First-class daughter

Chapter 972 Don't Ask Too Much

Chapter 972 Don't Ask Too Much
Chapter 972 Don't Ask Too Much
When will these turbulent days end?

On the road.

Lian Yan was a little hungry, so she took out a piece of dry food from the bag on her chest, threw it into the basket behind her, and let Lian Yan eat it by herself.

Along the way, many of the captured girls were crying in fear, and the officers and soldiers yelled loudly.

Lian Lingyue carefully observed these people. These people who were arrested were very young, and they seemed to be unmarried.

She thought to herself:
This place is not far from Youzhou, how dare these people grab innocent people so openly and serve as slaves to their master, who has a lot of background.

Who could it be from Youzhou?

Originally, after arriving in Youzhou, Lian Siyue wanted to see what Youzhou looked like, but when they first entered Youzhou City, the eyes of these women were covered up with black cloth one by one.

The hands were tied up with ropes and tied together one by one, not knowing where they would go.

Except for Lian Lingyue, the rest were so frightened that they cried.

When the leading officer said that if he cried again, he would cut it off, no one dared to cry out.

But there are still people who say they are afraid and want to go home.

I don't know how long they walked, and I don't know where they went. Lian Lingyue felt that they had entered a big house.Because she vaguely heard the voices of some people, and also heard the subtle sounds of the accessories on her head when someone was walking.

"Stand up, come and remove the cloth from their eyes." At this time, the leader said in a rough voice.

Lian Lingyue felt that the cloth strips from her eyes were roughly ripped off.

She closed her eyes, then opened them—

She guessed right, they arrived in a big house, and this house is very grand, it looks like a big family.

In front of her was a row of neatly dressed maids, and standing in the middle was a nanny with a very ferocious face. She glanced at everyone in front of her indifferently, and said:

"It's your good fortune to catch you here, whoever cries again, I'll let the dog bite her to death!" I saw that the people next to me moved away, and there was a young servant holding a very vicious dog in his hand.
The dog barked at them so loudly that no one else dared to speak.

But Lian Lingyue quickly put down the basket on her back, hugged Lian Yan, and tightly covered his eyes and ears to prevent him from being a terrible vicious dog.

When the nanny saw that there was a child with a child in the crowd, she was stunned and asked. "What's the matter, what the young master wants is a clean place, how can you get someone with a child?"

After hearing this, Lian Lingyue tightened her hands and hugged Lian Yan even tighter.

The leader hurriedly said, "Nurse, because she looks the best, and judging by her appearance, this child does not belong to her. You look clumsy with the child."

"Turn around and raise your head to show me." Seeing Lian Lingyue bowing her head, the nanny ordered.

Lian Lingyue said, "Okay, but let someone take the dog away first, I'm afraid I'll scare my child."

What she heard these people talking about was that their young master needed a clean woman, so if she gave birth to a child, they would not want him and would drive her away.So she said "my child"

The nanny didn't expect that Lian Lingyue would dare to speak like this, but she still turned around and gave orders to her servant, and the servant took the dog away.

Lian Lingyue turned around and lowered her head, not wanting to look at the dazzling picture in front of her.

The mother sized her up and said, "Sure enough, she looks as shameless as a fish and a wild goose, but..." Her face darkened, and she asked Lian Lingyue again, "This child really belongs to you."

"Of course it's mine, otherwise why would I take him with me." Lian Lingyue hugged Lian Yan tightly and said.

Mammy looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Why did you take the baby alone?"

"I came to visit relatives, and got separated." Lian Lingyue said.

"Where are your relatives?" Mammy asked again.

"I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't be here." She said, touching her tears secretly, and said, "My child, it's so pitiful, it's all in my arms."

Seeing Lian Lingyue crying, Lian Yan started to cry too.

"Come here!" the nanny said suddenly, "I'll know if this child looks like you were born, and whether it was born by you or not. Take her into the room and I'll check it out."

Upon hearing this, Lian Lingyue stood up abruptly and asked, "What do you want to check?"

As soon as she said those words, Mammy smiled and said, "Sure enough, she has never given birth, and she doesn't even know what to check."

When Lian Lingyue heard this, she realized that she had been fooled.

She has never given birth to a child, so naturally she doesn't have this kind of vigilance. When the nun said she wanted to check, she couldn't help but blurt out.

"Come here, the rest of the people will be settled, whether they will be slaves or sold, we will make arrangements later." The nanny said, glanced at Lian Lingyue, and said, "Bring her here."

Therefore, Lian Lingyue was taken behind the nanny, and Lian Yan was put in a basket, which was carried by two maids.

Lian Lingyue looked around and asked, "Where is this place? You can always tell me, anyway, there are more than a dozen of you watching me, and I can't escape."

She thought, she must know her whereabouts before she can make up her mind. "

The mother said with a proud smile on her face, "Hehe, girl, you are blessed. This is the Jin family in Youzhou. This is the largest family in Youzhou."

The Kim family?

Of course Lian Lingyue didn't know about this, so she asked again, "You always say that I am blessed, what kind of blessing is it, can you tell me, so that I can have a clear idea and save myself from seeing you later?" Young master, you behaved badly and bumped into her, so you are responsible for bringing me in, so you will also be punished."

Mammy stopped, glanced at her, and said, "You are not stupid, you are very smart. Let me tell you, our young master wants to find a young lady. You look very good, and you must be well dressed. It was astonishing.”

When Lian Lingyue heard this, she was taken aback for a moment—to marry?
"No, you said that the Jin family is the largest family in Youzhou City. The Jin family is a wealthy family at first glance. Your young master wants to find a young wife. Why do you have to go outside to snatch it? In Youzhou City, who do you like? Just go to propose marriage."

Lian Lingyue heard the inconsistency in what the nanny said, so she said.

Mammy's complexion changed, and she said, "Anyway, you'll know it when you see it. Don't ask questions now. If you ask too much, if you know too much, it won't do you any good!"

(End of this chapter)

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