First-class daughter

Chapter 968 Lessons from the Minions

Chapter 968 Lessons from the Minions
Chapter 968 Lessons from the Minions
Yeluyan didn't expect Xiao He to have such a side.

The Golden Nanny came to the princess mansion to serve the son-in-law and the princess, and she served the emperor's grandmother's decree, which basically represented the emperor's grandmother's authority.Therefore, as soon as she arrived, the servants in the mansion respected her very much.

As for herself, she grew up in front of the imperial grandmother, and was taken care of by Nanny Jin when she was a child. She thought of the majesty of the imperial grandmother, and she would have more respect for Nanny Jin.

Such Jinmao was actually bluffed by Xiao He to go to the back kitchen to boil bath water, which was absolutely unexpected.

"Is Nanny Jin okay now?" Yeluyan blinked and asked.

"I went to see it, it's not very good..." Dolma couldn't help but sweat for Jinma when she thought of how Jinmamo was boiling the bath water. With a gloomy and silent appearance, he really has a way of tossing people, and he is so tossing that people have nothing to say.

Now the kitchen, the back kitchen.

A huge wooden barrel was placed on the stove, which was filled with water and Chinese herbal medicines, and Nanny Jin squatted on her rich body, adding firewood to the stove.

As the first nun next to the Empress Dowager Renyi, she has been with the Empress Dowager Renyi for decades.

She has long been used to being supported by other servants, and has never done any heavy work. Moreover, she only serves the Empress Dowager Renyi, the young prince Yeluchu, and Princess Yan Yeluyan, and other masters do not need to serve.

Unexpectedly, on the second day after arriving at the Princess Mansion, she would be assigned this kind of rough work.

She has never worked in a back kitchen, so she is not proficient in burning wood and water, so this job is very difficult for her.

Too much firewood was added, smoke came out, and she coughed until she burst into tears. When she reached out and touched it, her face was covered with stove ashes again, and her rich face became dirty.
When the fire was raging, the room was small in the morning, and the heat rushed to her face, which made her sweat profusely, and the dust choked into her mouth, causing constant coughing.

Nanny Jin was very annoyed, the son-in-law actually sent her to boil the bath water, and he used such a high-sounding reason that she couldn't refuse.

It's just that, once news of her going to the back kitchen to do rough work and boil the bath water got out, what prestige would she have in the Princess Mansion?

However, the son-in-law sent her to the back kitchen to boil water for a high-sounding reason, so she couldn't refuse in public, she could only knock out her teeth and swallow blood, and insisted on finishing the water here.

"Cough cough, cough cough..." The fireworks burst out, and Nanny Jin was choking again while crying and coughing, plus she was fat, and she felt like she was about to pass out.

The water boiled for more than half an hour, and Jin Nao's whole body was already ashamed, her hair was messy, and even the golden gold inlaid jade bracelet on her wrist was scalded to the point of burning her hands.

Finished boiling the water.

Coughing, she got out from the back kitchen, but saw a row of servants standing at the door, Prince Consort Xiao He was standing among these servants, looking at Jinmao who was trotting out in embarrassment.

Grandma Jin was taken aback, then quickly lowered her head, and said, "My son-in-law, my son-in-law, the water is all boiled." Originally, she wanted to go back and change her clothes after the water was boiled, wash up, and come out to see you later. People, save yourself from being looked at by the servants of the princess mansion.

Unexpectedly, the son-in-law had already led a group of people to watch her jokes silently.

There was an evil smile on Xiao He's lips, and he said, "Golden mother, well done, you are better at making fire and boiling water than other servants in the princess mansion, then I am going to take a bath, and I will ask Jinnong to put my Take the bath water to the clean room." After he gave the order, he strode away with two long legs.

He is a man of war, quick-tempered, but he has no patience for those little tricks and tricks, so he will be ruthless every time he comes, and teach this self-righteous, ignorant dog slave a lesson!

"Yes!" Nanny Jin lowered her head as she watched his walking away, but clenched her fists tightly.

Then, Xiao He took another hour to bathe, and then, he burned incense.

By the time Xiao He finished bathing and burning incense, it was almost late at night, and Yeluyan had already gone back to her room to sleep, she really couldn't bear to drink the wine rewarded by the Queen Mother with him.

I thought it was already so late and the princess was asleep, so forget about the drinking. After a long day of exhaustion, Nanny Jin didn't have the heart to urge the Queen Mother to drink her wine.

But Xiao He asked people to wake up Jinmao who was already tired and collapsed on the bed, let her stand in front of the table, and said, "Jinnao, although the princess is already asleep, this wine is a gift from the empress dowager." , Today is a must drink, you stand here, watch me drink, I finish drinking, you can go back and report to the Queen Mother, this wine is not wasted, it has indeed drank into my stomach bit by bit. "

"My son-in-law, this..." Nanny Jin opened her mouth, looking a little embarrassed, it was almost midnight, she was tired and sleepy, and she didn't eat even a bite all day.

"Is there any problem with the golden mother? This wine was rewarded by the queen mother. This king is serious and wants to drink it. You are someone sent by the queen mother. After watching the king finish drinking, go back and report. This is not what you should do." What about it?" Xiao He said seriously.

"My son-in-law is right, but it's getting late, it's better than tomorrow..."

"It's getting late, but the moonlight is just right. It's a beautiful thing for me to enjoy the moonlight while drinking, don't you think so, Jinmao." Xiao He said seriously.

"Yes, yes, what the son-in-law said is true." Jin Momo couldn't refute Xiao He's words, so she could only say yes repeatedly.

"Hahaha..." Xiao He laughed loudly, and began to drink a glass of wine, while Jin Momo stood aside respectfully and waited.

However, I didn't expect that this son-in-law seemed to be in a very elegant mood. He drank very slowly while admiring the moon, did he drink very slowly?

And Nanny Jin was already an old man, and she was tired all day, and now she was standing beside Xiao He, unable to move for more than an hour.

Finally, she couldn't stand it any longer, and finally said to Xiao He, "My son-in-law, my son-in-law, I don't know how long you will drink this wine, it's already midnight now."

After hearing this, Xiao He said solemnly, "This is a good wine bestowed by the Empress Dowager. One sip will leave you with endless aftertaste. I really don't want to drink it all in one go, otherwise it would be a waste of money. Therefore, I have to taste it carefully one by one, otherwise It really failed the empress dowager's good intentions, and also failed this rare good wine. Besides, I specially bathed and burned incense, so I couldn't drink it too quickly."

"It's just that my son-in-law, this old slave, this old slave can't hold on any longer. I'm afraid if I get sick..." Jin Momo said, her head felt dizzy, her legs and feet were weak, and she seemed to fall down at any time .

Xiao He looked serious, and said, "Grandma Jin is in charge of the affairs of the entire Princess Mansion, how could she fall ill so easily? I am a martial arts practitioner, and I can see that Jin Nanny's bones are strong and are made of good materials. He is better than the average person, so naturally he won’t fall ill.”

"My son-in-law..." Nanny Jin couldn't support her knees anymore, she plopped, knelt on the ground, and said, "This old slave deserves to die, this old slave is guilty, this old slave shouldn't be disrespectful to my son-in-law, please calm down my son-in-law." what."

Xiao He looked surprised, and said, "What is Jinmao talking about? How could you offend me? You did a good job, so what's wrong with you? Get up quickly and finish this pot of wine with me. Bar."

"My son-in-law..." She couldn't hold on any longer, and now she was kneeling on the ground, her legs were numb and sore, her whole body was shaking, and she couldn't even lift her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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