Chapter 961

Chapter 961

A group of people continued to walk towards Khitan, the closer they got to Khitan, the faster their journey.

Lian Lingyue's neck was pinched by Feng Qianyue last time, and it took two days of applying the medicine to get better. There was no more bleeding, but there was still a mark on the fair spot.

After Lian Yan recovered from his illness, his spirits improved a lot, but he was still very, very afraid of Feng Qianyue. Whenever he saw Feng Qianyue's figure, he would immediately lower his head while smiling, and even In Lingyue's arms.

Every time at this time, even Lingyue would look at Feng Qianyue with contempt: only the devil can make children so afraid.

After dinner this day.

Everyone sat under the tree to rest for a while, and ate dry food. Lian Lingyue looked at Lengmei over there, and Lengmei's finger drew a circle behind him and clicked.

She alertly saw a horse tied under a tree not far away, and immediately understood the meaning of Leng Mei.

After she sat for a while, she lightly pinched the hand on Lian Yan, Lian Yan paused, and then burst into tears.

"Yan'er, what's the matter with you?" Lian Lingyue coaxed Lian Yan a few words, but his subordinates pinched him twice.

Lian Yan couldn't stop crying.Lian Lingyue picked her up and walked under the tree beside the horse.

"What are you doing?" the killer in charge of guarding stopped her and asked in a rough voice.

Lian Lingyue gave him a cold look, "Didn't you see Yan'er crying? He's going to the toilet!"

The killer let go of his hand, Lian Lingyue carried Yan'er and walked towards the tree, Feng Qianyue and Liang Shi glanced indifferently, Lian Yan was still crying.

The killer followed her all the way to the tree, and she slowly unbuttoned Lian Yan's pants bit by bit, saying:

"Yan'er's farts are so stinky, are you going to have Gong (poop), it stinks, it stinks, it's so disgusting..."

Lian Lingyue deliberately or unintentionally described the situation when Lian Yan was about to be courteous, the killer who looked at her immediately looked at the dry food in his hand, frowned, and a feeling of nausea came to her heart.

The killer turned around and stood a little further away from the tree, pinching his nose with his hand.

"It stinks, hey, it's disgusting..." Lian Lingyue said in a disgusted tone.

The killer felt really sick, so he moved away a little bit, and Lian Lingyue quietly tied Lian Yan's belt around him.

Just then—

It was too late and then fast, Leng Mei was suddenly sent away by the hands tied behind her, and at an extremely fast speed, she grabbed a handful of sand and dust on the ground and threw it into the air, kicked her feet, and with her strength, she immediately Dust flew up suddenly, blocking everyone's sight.

"Catch her, don't let her run away!" Surprised, Liang Shi ordered immediately.

And Leng Mei pulled out the sword from the waist of the killer who was holding her with lightning speed, and when the sword pressed down instantly, blood flowed profusely from the killer's abdomen.

Feng Qianyue stood up immediately, waving the thick dust in front of her with her hands, and said, "Don't let her run away."

Seeing this, the killer who guarded Lian Lingyue subconsciously dropped the dry food in his hand to kill Lengmei.

Lian Lingyue took the opportunity and quickly climbed onto the horse's back, while Lian Yan fell on top of her.

Before the dust fell, Leng Mei had already spotted the direction of the horse. She rushed forward, jumped onto the horse's back, sat on Lian Lingyue's body, and held the rein tightly with both hands—

"Miss, hold the young master tight, and sit still!"

Her low and indifferent voice rang in Ling Yue'er's ears, and immediately, Ling Yue'er felt a lot more at ease in her heart, she hugged Lian Yan tightly, and lay down on the horse.

He didn't know whether he was frightened or Yan'er knew that they were running away, so he stopped crying, and his small tender hands tightly grasped Lian Lingyue's skirt, without saying a word.

"Drive! Drive!"

Leng Mei raised his whip high and slammed it on the horse's back, causing the horse to gallop forward quickly.

