Chapter 960
Chapter 960
A look of uneasiness flashed across Liang's face, and he explained, "I was passing by just now, and I accidentally heard His Highness talking in sleep, so I went in and took a look, and touched His Highness's forehead to see if you are with me. Lian Yan has the same fever, if yes, there is still medicine in the medicine box, I will give you a hard time."

Feng Qianyue let go of Mrs. Liang's hand, her usual cold expression returned to her face, and asked, "What nonsense is this king talking about?"

"I've been calling Wangfei, Wangfei." Liang looked up at him, and said, "I thought His Highness was the most ruthless. It turned out that I was thinking about Wangfei in my heart. This time, His Highness accompanied us to Youzhou, not only to avoid Zhou Chengdi Killing order, I still want to see the princess."

Xiao Rou?

What is that?

He looked at Liang Shi indifferently, and said, "Don't try to peek into the heart of this king, this king is not your task, just keep an eye on Ling Yue'er, and next time you get close to this king like this, I will take Ling Yue'er away."

After finishing speaking, he turned around coldly, walked into the room, and closed the door with a snap.

Liang Shi stood where he was, clenched his fists in his sleeves, and then turned around and left!

Feng Qianyue returned to the room, lay down, and recalled the dream just now——

In that case, the hand that was stroking his forehead in the dream just now was not the woman in the dream, but Mrs. Liang?

He fell asleep—

Forget it!
What he wants to do most next is to meet the two brothers Feng Yunzheng and Fengjue on the battlefield for a while.

Apart from Ling Yue'er and Lian Yan, these two are the people that Lian Siyue values ​​the most.

in the room.

Lian Lingyue fell asleep lying on the bed. She was really tired, mentally and physically. She was busy all the time, so tired that she couldn't hold on, so she fell asleep.

"Yan'er, it's okay, my sister is here..." Even in her dream, she couldn't rest assured about Lian Yan.

Lian Lingyue kept lying on her stomach until dawn the next day when she suddenly woke up.

She hurriedly said angrily, "What a tragedy! How did I fall asleep." She quickly got up, walked to the bed in a hurry, and reached out to touch Lian Yan's forehead.

Immediately, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Great, I don't have a fever at last."

As soon as she relaxed, she went limp and fell to the ground—she was really scared yesterday.

At this time, Lian Yan also woke up, looking at Lian Lingyue with a pair of jet-black eyes, showing a smile.

Seeing that she regained her spirits, Lian Lingyue suddenly burst into tears, got up, hugged Lian Yan, and said, "You scared me to death, you really scared me to death."

Hearing the crying sound coming from the room, Mrs. Liang didn't understand what it meant, so she pushed open the door and walked in. Seeing that Lian Lingyue was holding Lian Yan and crying, she froze for a moment before going out.

"..." Lian Yan still didn't speak, since he suffered from the fire, he hasn't said a single word.

However, he seemed to know everything.

He raised his hand to touch Lian Lingyue's face, wiping her tears.

Lian Lingyue was amused by his actions, and said, "I'm fine, as long as you're fine."

Taking care of Lian Yan and eating some porridge, Lian Lingyue felt back pain, but Liang Shi came in and said that he had to set off immediately and leave this place.

"Yan'er is fine, I'm tired too, why are you walking so fast?"

"Just follow along, don't ask so many questions, it's enough to hire a doctor for you!" Liang said coldly.

Lian Lingyue waited for her.

Changed Lian Yan's clothes, carried her out of the room, and now she was taking care of Lian Yan's dressing and so on, so she wouldn't be in a hurry anymore.

Get out of the room.

Seeing the tied Lengmei.

"Miss, is Master Yan alright?" Last night, Leng Mei kept hearing movements in Lian Lingyue's room.

"It's done, it scared me to death." Lian Lingyue still had lingering fears when she thought about Lian Yan's fever yesterday.

He nodded coldly, "That's good."

Lian Lingyue took another look at her, only to see Leng Mei's fingers unintentionally turning into a circle behind her, she pretended she didn't see anything, and walked to the carriage with Lian Yan in her arms.

Turning around, she saw that Mrs. Liang was carrying the doctor's medicine box from last night. She asked, "Didn't the doctor's box be taken away?"

"Stay here, and save you from getting sick again. When the time comes, you don't need to call a doctor." Liang said indifferently.

Even Lingyue heard it, but didn't think too much about it. It is indeed better to have this medicine box, but——

Her eyes flicked over Lengmei, maybe they don't need it anymore.

That circle clearly meant looking for an opportunity to escape, Lian Lingyue's heart suddenly felt a little excited.

After getting into the carriage, she looked back, suddenly, her heart trembled suddenly, and she suddenly saw several bloodstains the size of fists on the ground.

The killer was burying it with some soil to cover up the traces.

Her heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, she put Lian Yan on the carriage, pushed open the door of the carriage, walked quickly to Mrs. Liang, grabbed her medicine box, and asked in a trembling voice:
"Where's that doctor? Where did he go?"

