First-class daughter

Chapter 962 The Night Breeze Is Coming

Chapter 962 The Night Breeze Is Coming
Chapter 962 The Night Breeze Is Coming
Seeing the killer chasing behind him getting closer and closer, if this continues, the three of them may not be able to escape!

"Miss, wait for me in front, I will go back to find you."

Suddenly, Leng Mei stuffed the whip into Lian Lingyue's hand, flew up, spread his hands, flew over the horse, kicked the horse neatly in the air, and kicked hard on the horse's back, the movement was neat, clean and beautiful .

The horse neighed and accelerated forward.

And Leng Mei had already flown down from the horse, and at the moment when she slowly landed in mid-air, she watched Lian Lingyue's carriage run away, stared deeply at her back, and murmured— —

"Miss, take care, don't be soft-hearted."

Lian Lingyue felt that the body behind her that made her feel at ease suddenly left her, she turned her head suddenly, and saw Leng Mei standing there, looking at her.

Lian Lingyue's heart trembled violently, with a burst of pain, and said in his mouth, "Lengmei, don't, don't...don't..."

She understood the meaning of the cold eyebrows, the tears slid down her cheeks, she gritted her teeth tightly, raised the whip in her hand, and lashed the horse's back vigorously, the tears kept streaming down.

She didn't dare to hesitate or stay for a moment, she knew that Leng Mei was using her life to protect their siblings.

If she stops, she will definitely betray her loyalty and cause a situation where none of the three can leave.

"Drive! Drive!"

Seeing Lian Lingyue gradually getting away, a smile slowly appeared on Lengmei's face, but the next moment, angina hit her, and she staggered, clutching her chest suddenly, showing a painful expression.


There was a sound of a knife cutting through the air behind her, her eyes were fixed, she swung her sword up, turned around with the sharp sword, and the sword pierced the visitor's body precisely.

Seeing a stream of blood splashing out, the man looked at Leng Mei in disbelief, and finally fell down slowly in front of her eyes.

"Huh..." She snorted coldly, thinking that chasing Miss is a horse, and she has to pass her test first.

"Don't let her go!" Liang Shi gave an order, and immediately, seven or eight killers surrounded Lengmei at the same time, drew their sabers at each other, and besieged her, "You two go after Lian Lingyue!"

Seeing that two people's horses followed in the direction where the young lady was running away, Leng Mei immediately flew up and stopped in front of them.

She knew that the only way to delay the time now was to let the lady's horse run farther, out of their control, and prevent them from catching up again.

However, the angina pectoris in his body did not intend to stop, Leng Mei knew that his time was running out, and he had to use the fastest speed to deal with these ants in front of him!

She narrowed her eyes slightly, exuding a chill, and slowly turned the long sword in her hand, the blade was reflected in the sunlight, and a dazzling light swayed.

Liang Shili sat on a tall horse, looked at the woman in front of him coldly, and said, "It's really touching to be loyal to the Lord, but it's a pity, you won't survive today, don't be brave, you have physical problems now. "

"Then try it!" Leng Mei turned the blade of his sword, and the strong light shot at the people opposite. Those people's eyes were stimulated by the strong light, and they immediately closed their eyes and turned their faces away.

Leng Mei quickly drew his sword!


Liang said harshly.

Leng Mei was surrounded by so many killers at the same time, for a moment, the shadow of swords and swords, and the sound of the collision of swords resounded in the world.

If it was in the past, these dealings would have a chance of winning after a fierce battle with cold brows, but at this moment, she still has to endure the pain in her heart.

However, she still insisted on blocking them with her body, preventing them from chasing Lian Lingyue past her.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liang began to worry—this injured woman was really tenacious, but she was like an iron wall, stopping so many of them by herself.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Seeing that Lian Lingyue's horse was gradually disappearing, Liang continued to order.

"Hmph, the ants are nothing to be afraid of!" Leng Mei said coldly.

No matter how painful it is, he will not show any timidity in front of his opponent.

However, in the fight, she gradually lost her strength and began to gain the upper hand.

Liang looked at him from afar, and a smile gradually appeared on his face - no matter how powerful they are, they can't stand up to a long fight, being outnumbered is the inevitable end.

"Hmm..." Leng Mei swayed, and the stabbing sword was weak. She bent one knee and knelt on the ground. The sword penetrated into the ground, supporting her crumbling body.

She turned around, only to see that Lian Lingyue's horse had disappeared—Miss, it's grown up, it's doing well!A smile appeared on her face, and that smile gradually melted into the setting sun.

"She can't do it! Do it!" Liang said loudly, crossing his cold brows, and went to chase Lian Lingyue.

At this time, the six killers pointed their swords at Ben Lengmei who was kneeling on the ground, Lengmei sneered, and there was a look of not fearing death on his face.

When the sword came at her, she gritted her teeth and made a final blow.

But at this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes behind him, a black figure seemed to descend from the sky, the long sword was as fast as lightning, only a muffled grunt was heard, and one of the killers splashed blood into the air and fell to the ground.

The black shadow flashed and landed beside Leng Mei, stretched out his hand, pulled her into his arms, hugged her with one hand, and held a sword in the other hand, pointing at the person opposite.

There was no expression on that face, only a deep, strong murderous look.

Leng Mei didn't need to raise his head, he knew who was coming only when he heard the sound of the sword stabbing out.