"Catch her and kill her!" Emerging from the flying dust, Liang ordered in a terrified voice.

"Yes!" A dozen killers immediately chased after the cold-browed horse.

Liang's face was anxious, if Lian Lingyue ran away, she would have no way to deal with the little prince when she went back, and she would die.

She looked back, but Feng Qianyue was still eating his dry food leisurely.

"Why is your Highness not in a hurry to chase?" Liang asked.

Feng Qianyue said slowly, "It's none of this king's business. I didn't want to arrest Ling Yue'er or Lian Yan. As long as Leng Mei doesn't deal with me, there is no conflict with me."

When Liang Shi heard this, she felt a shock in her heart. She knew that if he felt that it had nothing to do with him, she would not care about it at all. If she went with them, she might just go to Youzhou!
She gritted her teeth, jumped on the horseback quickly, and chased after Leng Mei.

Leng Mei, Lian Lingyue, and Lian Yan were riding on horseback, and the horse was galloping forward like lightning.

Lian Lingyue had Lian Yan hanging on her body, and she hugged the horse's neck tightly with her hands, not daring to breathe, her heart was pounding, and she was praying in her heart——

Run faster, run faster, get rid of these horrible people, let's go home!
The killer who was chasing after him didn't relax at all, and chased after him closely.

Looking back with cold eyebrows, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes, and the stone hidden in his sleeve flew out suddenly, hitting the eyes of the horse in front.

Immediately, the horse was attacked, neighed, and began to jump wildly on the spot. Other people who rushed up could not stop and collided with the horse.

Suddenly, three horses collided with each other at the same time, and the horses and people knocked over to the ground together.

When Liang saw it, his eyes turned cold. He didn't expect this woman to reach out so well when she was not sick, obviously better than her.

As a result, she had a stronger feeling in her heart that she wanted to kill Leng Mei immediately.

"Quick! We must kill this woman! No one will be left alive!"

When Leng Mei saw the horses fell to the ground, she had a contemptuous smile on her face. She flicked the whip again, and the horses galloped forward even faster.

Lian Lingyue felt that they were getting farther and farther away from those people, and she still didn't dare to relax, hugging the horse's neck tightly.The horse is almost galloping forward, forward.

However, at this moment, Leng Mei suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her heart, her body swayed involuntarily, and her hand holding the horsewhip tightened.

She frowned, gritted her teeth, clamped the horse's belly even tighter with her legs, and swung the whip vigorously again.

"Lengmei, what's wrong with you?" Lian Lingyue keenly sensed that there was something strange about the people behind her, and asked hastily.

"It's okay, miss, hold on tight. No matter what happens later, don't dismount, just go forward!" Leng Mei felt her heart hurt more and more, her forehead began to sweat, and her strength began to gradually decrease. .

The Liang who was following her keenly noticed that the speed of Lengmei's horse was slowing down. She was overjoyed and said, "Hurry up, keep going, don't relax, speed up, and chase! This woman may have fallen ill again! Haha ... drive, drive!"

She pulled out a sharp sword from her waist and held it high in the air. When she chased after her, she wanted to cut off the woman's head with one blow.

"Drive! Drive! Chase! Kill her!"

Lengmei felt a sharp pain in her heart, and she almost fell off the horse due to the pain.

She gritted her teeth, gripped the rein tightly, and exerted all her strength, but because of the pain, large beads of sweat remained, and her body trembled slightly while galloping.

She looked back at those people, and the distance between them and her was gradually shortening.

"Lengmei, Lengmei, is your body starting to hurt again?" Lian Lingyue asked anxiously and nervously.

"I'm fine, Miss, remember what I just said, don't look back, keep running forward." Leng Mei told Lian Lingyue again.

"Okay, okay, I heard it all, remember it! Leng Mei, hold on!" Lian Lingyue heard her suppressed painful voice, and suddenly understood that Leng Mei's distressed heart attack had happened again.

(End of this chapter)

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