Chapter 969
Chapter 969
"In that case, Nanny Jin should go back first." Xiao He waited for a long time, and finally asked Nanny Jin to leave.

Nanny Jin couldn't get up even when she was crawling, but the two maids who came with her helped her up and took her back to the room.

Seeing her staggering back, Xiao He smiled coldly and said, "Extremely stupid."

The golden nun couldn't get up the next day, her bones were sore, and because she sweated too much and didn't wipe it off in time, she got a cold, her head ached and her brain was hot, and her feet were so weak that she couldn't even get off the ground.

Only then did she realize that this son-in-law is not so easy to manipulate, no wonder Princess Yan is underestimated by him.

Knowing that she was ill, Xiao He sent someone to bring over a lot of supplements, saying it was an extra reward.

Nanny Jin knelt on the ground to thank her, holding the tonic that Xiao He sent, trembling all over.

"Mommy, this son-in-law doesn't seem to take that kind of thing very much. You have been tortured and fell ill in the first two days. What should you do next? Do you want to report this matter to the empress dowager?" asked the maid who came with her.

"No." Nanny Jin immediately vetoed, "Don't tell the queen mother, wait and see, the time limit given by the queen mother is two months, and it will only start now."

Nanny Jin has been by the Empress Dowager Renyi's side for many years, and she has met many people and suffered a lot, but the main thing is that it is smooth sailing. No matter what she does for the Empress Dowager, she can almost do it with ease. add.

If it's only been a day or two, if you go to the palace and cry to her, I'm afraid it will affect her weight in the Queen Mother's heart.

Therefore, she should not tell the queen mother that she boiled bath water in the back of the princess mansion, and then fell ill.

Otherwise, in the eyes of the queen mother, she will doubt her ability.

"However, this son-in-law...seems to be very good at it. You couldn't refute him yesterday, you were led by the nose. Now the servants of the princess mansion seem to be less respectful to us than they were on the first day."

Jin Momo's face was gloomy, yes, yesterday, the son-in-law was really good, he tossed half of her old life, now, it won't be better in a few days.

Next, I can't do this anymore, I'm afraid I have to treat the matter of the son-in-law more cautiously.

be lost!
They got lost!
I turned here several times in a row, and finally returned to the original place.

Lian Lingyue took Lian Yan all the way to the south, she thought that she would be able to get closer to the Central Plains, and if Leng Mei was still alive, she would also go south, or the person sent by her sister to look for her would also be there On the way to the south, you may still meet them.

However, she turned left and right, and finally lost her way.

Moreover, this does not seem to be the way back to the Central Plains.

How to do?
"Woooo..." At this moment, Lian Yan in his arms finally burst into tears.

In the past few days, the siblings have been unable to escape all the way, basically looking for wild fruits left on the trees to satisfy their hunger, she really dare not go to a lively place to buy food blatantly.

Fortunately, on a road, I met a kind elder sister, saw her holding the child, and gave her a steamed bun and a piece of corn.

She accepted it gratefully, but she didn't eat any of it herself, and left all of it for Lian Yan to satisfy her hunger.

But now, Lian Yan hasn't eaten for a day.

What can I do now.

She coaxed Lian Yan in her arms, and said, "Yan'er, Yan'er, don't cry, there will be something to eat soon."

She saw smoke rising from a kitchen not far away, which meant that someone lived there. She was determined, no matter what, she should find something to eat for Yan'er, because she needed food herself, otherwise she would run out of energy and leave. They can't move.

So, Lian Lingyue hugged Lian Yan and walked all the way to a house along the smoke.

The house is on the hillside, and there are chickens in the yard at the door. An old lady is coming out of the house, holding a dustpan in her hand.

Very good!
Lian Lingyue hurriedly stepped forward, stood outside the yard, and said, "Auntie, my brother and I went to visit relatives, and we got lost in the front. My brother was hungry and crying, so I came to you to ask for something to eat, okay?"

The aunt heard the cry of the child, and saw Lian Lingyue's dusty and dusty face.

Lian Lingyue said quickly, "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I won't go in, I'll just stand here, can you give me something to eat? Please."

She was afraid that her aunt was afraid of a stranger who appeared suddenly, with a smile on her face, but her eyes couldn't help getting wet.

How long can you survive by begging like this?It's really sad, Lian Yan is so young, he's hungry all day long.

"Girl, come in, I don't think your brother is hungry, you are hungry too, come in quickly."

Fortunately, the aunt warmly invited her in after being surprised at first.

Lian Lingyue was overjoyed, thinking, it's really great, there is no unparalleled road.

She hurriedly opened the door and walked in. The aunt welcomed her into the room and said, "You came just in time. I cooked meals for two people today, but my old man went up the mountain and hasn't come back yet. I guess it is I went to my old brother's house to drink, so you can eat this."

