Chapter 964
Chapter 964
His words were really ruthless, he didn't pretend at all, and he didn't care about her feelings at all.

It doesn't matter to him whether she is in pain or tears. No matter how hard she tries, he will not be moved at all. This is the most difficult part of her, and a little bit more will make people feel that she is very stupid.

Yeluyan stood in front of her, with tears rolling down her cheeks, she quickly turned her face away to prevent him from seeing her, and bit her lower lip tightly, for fear that she would cry out.

She hurried outside——

Xiao He looked up, saw her fleeing figure, and said:

"My heart is very small, it's already full of one person, since I was 14 years old, I can't hold anything else, if I lie to you, it's just to hurt each other, so don't do anything for me in the future .

Tomorrow, I will attend the banquet in the Empress Dowager's Palace, but in this Princess Palace, there is really no need to pretend anymore.There is really no need to make a fuss about your daily meal, you are tired too, aren’t you? "

His words made Yeluyan stop at the door of the study.

She looked back at the soup on his desk, gritted her teeth, walked over quickly, took it out, closed his study door and left.

Walking to the corner, with a bang, the cup fell to the ground, shattered, and wet her shoe.

Dolma hurried over, bent down and picked up the things, seeing the sad look of the princess, couldn't help but said, "Princess, the son-in-law is too much, married for so long, and treats the princess so indifferently, you are Princess Yan, why should you be like this?" Why don't you feel sorry for yourself, why don't you tell the Queen Mother clearly."

As the maid who has been with the princess for many years, Zhuoma really couldn't bear it.

"Don't tell the Queen Mother!" Yeluyan said, "This is a matter between our husband and wife, and it is not allowed to spread it to outsiders, understand?"

"Yes, yes, princess, this servant understands, don't be sad, princess, have a good rest, and go to the palace tomorrow, otherwise the queen mother will see the princess's haggard face, and she will ask questions."

Yeluyan held back her tears and went into the room where the two of them were originally. After closing the door, she lay on her stomach in this huge place, she couldn't help weeping secretly, feeling very sad in her heart.

He only slept in this place once when he was unconscious, and he never set foot in this place again.

In the study room, following Yeluyan's departure, Xiao He slowly opened the drawer and took out the little wooden figure he carved.

Looking at it, a shy smile appeared on the corners of Xiao He's lips, but tears flickered in his eyes, and he murmured——

"Ling Yue'er, are you alright?"

After saying this, he put the carefully carved, lifelike little wooden figure by his hand, and began to read some military books.

Watching and watching, he occasionally glanced at the little wooden figure, with a little smile on his lips.

"That's good too, isn't it?"

the next day.

Empress Dowager Renyi held a banquet in the palace. Many princes and nobles in Youzhou received the post and came in one by one to pay their respects to the Empress Dowager. .

The banquet gradually became lively.

The musicians and dancers are performing. After paying homage to the Queen Mother, it is convenient for everyone to sit down to drink and have fun.

"Princess Yan is here, the son-in-law is here..."

At this time, a voice came from outside, and everyone looked in the direction of the door.

Empress Dowager Renyi had a faint smile on her lips, watching Xiao He and Yeluyan walk over together.

With Yeluyan in front and Xiao He in the back, the two attracted everyone's attention. From this point of view, the two really respected each other like guests, and they were a married couple with equal eyebrows.

Princess Yan is beautiful, but the son-in-law is handsome and mighty.

Seeing Xiao He and Yeluyan's affectionate appearance, Xiao Zhenhai nodded in satisfaction.

On that day, he asked Princess Yan for help to save Xiao He, but Princess Yan, who had a deep love for Xiao He, drove the three of them out for some reason.

When he was about to leave, he was invited over by Empress Dowager Renyi. Empress Dowager Renyi said that there was a trick to catch the turtle in the urn, and Xiao He must become Princess Yan's consort.

Xiao He was still unable to defeat the scheming Empress Dowager Renyi. In the end, his plan came to naught and he was stunned. In the end, he held a grand wedding banquet for the two and announced it to the world. Xiao He had no choice but to stay and become Khitan's son-in-law. Consort of a powerful princess.

Xiao Zhenhai was very satisfied with this.

Xiao Hu on the side didn't raise his head, but just lowered his head and drank the wine. Xiao Zhenhai was happy, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Look, your brother has figured it out now, so if the two of you are tied together, sooner or later There will be feelings, don't talk about life and death."

The corners of Xiao Hu's lips moved.Show a little smile, the smile is a bit bitter.

Sensing everyone's staring eyes, Yeluyan raised her chin slightly, turned towards the sky and walked over. She made it impossible for others to see the seemingly incompatible relationship between her and Xiao He.

And Xiao He's expression was solemn, and he didn't see much expression, because he had always been like this, and everyone was used to it, so they didn't care too much.

The two walked up to the Empress Dowager Renyi and kowtowed together, Yelu Yan said, "I pay my respects to the imperial grandmother."

"Meet the Empress Dowager." Xiao He said.

Empress Dowager Renyi's eyes fell on Xiao He's body as if there was nothing there, a slight smile appeared on the corners of her lips, and she said, "Both of you get up, Yan'er, come to Ai's side."

"Yes." Yeluyan looked back at Xiao He, Xiao He nodded, and then she walked to the side of the Queen Mother.

"The son-in-law is very careful and caring about Yan'er." Empress Dowager Renyi said.

Xiao He's expression was a little stiff, he coughed lightly, and said, "Thank you Queen Mother."

Yeluyan knew that such a disguise was too difficult for him, so he hurriedly talked to Queen Mother Renyi and diverted his attention.

Xiao He fell on the other side, Yeluchu walked over and sat with him.

"Let's have a drink." Yeluchu said.

"Thank you, little prince." Xiao He picked up the jug in front of him, and started drinking with Yeluchu.

The members of the Jin family sitting opposite had a different picture. They stared at the humiliated Xiao He with hatred, and the hatred in their hearts was overwhelmed. However, He got Princess Yan, whom all the young warriors in Khitan wanted to marry, so how could he not hold a grudge.

"Father, do you think he is so proud?" Jin Nan said.

"Now he is a popular person in front of the queen mother and the little prince. Naturally, there is no way to deal with him. Otherwise, it will not do us any good to offend the queen mother and the little prince. However, he can't be so proud all the time. One day, He will have something to fall into our hands, and then we will just ruthlessly avenge your brother Jin Wu."

"Then we have to keep our eyes open and stare at him!"

(End of this chapter)

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