"You, have you seen the imprint I left on the tree?" Leng Mei asked.

"Yes, I followed all the way." He talked to her, but those cold eyes continued to stare at the person in front of him,

These killers were taken aback for a moment, who is this?

"Kill it quickly, there is no time." Leng Mei endured the pain and said.

"Yes, obey!" Night Breeze let go of his cold brows, walked in front of her, and kept her behind him within a safe range


After a fight, four of the six killed were killed, and two escaped.

"Don't chase after him, you're doing things with money, go find your sister and young master." Leng Mei shouted at Night Breeze, she was almost out of breath from the pain.

Night Breeze withdrew his sword coldly, turned around, but at this moment, Leng Mei felt a sharp pain, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

"Xiaomei!" Night Breeze hurried forward and pulled her into his arms.

I saw that she closed her eyes tightly, her face turned pale for a while, and she lost consciousness.

"Xiaomei, Xiaomei!" Night Breeze hurriedly picked her up and ran to the horse.

He saw a man's figure in the distance, flashing past, he looked a bit like the Fourth Highness, but not too much.

He didn't have time to think so much, he put Leng Mei on his horse and chased her in the direction she just said, where Lian Lingyue was running away.

While riding a horse, he looked down at the person in his arms——

At the gate of the former prime minister's mansion, he heard Lian Tian talk about her illness, so it turned out to be so serious!

Just like a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire, she will hold back her teeth and survive, never letting herself be vulnerable, but now, she can't hold it anymore, which shows how seriously ill she is.

Night Breeze felt a pang in his heart——

How did she survive these days?

Day by day, without anyone by my side, isn't it painful or sad?

"Miss, miss..." Leng Mei was still unconsciously calling Lian Lingyue's name in a painful daze.

Night Breeze understood that she was urging him to find his sister quickly.

"Don't worry anymore, I will look for it and take you to look for it together. Their purpose should be to take the young lady as a hostage, not to kill her, otherwise they would have killed her long ago. So, don't worry, I will rescue her." .”

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Leng Mei finally stopped struggling and lay slowly in his arms. Every time he got sick, his body would be as it is now, as if it had been emptied.

Mrs. Liang hurriedly chased her all the way, but she never missed Lian Lingyue's horse. Originally, the horse left footprints on the road, so she chased after it all the way.

However, after chasing for a while, the horseshoe prints disappeared at an intersection leading to all directions.

She stood in the middle of the road, looked around, and finally found the horseshoe prints on the road leading to the south.

"Heh, ghost girl, do you also want to escape from my palm?"

She immediately ran after him.

And behind the haystack far away at this intersection, Lian Lingyue hugged Lian Yan and curled up into a ball, not daring to move, not daring to take a breath, big drops of sweat came down from his forehead, even his hair Almost drenched.

And Lian Yan was surprisingly well-behaved, he didn't say a word, as if he understood Lian Lingyue's words, "Don't make noise, Yan'er, we can go home and see the eldest sister", it was always weird.

When Liang's horse ran away and could no longer hear the sound, Lian Lingyue poked her head out quietly and took a look, and sure enough there was no one there.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief, and collapsed on the haystack, her chest heaving violently. After taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes, kissed Lian Yan's face, and said, "Yan'er, you're so good!" .”

A bright smile appeared on Lian Yan's immature face, "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."

Seeing him still laughing, Lian Lingyue couldn't help feeling sad and wanted to cry.

However, now is not the time to cry, she has to find a place to hide quickly, because Mrs. Liang will find out that something is wrong sooner or later, and will probably turn back.

Moreover, I don't know if there are any pursuers in the future.

I don't know how Lengmei is doing now!

Before she had time to think too much, she propped herself up, put Lian Yan in front of her, wrapped the bag around Lian Yan's body, tied it to her body, and tied it tighter so that it wouldn't wobble unsteadily. comfortable.

She looked around again, and chose one of the roads, the one going south, and going south all the way back to Kyoto.

And there are many trees on this road, maybe you can find something to eat on the trees.

However, the weather is cold now, so there is probably nothing to eat on the trees.

Lian Lingyue took a deep breath and left here quickly.

The road ahead is unknown and vast, she doesn't know what she will encounter next time, nor what is waiting for her ahead.

But, no matter what, she wants to take her brother back safely, so——

"Even Lingyue can't be weak for a moment, and can't be afraid at all!"

She said to herself, thinking of her sister Lian Siyue's usual bravery and determination in her mind, her heart slowly calmed down, and she quickened her pace.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, and she needed to find a place to get something to eat, she was so hungry that she could bear it, but Yan'er couldn't help it, she would cry when she was hungry.

Walking forward without stopping for a moment, not daring to stay for a moment, even Lingyue hurried forward with a dull head.

In order not to be found, she avoided the main road and took a side path, which inevitably had thorns and bushes. She held Lian Yan in her arms to protect her from being hurt, but her hands and face were stabbed Scarred and bruised, a face that was originally pink and white, with marks one by one, and bleeding.

However, she didn't have time to care, she couldn't even feel the pain, and kept walking.

When she saw one or two remaining fruits on a tree, she was full of double happiness, ran up to pick the fruits first, stuffed them into Yan'er's clothes, and took them out to satisfy her hunger when she was hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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