Chapter 959
Chapter 959
"..." Then, Lian Yan seemed to be really suffering, turning around on the bed, crying.

While coaxing him, Lian Lingyue looked back at the door and shouted loudly, "Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue, Yan'er is sick, please call for a doctor!"

With that said, Feng Qianyue walked in.

Lian Lingyue immediately said, "Yan'er's head is very hot, please go to the doctor quickly, I promise I won't run away!"

Feng Qianyue ignored her, walked to the bed, reached out and touched Lian Yan's forehead, it was really hot.

But when Lian Yan saw him, he cried even harder.

Lian Ling bit the crescent moon, bent his knees, knelt in front of Feng Qianyue, and begged, "Please, this is the only male in our Lian family, he is my younger brother, he has no enmity with you, He doesn't understand anything, please, for his poor sake, find me a doctor.

I assure you, I will not run away, I will give up, I will definitely go to Khitan with you, and I will never think of any idea to run away again, I want you to call a doctor for me. "

She begged, tears of fear flowed out.

Feng Qianyue glanced at her indifferently.

At this time, Mrs. Liang walked in quickly and said, "You can't ask a doctor, otherwise, our whereabouts will be exposed. I think more than one person is chasing her and Lian Yan's whereabouts!"

Lian Lingyue got up, grabbed Mrs. Liang, grabbed her forcefully, and said——

"Do you have a conscience? You have lived in Lian's family for a while anyway. My third uncle must have taken care of you. You killed him! Yan'er and you have a great hatred, and you just want to take me Just go to Youzhou to complete your mission. As I said, I will go to Youzhou with you obediently and let you complete the order. You can find a doctor for Yan’er, can’t you? You are a meticulous worker, but a meticulous worker also has a sense of shame, right? , It’s not enough to kill so many people, you have to kill one more, are you really not afraid of thunder?”

As Lian Lingyue spoke, she shook Liang's body excitedly.

Seeing that she and Feng Qianyue were both indifferent from beginning to end.

She was heartbroken, and suddenly stretched out her hand, pulled out the dagger from Liang's waist, walked to the window suddenly, raised the dagger and stabbed at Lian Yan's body!
Feng Qianyue's eyes narrowed, "What are you doing?"

Liang Shi stepped forward quickly, grabbed her wrist, squeezed it hard, and the dagger fell from her hand.

"In that case, if I kill Yan'er, I will commit suicide immediately. Facing cold-blooded demons like you, I have only this choice. If you refuse to let me get what I want, I won't let you get what you want either." She fiercely said Staring at Mrs. Liang, "You can't take me back, I'm afraid you will die too!"

"You!" Mrs. Liang didn't expect that the girl who took care of the children in a panic all day had such a dry side.

"Go get a doctor." Finally, Feng Qianyue said.

"But!" Liang looked at him.

"It's stupid for him to die, and she will die too, it doesn't matter what you choose, anyway, this king doesn't care." Feng Qianyue said, and walked out.

Mrs. Liang glanced at Lian Lingyue, picked up the dagger on the ground, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll catch a doctor. Don't play tricks, it's not worth your brother's life to accompany you."

"I promise not to run away, as long as you call the doctor, and Yan'er is sick like this, how can I run away?" Lian Lingyue said immediately.

Liang Shi walked out.

Lian Lingyue let go, and collapsed on the ground limply, with cold sweat breaking out all over her body. She was really worried that it would be really bad if Liang Shi and Feng Qianyue didn't follow her, so she tried her best to behave The extreme, terrible.

She remembered that her elder sister once said to her that the most feared thing by others is the person who is not afraid of death. It seems that her elder sister's words are really effective.

Lian Yan started crying again, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, got up immediately, continued to take care of him with trembling hands.

"Yan'er, don't worry, the doctor will be here soon."

After about half an hour, Mrs. Liang really brought a doctor.

When seeing a doctor, several killers stood at the door at the same time.

The doctor's hands were trembling all the time, Liang put a dagger across his neck, and said, "Don't take your time, read it quickly, prescribe medicine!"

The doctor was so frightened that he quickly calmed himself down and checked Lian Yan's pulse. Later, he took out some medicine packets from the medicine box and asked them to take them down and decoct them.

After seeing the doctor, Liang asked three times, "Are you sure you're okay?"

The doctor nodded frequently, and said, "Actually, it's not a big problem, it's just that I've caught a cold, and I'll be fine after taking some medicine."

"Take him down!" Liang Shi winked.

Two people came forward and took the doctor away.

Even Lingyue didn't think about it that much, and didn't notice Liang's eyes, so she hurried to the medicine to make the medicine.

Feng Qianyue stood at the door, watching Lian Lingyue busy back and forth in the room by herself. When Lian Yan was crying, she would turn her head to coax Lian Yan and look at the medicines. Lian Yan hugged him, blew the concoction cold, and fed it into his mouth bit by bit.

She herself was tired and sweating profusely, and the child took care of the child, and it was probably the same.

"Your Highness." Mrs. Liang came over and called out, "It has been dealt with."

Feng Qianyue nodded, looked at Lian Lingyue again, and said, "It's also fortunate that I brought Lian Yan with me, otherwise, Ling Yue'er would have kept trying to escape along the way.

Feng Qianyue, after looking at it for a while, returned to her residence.

He looked at the wine jug on the table for a while, then picked it up, and drank it down alone.

Then, he turned over and lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.

That night, he had another dream, that woman again.

This time he dreamed that he was seriously injured, his arms were dripping with blood, and he was lying unconscious on the bed, while the woman was taking care of him by the window, yelling, "Your Highness, Your Highness..."

She looked very anxious, wiped his sweat, fed him water and medicine, was very careful and patient...

He vaguely felt the woman's hand, so gentle and cautious, he really wanted to open his eyes to take a closer look at her.

But when he opened his eyes, she was gone again.

Feng Qianyue woke up suddenly from the dream, turned her head, looked at her arm, and felt a dull pain.

He suddenly looked at the door of the room, and Liang's figure flashed by. He immediately went over, grabbed her, and asked, "You just entered my king's room?"

A look of uneasiness flashed across Liang's face, and he explained, "I was passing by just now, and I accidentally heard His Highness talking in sleep, so I went in and took a look, and touched His Highness's forehead to see if you are with me. Lian Yan has the same fever, if yes, there is still medicine in the medicine box, so that you can take it with pain."

(End of this chapter)

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