First-class daughter

Chapter 963 Don't Create the Illusion of Love

Chapter 963 Don't Create the Illusion of Love

Chapter 963 Don't Create the Illusion of Love


Feng Jue stood outside the tent and waited, his hands beside him were clenched into fists, with an anxious expression on his face.

It has been a long time since he sent out to find Lian Lingyue's people, and Fei Ge sent a letter saying that there will be definite news today.

He reached into his bosom, took out the half of the Pisces jade pendant representing the promise, put it in the palm of his hand, and groped lightly——

"Lian Jue, the jade pendant is here with you, the promise is always valid."

This is what she had said to him.

As long as he comes to her with the jade pendant, she will promise him anything.

He stared at the jade pendant and murmured, "If you want you to return safely, can you do it? Now, I just want this. Eleven, you have to be good, and wait for me to come to you and ask for what I want .”

"Grand Marshal!"

At this time, a man in black jumped off the running horse, walked quickly in front of Feng Jue, and knelt down on both knees.

"How is it? Is there news about Eleven?"

Come humanely said, "We showed the portrait drawn by the Grand Marshal to others. Some of them said that they saw a group of people beating and killing. The girl in the portrait took a child and fled away on horseback."

a child?Lian Yan?

He immediately looked joyful, and said, "It must be her. She brought her younger brother, Huang Chao, and immediately sent more people to continue searching."

"Yes!" Huang Chao took the order and left.

Feng Jue finally heaved a sigh of relief, after many days of searching, he finally found a trace of whereabouts.


She ran away with Lian Yan?
How could she take care of such a small child?
She has no experience herself, will she be anxious and blame herself for not taking good care of her?
If she meets someone who is chasing her, Lian Yan will surely become a burden and increase the degree of danger.

Thinking of these things, Feng Jue felt relieved a little, but raised her throat again.

Thinking of when she used to take care of the queen in Changchun Palace, she tried her best and worked very hard, but she still didn't do it perfectly. At this time, she would blame herself and shed tears secretly.

He couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Putting half of the jade pendant back into his bosom, he opened the military tent, walked in, walked to the desk, and drew a line on the paper.

Khitan, Youzhou.

Princess House.

It was getting late, and Yeluyan was sitting alone at the table, with two sets of bowls and chopsticks in front of her, one was hers, and the opposite one was Xiao He's.

There were also many exquisite dishes on the table, without exception, they were all authentic Central Plains dishes, prepared for the son-in-law.

There are several maids standing around behind, ready to serve at any time.

She has been waiting, looking at the door, waiting for a long time, but no figure of that person came over, the more she waited, the more disappointed she became.

"I told my son-in-law, is today's dish specially cooked from the Central Plains?" she asked.

"I've said it." The maid beside him replied.

Yeluyan continued to wait, and everyone looked at the dishes in front of them, but no one spoke, not even a sound.

"Princess, the dishes are getting cold..." Dolma whispered.

"Let's eat." Yeluyan began to eat alone, feeling sad while eating, but there was no expression on his face.

Ever since she got married, it was the same situation almost every day. She waited for him to eat until the food was cold and there was no sign of him, and then she finished eating silently by herself.

Then, get up and leave.

Day after day, no day is the same.

Since that morning, the two of them woke up in the same bed wearing wedding clothes, and the Princess Mansion held a big wedding banquet, and the nobles in the entire Youzhou drank the wedding wine.

Although they have become a recognized husband and wife, the two of them don't talk about dialogue, and even the opportunity to be in the same space is rare.

Going to bed at night, he never entered the room, and lived in the study from the day of his wedding.

Yeluyan stood at the door of the study, where the candles were burning, and the flickering shadow on the window indicated that he was inside now.

"What is the son-in-law doing?" Yeluyan asked the people around him.

"Back to the princess, no, I don't know. The son-in-law doesn't allow people to enter without his permission. He said that if he enters without his permission, he will be severely punished. Therefore, he dare not enter." The people around him said cautiously.

A painful expression flashed across Yeluyan's face.

Ever since she got married, she had tried her best to maintain her politeness in front of others, but a dinner like this could wipe out all her hard work, so everyone in the house knew that she and the son-in-law were just a couple in name only, It's just that due to her status, no one dares to discuss it.

"Princess, let's rest early, tomorrow morning I have to go to the palace to attend the banquet held by the Queen Mother." Dolma said.

Yeluyan glanced at Xiao He's study again, and said, "Take the stew, and I'll send it in for the concubine to see if I go in, and he will punish me severely."

"Yes." Dolma quickly motioned to the maid behind her to bring over the stewed soup.

With both hands in his hands, Yeluyan walked to the door of the study, opened the door, and saw Xiao He sitting in front of the desk with something in his hand in a daze.

Seeing Yeluyan's figure, he put the things in the drawer as if he was afraid that she would pry into some secret, raised his eyes, and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

She lifted her foot and walked in, put the stewed soup in front of him, and said, "Drink some soup, it's for mending."

"No need, take it out, I have something to do." Xiao He frowned and said, he doesn't like this kind of woman who deliberately pleases him.

"Xiao He, I know you are blaming me, you think I did everything today.

However, I explained to you that I was also calculated by the imperial grandmother about our marriage.

At that time, I sincerely wanted to help you. I really didn't expect it to become like this. You can hate me, you don't want to see me, you can do anything.

But you can't wrong me and regard me as a person who deliberately plots against you. This is an insult to me and tarnishes the innocence of my personality. I can't stand this! "

As Yeluyan said, she was a little excited, and tears were shining in her eyes.

After hearing this, Xiao He raised his head and said, "Is there any point in saying this now?"

"I don't want you to wrong me." Yeluyan said.

"Okay, I believe it, I believe you didn't do it, don't worry about it in the future, I believe it." Xiao He said coldly.

However, he blurted out a word of belief, which made Yeluyan feel even more uncomfortable!
"Since you trust me, why don't you be a little bit more pleasant in front of the slaves, so that I don't lose my prestige, otherwise, I really feel that when I train the slaves, they are laughing at me."

"Yeluyan, do you need this kind of hypocrisy? I don't like it. Since we can't be like other couples, there's no need to create the illusion that we are equal to each other. I'm not in the mood." Xiao He said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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