye together.

When the two walked out of the Rongyuan Hall one after the other, she followed Feng Ye, looking at his handsome figure, her heart couldn't help but pounding, thinking that her future husband was her, she really felt that Lucky.

Feng Ye walked a few steps, turned around, looked at her, and said, "You were chosen by this king, and this king will treat you well, there is no need to think about anything else."

Xie Jinran was taken aback for a moment, her face turned red immediately, she felt that Feng Ye in front of her was even more fascinating, she nodded and said, "I see, Your Highness Eighth."

"You go back, I will send some gifts to Shang Shufu." Feng Ye said.

"Yes, thank you, Your Highness the Eighth Highness." Xie Jinran bowed his head and said.

He is so dedicated, so considerate, and even thought of giving gifts, which shows that he really likes her.

Come to think of it, how lucky.

The person who bestows the marriage is the one she likes. Now, she is only waiting to marry him wholeheartedly, and there will be more opportunities to meet him in the future.

Xie Jinran thought, go back and make him a sachet, he will like it.

Feng Ye stood in front of her, stepped forward suddenly, and stretched out his hand to block the area below her nose.

Xie Jinran was startled, looked around quickly, and said. "Your Highness, this, this is not allowed." She is not yet married, and if she is seen like this, she will probably be gossiped about.

"Don't move." But Feng Ye stopped her with a voice, stared deeply at her eyebrows, and after a while, he put down his hands and said, "Okay, let's go."

"Okay." Xie Jinran blushed, her heart was pounding, immersed in the feeling of happiness.

Feng Ye looked at her receding figure, there was a gloomy look in her eyes, and the corners of her lips pulled slightly——

What a ridiculous behavior, Feng Ye.

"You think you're ridiculous." Suddenly, a voice came from the side, and Feng Yu's figure appeared.

Immediately, Feng Ye was startled, took a step back, and looked at him angrily, "How long have you been peeping around?"

Feng Yu stretched out her hand and covered Feng Ye's nose with her hand, "When you made this ridiculous gesture, I was watching."

Feng Ye took a step back and waved Feng Yu's hand away, "Don't move."

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous...Are you really not thinking about it anymore?" Feng Yu asked a little bit unwillingly.

"The imperial decree has come down, so why think about it?" Feng Ye said. ,

Feng Yu shook her head, "I regret that I was moved by some of your words and demeanor in your study that day. I should have stopped you from jumping into the fire pit in time."

"Like I said, I have my own sense of proportion, trust me." Feng Ye stepped forward and patted Feng Yu's shoulder, "Don't frown, otherwise, I can't take responsibility for your haggard appearance."

"You..." Feng Yu watched Feng Ye walk away, and hurriedly chased after her.

And at this time, by coincidence, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue walked over face to face.

Feng Ye was slightly startled, and then said, "The Ninth Emperor Brother has entered the palace."

"Yes, Brother Eighth Prince, I heard that your marriage decree has come down, congratulations." Feng Yunzheng said.

Feng Yu's eyes secretly looked back and forth at the faces of Feng Yunzheng, Feng Ye, and Lian Siyue.

"Brother Jiuhuang is going to Menghua Palace. I won't waste your time. Brother Liuwang and I are going out of the palace just now." Feng Ye nodded towards Lian Siyue and walked past the two of them.

Feng Yu also cupped her hands, and said, "Brother, let's go first."

Feng Yunzheng nodded, but a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Let's go." Lian Siyue said.

"En." Feng Yunzheng said while supporting Lian Siyue's waist.

It was obvious that her stomach was only slightly swollen, so he insisted on treating her like a potbellied person and helping her to walk everywhere, just for fear of any accidents.

After Lian Siyue protested several times, she readily accepted.

Seeing that it is getting farther and farther away from the Central Plains.

Leng Mei's body also gradually recovered.

Lian Lingyue took care of Lian Yan every day. Although she was still in a hurry, she finally found a pattern.

At least, she was able to distinguish the meaning of Lian Yan's crying relatively quickly.

But she herself, in order to take care of Yan'er, can't take care of herself anymore, and feels messed up all day long.

However, on this day, Lian Yan's crying sound was very different, as if he was very uncomfortable, and even after Ling Yue coaxed him for a long time, he couldn't get better.

When she was sweating profusely, she suddenly reached out and touched Lian Yan's forehead——

"It's so hot!"

It turned out that he was infected with the wind and cold, and his body became hot!

She suddenly became very anxious, hurriedly slapped the door frame vigorously, and shouted, "Open the door, open the door, open the door quickly, my brother is sick, find a doctor for me!"

The sound of her knocking on the door attracted two killers. They opened the door and asked harshly, "What's the matter? It's so loud."

"Call Feng Qianyue over, Yan'er is sick!" Lian Lingyue said anxiously, she had never taken care of a sick child, so when she saw Lian Yan was sick, she was naturally very anxious.

The killer's eyes showed suspicion, Lian Lingyue became anxious, "What am I lying to you for, come in and touch his forehead, it's very hot!"

The killer glanced at Lian Lingyue, she was so anxious that she was about to cry, she turned around and reported to Feng Qianyue, while Lian Lingyue turned around and ran to Lian Yan's side, hugging and coaxing her, but at the same time helpless.

She suddenly remembered that she had caught a cold before, and when her hair was hot, the nuns in the palace would not only give her medicine, but also find a piece of handkerchief to wet and put it on her forehead.

Thinking of this, she quickly put Lian Yan down, wet the veil, wrung it dry, and stuck it on Lian Yan's forehead, coaxing from the side, "Yan'er, Yan'er, hold on, I will think Do everything possible to find the doctor for you, you hold on, good boy."

(End of this chapter)

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