First-class daughter

Chapter 965 1 Wishful thinking

Chapter 965 Wishful thinking

Chapter 965 Wishful thinking

After the banquet, everyone left one by one.

Empress Dowager Renyi left Yeluchu, Yeluyan and Xiao He to talk, Xiaohe was with Yeluchu, and Empress Dowager Renyi was with Yeluyan.

"Yan'er, do you have any good news?" Suddenly, Empress Dowager Renyi asked.

These words immediately caused Xiao He and Yelu Chu to raise their heads at the same time. When Yeluyan heard the question, she was startled because she was not prepared, and her face turned red all of a sudden, and said, "Emperor, grandma, why are you in front of me?" Asking about this in front of the children and grandchildren, Yan'er is about to go into a hole in the ground."

"What's so embarrassing about it? It's normal for people to have children. Once you get married, you should start to make good preparations and plans in this regard. The Ai family has been looking forward to hearing good news from you." Ren Empress Dowager Yi held Yeluyan's hand, then looked at Xiao He opposite, and said,

Son-in-law, don't you think so? "

"The Queen Mother... The Queen Mother is justified." Xiao He also tried his best to look natural, but in fact, he had never thought about this kind of problem, let alone saying it so grandly.

Yeluchu thought that Xiao He was embarrassed, so he smiled and said, "Grandmother, Xiao He and Yan'er are still newlyweds. Grandmother asked so suddenly, they must be embarrassed."

"Is that so, the Ai family's question was too sudden." The Empress Dowager Renyi said with a smile.

"Grandmother..." Yeluyan concealed the guilt and embarrassment on her face, and coaxed.

"Okay, you two go out first, I have something to say about myself, I want to talk about it." Empress Dowager Renyi seemed unwilling to embarrass Xiao He anymore, and let him and Yeluchu retreat together.

After the two of them left, Empress Dowager Renyi asked: "Yan'er, have you and Xiao He not performed the ceremony of husband and wife yet?"

Yeluyan was taken aback, "Grandmother, of course not, we're already married."

"When?" Empress Dowager Renyi looked at Yeluyan's evasive gaze and asked.

"Just now, just a few days after the marriage, because Xiao He felt that he was designed to be unhappy two days ago, he got angry with Yan'er, and then he got better." Yeluyan said quickly, "Don't worry, grandma, now Xiao He He has already accepted the fact, and never mentioned the matter of the Central Plains to me again, he will stay in Youzhou with peace of mind, and we will have children soon." Yeluyan said, with a smile on his face.

"In this case, the imperial grandmother will be waiting for your good news. You are still young, and it is not difficult to have a child. Don't make the imperial grandmother wait too long. Yan'er, the imperial grandmother is looking forward to it." Empress Dowager Renyi said, Doesn't seem to be suspicious.

Yeluyan breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

After another conversation, Empress Dowager Renyi rewarded Yeluyan with some valuable things and let her go out.

Watching Yeluyan's leaving back, the smile on his face slowly froze, and he said to the old slave beside him, "Yan'er lied."

The old slave's face showed a bit of surprise, "Queen?"

"Just look at the feelings between them. They didn't perform the ceremony of husband and wife at all. After the whole banquet, except for occasional polite scenes, there was no physical contact between the two of them. Instead, they carefully avoided each other's gestures. mean.

If there is a reality of husband and wife, how could the feeling between the two of them be so blunt before?It seems that Yan'er's life is not very good.She likes Xiao He, naturally she will not be unwilling, it can only be that Xiao He is unwilling. "

The mother said, "Don't worry, Queen Mother, the son-in-law is young and strong, and the princess is a beautiful girl. After a long time, the son-in-law will not be able to control her."

"Yan'er's shortcoming is that she is too honest. She doesn't know how to be flexible, and she doesn't know how to handle a man. She just foolishly obeys the man's pace. Speaking of it, it's because no one taught her, and she was too good to protect her since she was a child. .” Empress Dowager Renyi sighed.

"The queen mother loves the princess, the princess is blessed." said the nanny.

"Nurse Jin, according to the order of Ai's family, from tomorrow, you will serve Yan'er by his side and teach him how to get along with men and how to be a man so that she will take her seriously. When necessary..." The queen mother paused, and said, "Give them a helping hand."

"Yes, servant girl understands." Jin Nai said, she understood what the Empress Dowager meant, and she could use some extraordinary means to make the son-in-law and the princess perform the ceremony of husband and wife as soon as possible.

"However, it's best to let them develop feelings naturally, and try not to use this method as much as possible." Empress Dowager Renyi said.

"Yes, the Empress Dowager."

"Two months is the time limit. If it's two months and they haven't performed the couple's ceremony, you can think of a way." Empress Dowager Renyi gave a time limit and said.

"The slave understands."

Jin Momo retreated, besides Jin Momo herself, the queen mother also asked her to bring two maidservants to go.

Empress Dowager Renyi was worried about Yeluyan, she knew Yeluyan's character well, so she sent Nanny Jin and two maidservants to take care of her, but in fact she wanted to keep a close eye on Xiaohe, lest he "be in Cao Ying's heart in Han" .

outside the palace.

Xiao He stood at the door and waited, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was holding back.

After a while, Yelu came out with a red face, glanced at Xiao He, and said, "Let's go, the emperor's grandmother said that she will not keep me today, let me go back to the princess mansion."

"En." Xiao He responded, turned around and strode away.

Yeluyan followed behind, walking very fast, but she still couldn't keep up, so she simply ran.

When Xiao He arrived at the carriage, he realized that she was still some distance away and was running towards her at a faster speed. He was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't say anything, and stood outside the carriage and waited.

He didn't go up until Yeluyan got into the carriage.

The two sat facing each other, Xiao He looked away. For him, the disguise of such a banquet today also made him feel uncomfortable.

In particular, the way Empress Dowager Renyi asked them if they had children made him feel very repulsed and disgusted.

"I don't know that you're not very happy, but there's nothing you can do about it. If we let others know our real relationship, it will be bad for you and me. Please bear with it." Seeing his cold and displeased face Yeluyan was actually very uncomfortable, but she still said it.

"..." Xiao He didn't speak, but nodded silently.

Along the way, he didn't say a word, and kept looking out of the carriage, as if there was no one in front of him.

In the study that day, the sentence "My heart is too small, I can only pretend to be one person" has completely damaged her confidence, and she will not do anything for him now, because even if she does, it is still It's boring and humiliating.

She sighed slightly, and said, "Grandmother is always looking forward to our well-being, and it's her wishful thinking."

(End of this chapter)

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