Lian Lingyue saw that there was porridge, rice, sweet potatoes, and some side dishes on the table.

She immediately salivated, her stomach growled, and she hadn't eaten for a few days.

"Thank you, thank you auntie, thank you!" She quickly thanked, untied Lian Yan from her body, put him on a chair and sat on it, and quickly fed him some porridge to stop her crying.

"Girl, you're hungry too, don't patronize your younger brother, you can eat too, I'll feed your younger brother for you." Seeing that even Lingyue was pitiful, the aunt showed kindness.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Lian Lingyue quickly bowed deeply.

The aunt helped Wei Lianyan, and she quickly ate on the table. At the beginning, although she was very hungry, she ate carefully. After all, it was someone else's food, so she was too embarrassed to eat too much. A lot, besides, it was the uncle of the family who came back suddenly, and she ate all his food, how embarrassing she was.

"You can eat more, it's okay." The aunt seemed to see her concerns, and brought her a big steamed bun and put it in a bowl.

"Thank you!" She picked up the big steamed bun and ate it with big mouthfuls.

She never knew that steamed buns are so delicious, they are simply delicious in the world.

While eating, he glanced at Lian Yan, he stopped crying when he had food, and cooperated with the aunt obediently, and even smiled when he saw Lian Lingyue looking at him.

Lian Lingyue suddenly felt that she was not afraid of any hardships!

"Girl, are you going to Youzhou to find relatives? You are not a local, you are from somewhere else. Where is your relative in Youzhou City? If you can't find them, I can let my son accompany you Go." The kind aunt said.

"What, You, Youzhou?" Lian Lingyue was taken aback, and the steamed bun in his hand fell into the bowl with a snap.

"That's right, Youzhou City is at most ten miles away." The aunt said.

Youzhou, Youzhou...

In this way, she took a wrong turn. Not only did she not get closer to the Central Plains, but she got closer to Youzhou.

God, how do I go back here?

Seeing her suddenly in a daze, the aunt asked, "What's wrong with the girl?"

After a long while, Lian Lingyue came back to her senses and said, "I went in the wrong direction." She looked at Lian Yan who was eating steamed buns, and suddenly felt that her whole life was dark.

The Central Plains is getting farther and farther away from them, their home is getting farther and farther away, and their relatives are even more out of reach.

Because they went the wrong way, they must have avoided the people who came to them.

Frustrated, really depressed.

I feel that the roads these days have been gone in vain, and the hardships these days have been eaten in vain.

The whole person feels like being hollowed out, maybe, there is no way to return to the Central Plains in this life.

"Going in the wrong direction, where should you go?" asked the aunt.

"I, I... I'm really useless!" She didn't tell the aunt where she was going to avoid increasing the danger.

"Don't worry, girl, I think you've been walking for a few days, and I'm just resting here today. I'll figure out how to go tomorrow, and then go on the road." The aunt said.

Lian Lingyue was very moved immediately, and said, "Thank you so much, I will remember this kindness."

"I see you as a little girl, with a younger brother, and begging for food everywhere. I really feel sorry for you. You can just stay for one night. I will give you some dry food to take with you on the road tomorrow." The aunt said.

"Thank you, thank you!" Lian Lingyue really didn't know how to express her gratitude except saying thank you sentence by sentence.

"Hurry up and go home tomorrow. You lost two children at once. Your family should be in a hurry. After eating today, go wash up and go to bed early."

The aunt also found her old clothes for Lian Lingyue.

The clothes came just right, the clothes on her body were too eye-catching, and she looked more like an ordinary person in the aunt's clothes.

That night, my aunt tidied up the utility room in the house, laid a board and an old quilt on the floor.

However, for Lian Lingyue, it was simply too good.

Running away these days, when she and Lian Yan were sleepy, they just found a place to sit and sleep. When it was cold at night, they hugged each other tightly. Now that she can lie down and have a quilt, it is better than anything else.

After the aunt left, Lian Lingyue lay on the board with Yan'er in her arms, watching the moonlight coming in from the small window, she murmured:
"Yan'er, tell me, when can we go back to the capital and see my sister?"

Lian Yan ignored her and sat aside, playing with a small piece of wood in his hand.

Lian Lingyue sighed deeply, and said, "I'm really afraid that I won't be able to go back with you, and now we've reached the boundary of Youzhou."

As she spoke, she pulled the quilt to cover herself and Lian Yan, and said, "Forget it, it's still the same, and it's useless to feel sorry for it. It's better to have a good sleep first, so that you can get enough energy and go on the road tomorrow."

Lian Lingyue hugged Lian Yan, slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep. This was the most solid sleep she had in so many days.

In the dream, she also saw a young man galloping on a horse, waving the whip in his hand recklessly, with a bright smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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