First-class daughter

Chapter 973 Windfall

Chapter 973 Windfall
Chapter 973 Windfall
Hearing this, Lian Lingyue became more suspicious.

"Remember, my name is Nanny Man, and I will take care of all the minions of the Jin family. If the young master takes a fancy to you later, you will be my master. If you don't, you can stay here and do your job." Slave, I am your master, it all depends on your good fortune." The person called Man Nuo said.

Lian Lingyue's heart trembled, and a deep coldness made her tremble all over.

No, no, she can't marry such a young master who has never met.

"Take her in to freshen up." Sister Man ordered.

"Yes" several maids came over and said.

"No, my brother, my brother must be within my line of sight." Lian Lingyue said quickly, she was very worried about what they would do to Hui Yan'er when she was not around.

"Don't worry, I'll take your brother with you first. Be obedient and don't play tricks. When the young master finishes seeing you, I'll return your brother to you." Nanny Man said, and asked Lian Lingyue to take him away. Into a room.

When she came out, she had already changed into the clothes of a Khitan woman, washed up, and her whole body had returned to its original appearance.

Mammy looked at it and said, "You really have a good face." "

"Where's my brother?" Lian Lingyue asked.

"With me, don't worry, you go to see the young master first, and I will never hurt a child. Besides, you may become my master, how could I hurt you so easily?" Brother, if you become the master, you don't want to settle accounts with me after Qiu." Nurse Man said.

So, Lian Lingyue was taken away from this place, through corridors one by one, through the rockery, and across the pond.

The scenery in this house is very beautiful, of course she is not in the mood to appreciate it, she just wants to see what kind of person this young master is, and she has been praying deeply in her heart, don't fall in love with her, absolutely Don't fall in love with her.

Being a slave and still having a chance to escape, and becoming someone else's young lady, how would she go?
After walking for a while, I finally reached the outside of a room.

"Let's inform the young master that the girl is here," said the maid.

Two maids guarding the door stepped forward and opened the door——

"Go in, the young master is inside." The maid said.

"Wait." Lian Lingyue asked, "What's your young master's name?"

"The young master's surname is Jin, and the single name is a word." The maid replied.

"Jin Wu?" Lian Lingyue repeated.

"Don't call the young master's name directly!" The maid on the side reminded.

Lian Lingyue lifted her foot and walked into the house.

She looked forward and saw a person lying on the bed with an ugly face.

Lian Lingyue was taken aback, is she a patient?Let her marry such a patient?She understood, no wonder she didn't go to someone to propose marriage, but relied on robbing, it turned out to be the reason.

She took a closer look, and it turned out that Jin Wu had a broken leg, no wonder he looked so resentful, a big man can't do anything without legs.

Jin Wu glanced at Lian Lingyue and said, "Come closer, I can't see you clearly."

Lian Lingyue walked over step by step.

Jin Wu finally saw Lian Lingyue's face clearly, but he couldn't help wondering in his mind, saying——

"Who are you? Why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere?" However, I couldn't remember all of a sudden, and I always felt that I had seen someone who looked similar to her, and where did I see it?

When Lian Lingyue heard this, she suddenly thumped. If she felt deja vu, would he...

"What's your name?" Jin Wu asked.

"My name is Ah Yue." Lian Lingyue replied.

"What's your last name?" Jin Wu asked.

"I, actually, I don't know my surname. Some people say my surname is Wang, and some say my surname is Li. I really don't know what my surname is." Lian Lingyue said deliberately.

"Where's the family?" Jin Wu asked.

"Family..." Lian Lingyue thought of the tragedy of Lian's family in his mind, tears welled up, and said, "All my family members died, only me and my brother are left."

What she said was the truth, so the tears that fell were also real tears, which were truly emotional.

"That's just right, there's no trouble, let's choose a date to get married, when the time comes, let my parents give you a name, just find a few people to pretend to be your parents." Jin Wu said.

"But..." Lian Lingyue paused and said, "Master, aren't you afraid of being restrained?"

"What do you mean? Being restrained?" Jin Wu was stunned and asked.

"Everyone in my family is dead, and I really want to settle down, because it is really tiring for me to take care of my brother alone. If the young master is willing to marry me, it will be great. I will never have to carry my brother around in the future. I'm leaving to ask for a living. But, but I think about it, I can't harm the young master and your family."

As she spoke, Lian Lingyue's tears fell again, and she choked up while wiping her tears.

"Because I was born in February, and my hand lines are not good. The fortune-teller told my family from the time I was born that I am the disaster star of February, and I will kill my parents and brothers in the future. The fortune-teller also said I asked my parents to send me away, but my parents were reluctant to part with me and insisted on keeping me by their side, saying that they did not believe in this evil spirit. As a result, dozens of members of our family died in a fire, and only my brother and I were left. My brother was saved from being burned because he was playing with me. It turns out that I am really a disaster star, and I will kill people close to me. I really wish that I was the one who died, not my family members."

She began to cry as she spoke.

Jin Wu was taken aback, how could this happen?
"You're lying, because you don't want to marry me, a disabled person!" Jin Wu suddenly looked angry, grabbed his leg, rolled off the bed, and cursed, "Xiao He, you are all You, Xiao He, you made me like this, I must kill you to vent my anger!"

The person who was pretending to cry over there suddenly heard Jin Wu yelling these two words, her whole body trembled, and she suddenly raised her head.


Jin Wu was talking about Xiao He?
Is it the Xiao He she knows?

Lian Lingyue's heart suddenly jumped, but she immediately hid her thoughts.

Seeing Jin Wu fall to the ground, she hurried over and said, "Master, I didn't lie to you, I really didn't lie to you, otherwise, I am a girl, why bother to run around with my brother, begging for food, because my family People are all gone. If you don't believe it, it doesn't matter if you marry me."

Jin Wu raised his head and looked at her fiercely with evil eyes.

Lian Lingyue immediately said, "Young master can keep me if you want, just keep me here as a servant girl, just don't marry me, I, I really think about the young master."

Her eyes were very sincere, her tone was very sincere, and she didn't seem to be lying at all.

(End of this chapter)

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