"Where did it come from?" Mrs. Liang said coldly.

"You lied! You killed him, you killed him, didn't you?" She pointed to the ground and asked excitedly.

Liang turned her face away, and said, "You think too much, you are afraid that he will remember this, so you just beat him up and took him away."

Lian Lingyue trembled all over, staring fiercely at Liang's face.

"Let's go!" Liang said, closing the door of the carriage.

Lian Lingyue stood where she was, tears streaming down her eyes, and she was dizzy for a while.

In order to save her younger brother, she took the life of another innocent person. What should she do, what should she do?
She squatted on the ground, hugged her leg, and wept silently, she was afraid that Lian Yan would hear her cry.

But she was really, really sad.

Why did she fall into the hands of the devil!

Why can't you escape from here.

Feng Qianyue glanced at the weeping Lian Lingyue lightly, and said, "Let's go."

Lian Lingyue stood up, turned her head, stared at him fiercely, and said, "You are the most disgusting person in this world, the person I hate the most, and I want you to die the most."

"Ling Yue'er, don't think that I won't teach you because I really remember what you gave me! You have to know that my patience with you is extremely limited." Feng Qianyue stretched out her hand violently, clasped It caught Lian Lingyue's neck.

"Ahem..." Lian Lingyue suddenly felt uncomfortable, her face flushed, she reached out and grabbed his palm, staring at him.

Gradually, she felt that she couldn't breathe, and her face became redder and redder.

Seeing this, Leng Mei was startled, and hurriedly said, "Your Highness, she is still just a child!"

"..." Feng Qianyue looked at her uncomfortable look, and finally let go of her hand.

Lian Lingyue staggered, took a few steps back, and fell to the ground, covering her neck with her hands, coughing vigorously, tears streaming down her face.

"That doctor is not dead!" Feng Qianyue gave her a cold look and said.

Lian Lingyue looked at him with widened eyes.

"Get up, get in the carriage, or Lian Yan will suffer." He warned her.

Two killers came over, pulled her up from the ground, put her into the carriage, and closed the door.

Seeing this, Leng Mei breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

On the carriage, Lian Lingyue was sitting, still in a state of excitement that was hard to calm down.

Her neck hurt as if she had been pinched by iron pliers. She raised her head and reached out to touch it. There was some blood on her hand.

Feng Qianyue was so strong that she was bleeding.

"Crack" At this time, a medicine bottle rolled in, and a voice that was so cold that there was no warmth sounded, "Wipe it on, if you dare to do anything, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

The sound of this warning made Yue's heart tremble.

She bent down, picked up the bottle on the ground, opened it, put some medicine powder on her hand, and wiped it on the bleeding place.

Suddenly, she gasped in pain.


on the carriage.

Mrs. Liang glanced at Feng Qianyue on the opposite side, and said, "I found that His Highness seems to be a little bit more patient with this Miss Lian. Last night, he let go of asking for a doctor, and just lied to her that the doctor is not dead. Your Highness Mind, it's not like this kind of person."

"Don't meddle in your own business." Feng Qianyue folded her arms around her chest and closed her eyes.

"Could it be that the person His Highness really likes is actually her?" Mrs. Liang continued to ask curiously.

Feng Qianyue opened her eyes, and there was a hint of danger in them.

Knowing that she couldn't continue asking, Liang changed the subject, "His Highness will go to join Prime Minister Nan when he arrives in Youzhou."

Feng Qianyue snorted coldly, and said, "What kind of thing is Xiao Zhenhai?"

Liang was taken aback, "Isn't Your Highness going to join Xiao Zhenhai and defeat His Ninth Highness and Eleventh Highness together?"

"Don't think that you and I conspired to deal with the Lian family, and we are on one side. Put away your ridiculous thoughts, I, Feng Qianyue, will not conspire with anyone, Xiao Zhenhai, you are the same."

Feng Qianyue said coldly, when he was a prince for more than ten years, he had been devoting himself to colluding and uniting with various people, Lian Yanqing, Xiao Zhenhai, and other ministers of cultural relics, and worked hard for this.

One wholeheartedly expects to strengthen one's own strength, to win the throne that one's heart and mind long for, but in the end, this kind of relationship is the most unreliable, and once it falls apart, it will be implicated.

Now, the throne is no longer with her, and he doesn't need to be controlled by anyone.

"Of course I don't think so." Liang looked at Feng Qianyue in front of him, he slowly closed his eyes, folded his arms around his chest, without any expression on his face.

Liang stared at her face. It was a weather-beaten face, which had been baptized like disfigurement, so it was not as handsome as those princes, or even ugly.

However, it exudes a kind of temperament that makes people sink slowly.

"Don't have any thoughts about this king, otherwise, it's just a dead end." After a long time, Feng Qianyue still closed her eyes, and a cold word came out of her lips.

Liang Shi was taken aback for a moment, clenched his fists in his sleeves, and his heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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